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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ D ] / Did you hear her

Did you hear her Çeviri Fransızca

177 parallel translation
Did you hear her?
Vous entendez ça?
Did you hear her?
Tu as entendu?
Oh! Did you hear her, Eva?
Tu entends, Eva?
Did you hear her? Get out.
Did you hear her?
Tu l'as entendue? - Oui.
Did you hear her when I announced we were voting ourselves bonuses?
Vous l'avez entendue quand j'ai annoncé que nous allions fixer le montant des primes?
"Don't stay out too late." Did you hear her?
"Ne rentre pas trop tard." Tu l'entends?
Did you hear her?
Quelle ingratitude!
- Did you hear her talk to anyone?
– Vous l'avez entendue parler?
- Did you hear her?
- Tu l'as entendue?
Did you hear her? She was practically crying.
Elle avait des sanglots dans la voix.
Did you hear her, Tom?
Tu n'as pas entendu?
Did you hear her bless me?
L'avez-vous entendue me bénir?
Did you hear her?
- Tu as entendue?
Did you hear her?
Vous l'avez entendue?
Did you hear her?
Tu l'as entendu?
Did you hear her?
Vous avez entendu?
- Did you hear her come in last night?
- Tu l'as entendue rentrer hier soir?
Did you hear her voice? Hes?
T'as entendu?
Did you ever hear Kinney speak of being married to her?
Vous n'avez jamais entendu dire à Kinney qu'il était marié avec elle?
Did you hear what her name was?
Tu as entendu son nom? Bien sûr.
Then Katrine did hear her that night when Johanna... And you must've heard her too.
Katrine a entendu Azilde cette nuit-là... et toi aussi.
Did you hear me? About her I noticed.
J'ai remarqué ça chez elle.
Did you ever hear of her?
Tu as entendu parler d'elle?
When did you first hear of her?
la première fois qu'on t'a parlé d'elle
Did you hear him say that to her?
L'avez-vous entendu dire?
Did you ever hear the story of the old woman who shook her head at the family so much that it fell off, right on the table?
Tu connais l'histoire de la vieille femme qui hochait tellement la tête qu'un jour, elle est tombée sur la table?
Before Mrs. James went to her cash drawer, did you hear this man say something, Mrs. James?
Avez-vous entendu ce que l'homme lui a dit?
Oh, that reminds me. Did you hear about the chap who asked the girl if she wanted her whisky and solver?
Tu connais celle du gars qui offre à une fille un "whisky-sofa"?
Did you know I could hear the scratching of her fingernails on the casket lid?
J'ai entendu ses ongles gratter le couvercle du cercueil.
Where did you hear about her?
Où as-tu entendu parler d'elle?
Did you hear her scream?
Vous avez entendu les cris?
Did you hear she passed her check-up with flying colours?
Elle a passé sa visite chez le pédiatre avec succès.
Hey, uh, listen, did you hear the one I'm doing in the show, about a guy walks in the elevator and there's a naked broad there, and he says to her,
Tu as entendu la blague que je raconte sur scène, un type qui entre dans l'ascenseur, il y a une femme nue et il lui dit
Did you ever hear her say Mr. Kramer was insensitive to his son's needs?
Disait-elle que M. Kramer n'était pas à l'écoute de son fils?
Did you hear the one where he tried to run her lover over?
Vous saviez qu'il a essayé d'écraser sa rivale?
Did you actually hear her voice on the phone?
Tu as entendu sa voix?
I bought it from a local artist, Kiki Bridges. Did you ever hear of her?
Fait par une artiste locale, Kiki Bridges.
Did you hear me? Off with her head!
- Vous entendez?
Hi. Did I hear Miss Ochs say you were one of her students?
J'ai entendu Mlle Ochs dire que vous étiez un de ses élèves?
I wasn't in the room. - Did you hear him beat her?
- Vous l'avez entendu la frapper?
Did you hear me dedicate a song to her?
Tu m'as entendue, lui dédier une chanson?
- Did you hear what happened to her?
Tu as entendu ce qui est arrivé à Mme Ceizler?
Oh God, did you hear about her family?
Oh mon dieu, tu as entendu parler de sa famille?
- Did you hear what he said? When did you see her last?
Tu l'as vue quand?
Did you not hear her?
Tu n'as pas entendu?
You did not hear her scream?
Vous l'avez entendue crier?
- Did you hear about her old school?
- Vous savez pour son ancienne école?
Did you hear from her again?
Vous avez eu des nouvelles?
Did you hear her voice?
What did you want to tell her even I would like to hear it.
Qu'est-ce que tu as voulu lui dire, je voudrais l'entendre aussi.

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