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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ D ] / Did you hear it

Did you hear it Çeviri Fransızca

483 parallel translation
- Did you hear it?
- Vous avez entendu?
Did you hear it?
Vous avez entendu ça?
That whistle may mean something. Did you hear it?
Ce sifflement a peut-être une signification.
Did you hear it?
Vous avez entendu?
There's a kiss. Did you hear it?
C'était un baiser, tu as entendu?
Did you hear it?
- Tu as entendu?
- How did you hear it?
- Comment Ie sais-tu?
Colonel, did you hear it?
Colonel, vous avez entendu ça?
What's that melody? Where did you hear it?
Où avez-vous entendu cet air?
Master, did you hear it?
Maître, avez-vous entendu?
Did you hear it?
Avez-vous entendu?
Did you hear it?
Tu as entendu?
Did you hear it?
Tu as entendu ça?
Did you hear it?
Vous avez entendu? Le son est bon.
Did you hear how she said it?
Tu as entendu ce qu'elle a dit?
Did I scare you? Admit it : You didn't hear me coming.
Je t'ai fait peur?
Hey! Did you ever hear a tune on a harmonica called "A Fox Chase"... with the dogs and everything in it?
Vous connaissez un air d'harmonica qui s'appelle "La chasse à courre"... avec des jappements de chiens?
Say, did you ever hear a fella play a harmonica three different ways... and end up playing it with his nose?
Vous avez déjà vu quelqu'un jouer de l'harmonica de 3 façons différentes... et finir par en jouer avec son nez?
- Did you ever hear of it?
- Vous connaissez?
Private dining room number 6, but you did not hear it from me.
mais je n'ai rien dit.
Did you hear it?
Vous entendez?
Did you hear about it, Grandpa?
Vous êtes au courant?
It doesn ´ t work! Did you hear that?
Vous avez entendu ça?
- Did you ever hear of it? - Hm-hmm.
- Tu connais?
- Did you hear about it too?
- Je ne...
- Why, where did you hear about it? - Where didn't I hear about it!
Il y aura des tables de jeu le soir du bal?
What did you hear, Brunton? Your brother and Miss Sally were going at it hammer and tongues about Captain Vickery, I mean.
Qu'avez-vous entendu? Votre frère et Mlle Sally étaient en pleine querelle au sujet du capitaine Vickery.
- What did you expect... guilty! I didn't hear the verdict, what as it?
Now, did you really decide to call it off or did you just tell me that because you knew I wanted to hear it?
Vouliez-vous vraiment rompre vos fiançailles? Ou me l'avez-vous dit car je désirais l'entendre?
- Rose, did you hear a scream? - Yes, it's Tootie!
Rose, tu as entendu crier?
It's your funeral, Pop. Did you hear that?
Ça vous regarde?
- Yes, I was surprised to hear you did it.
Surprenant de votre part.
You didn't hear a word of it, did you?
Vous n'avez pas entendu un mot que j'ai dit, n'est-ce pas?
Did you hear about it?
Tu es au courant?
I tried to tell you, lutie, but you didn't hear it, did you?
J'ai essayé de vous le dire, Lutie, Mais vous ne l'avez pas entendu
Did you ever hear it rumble for hunger?
Vous l'avez déjà entendu crier famine?
How did you hear he turned it down?
Comment sais-tu qu'iI a refusé?
You didn't, by any chance hear... that it's kind of cold and a little on the wet side, did you?
On t'a jamais dit que c'était froid et même humide?
- Yeah, did you ever hear of it?
Vous connaissez?
- How did you hear about it?
- Comment le savez-vous?
When did you hear about it?
- Vous le saviez?
Did you ever hear the story of the old woman who shook her head at the family so much that it fell off, right on the table?
Tu connais l'histoire de la vieille femme qui hochait tellement la tête qu'un jour, elle est tombée sur la table?
I found one on an island called Rangdavi in the Melanesians. - Did you ever hear of it?
J'ai trouvé l'île de Rangavi, en Mélanésie...
It'll keep us warm, anyway. How far did you say you could hear that thing?
Ça nous réchauffera, de toute façon.
Let's hear it. Hello, Pierre. Did you trip?
Bonsoir, Pierre. T'es tombée?
Did you ever hear of anyone buying any product, beer, hair rinse, tissue because they respect it?
Les gens n'achètent pas de la bière, du savon ou du shampooing parce qu'ils les respectent.
Did you hear it?
As-tu entendu?
But you make it sound as though I did. I can hear it myself.
Et à vous entendre, on dirait que oui.
- Did you hear that? - Sure I did. But what I got to see, it's better than nothing at all.
Pourtant ce que j'ai vu, c'est mieux que rien.
Did you hear about it?
Tu savais ca?

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