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Did you hear him Çeviri Fransızca

244 parallel translation
Did you hear him?
Vous l'avez entendu?
- Did you hear him, Barabbas?
- L " as-tu entendu, Barabbas?
Did you hear him? "Wait!"
Vous l'avez entendu? "Attendez!"
Did you hear him do any more talking to that girl?
L'avez-vous de nouveau entendu parler avec cette fille?
Did you hear him, Whitey?
Tu l'as entendu, Whitey?
Did you hear him? We all have to agree. Right.
C'est nous qui devons nous mettre d'accord.
Fitz, did you hear him say he smells'em?
T'as entendu dire qu'il les flaire?
Did you hear him say that to her?
L'avez-vous entendu dire?
- Did you hear him?
- Vous l'entendez votre camarade?
Wha  s that the man said? Did you hear him?
Vous l'avez entendu?
Did you hear him?
Tu as entendu?
Did you hear him laughing?
Tu l'as entendu rire?
Did you hear him?
Tu l'as entendu?
- Did you hear him?
- Il parle à qui?
- Did you hear him, Barabbas?
- L'as-tu entendu, Barabbas?
Did you hear him?
Que se passe-t-il, ici?
Did you hear him, he appeals to the Pope.
Ne l'avez-vous pas entendu, il en appelle au Pape.
Did you hear him joke about compassion?
Avez-vous vu comme il se moque de la compassion?
Did you hear? Did you hear him say he'd pay for the call?
Il a bien dit qu'il payerait la communication?
Warden, did you hear him?
Vous avez entendu?
He knows us, did you hear him.
- Il nous connaît.
- Did you hear him?
- Tu as entendu ça?
But when did you hear him?
Tu l'as entendu quand?
Did you hear him, Lopakhin? That's the way they work.
T'entends, Lopakhine, comment on procède chez eux?
Everyone's yelling at me. Did you hear him?
Tout le monde m'engueule, ici.
Did you hear him call the Auvergne?
Je dis bien entendu, téléphoner à l'Auvergnat?
- Did you hear him? - Yeah!
- Vous l'avez entendu?
Did you hear him?
L'avez-vous entendu?
Did you hear him?
- Vous l'avez entendu?
I wasn't in the room. - Did you hear him beat her?
- Vous l'avez entendu la frapper?
Did you not hear him tell me about his home in Cumberland?
M'avez-vous entendu parler de sa maison dans le Cumberland?
Well, did you not hear him ask my promise that if he did not return, I would tell his parents what had happened?
M'avez-vous entendu lui promettre que s'il ne revenait pas... j'irais tout raconter à ses parents?
Sheriff, did you ever hear about the fix a man was in... when he was comin'down the road with a pitchfork on his shoulder... and a farmer's dog ran out and bit him on the leg?
Avez-vous entendu parler de cet homme qui se promenait avec une fourche à la main et s'est fait mordre par un chien?
Did you hear what I said to him, Lizzie?
Vous savez ce que j'ai dit?
- Did you really hear him holler?
- Tu l'as vraiment entendu crier?
Where did you hear about him?
- D'où sors-tu ce nom?
Did you hear what that sergeant said? I'd like to talk to him again.
Car il y a le sergent...
When did you hear about him?
Quand as-tu entendu parler de lui?
Did you hear from him again, since he left?
- As-tu eu de ses nouvelles?
For instance, when the psychiatrist asked me how I felt about Raymond Shaw, how I personally felt about him, and how the whole patrol felt about him, did you hear what I said?
Quand le psychiatre a insisté pour connaître mes sentiments à l'égard de Raymond, et ceux de la patrouille dans son ensemble, vous avez entendu?
Did you hear him?
Did you hear of him?
Avez-vous entendu parler de lui?
Did you hear what that man called him?
Avez-vous entendu comment l'homme l'a... l'a appelé?
- Did I hear you call him Dr McCoy?
- Vous l'avez appelé Dr McCoy?
Did you hear that? Kill him?
Vous entendez ça? "Que je le tue."
Through the gales of hysterical laughter, did I hear him propose to you?
A travers les rires, l'ai-je entendu te faire une proposition?
You did hear him talk about collecting a huge hunk of money.
Tu l'as entendu parler de ramasser plein d'argent.
- How did you hear about him?
- Où en avez-vous entendu parler?
Erik, did you hear what I just asked him?
Tu sais ce que je lui ai demandé?
Did you hear about the switchblade? Buddy was going to try and knife Jerry before the fight, butJerry picked his locker and got to the knife before him.
Tu as entendu parler de son cran d'arrêt? { \ fs72 \ b0 \ cHFFFFFF } mais Jerry a trouvé le couteau dans son casier avant lui.
You could hear him for blocks, screaming at it to shut up, beating at it with his fists and sticking candles up it, but... nothing did any good, and the asshole said to him,
On entendait le type lui hurler de la fermer. Il le cognait à coups de poing, il s'enfilait des bougies... En vain.

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