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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Had enough

Had enough Çeviri Fransızca

7,229 parallel translation
PLT, he's had enough of this.
PLT en a assez.
Scythe have had enough now.
Scythe en a eu pour son compte.
Daniel : Well, I had enough of it.
Eh bien, j'en avais assez.
She's had enough of the noise.
Elle en a assez, de ce vacarme.
I guess she just had enough.
Je suppose qu'elle en a eu marre.
- You've had enough, cheeky chops.
- Tu en a eu assez, insolente.
When you've had enough, you've had enough.
Et puis quand on n'a plus envie, on n'a plus envie.
Carlo, I don't think they've had enough to...
Carlo, je pense qu'ils n'ont pas assez de...
" Came with a Brazilian who had had enough of her.
" venue avec un Brésilien qui en avait assez d'elle.
- You had enough?
- T'en as eu assez?
I think I've had enough turmoil for one day.
Je crois que la journée a été suffisamment agitée.
I think I've had enough of those for like ten lifetimes.
J'en ai eu carrément assez des choses comme ça.
I think we've had enough judgment for today.
Je pense que nous avons assez jugé pour aujourd'hui.
'I've had enough!
J'en ai marre!
No more e-mails and phone calls, I had enough.
Plus d'emails, plus d'appels. J'en avais assez.
Just about had enough of you two.
J'en ai eu assez de vous deux.
It lost velocity on the way, but it still had enough to hit the door.
Elle a perdu de la vitesse au passage mais elle a pu toucher la porte.
- Let me know when you had enough.
- Dis-moi quand tu en auras marre.
I've had enough of this.
J'en ai assez.
She's had enough!
Elle en a eu assez!
I think I've had enough.
Je pense que j'en ai eu assez.
I thought Alex had enough to do the job.
Je croyais qu'Alex en avait assez pour faire le travail.
I would offer you coffee, but I think you've had enough.
Je t'offrirai bien un café, mais je crois que tu en as bu assez.
I've had enough, Laura.
J'en ai marre, Laura.
- you've had enough.
- Tu en as eu assez.
I've had enough.
Oui, j'en ai eu assez.
OK, all right, all right, come on. I've had enough.
- J'en ai eu assez.
I think you've had enough to drink.
Je pense que t'as assez bu.
Unless you've had enough.
A moins que tu en ai assez.
There's no shame in saying you've had enough, in stopping the fight if you're hurt. That Mongoose man...
Il n'y avait pas de honte à dire que tu en avais assez, à arrêter de se battre si tu avais mal.
We've had plenty of, uh, negro participants since arriving at Buell Green, and while negro sexuality wasn't our focus at Maternity, we had enough subjects to warrant a control group.
Nous avons eu beaucoup de sujets nègres depuis notre arrivée, et si la sexualité nègre n'était pas notre prédilection avant, nous avons assez de données pour faire un groupe témoin.
We've had enough gunfire to last us a lifetime.
On en a assez de ces coups de feu qui dure toute une vie
If I had enough strength to kill you now, I would.
Si j'avais assez de force pour te tuer, je le ferais.
I was all she had and I wasn't good enough.
J'étais tout ce qu'elle avait. Je n'étais pas assez bon.
I've had just about enough of this attitude where kids can't be friends with their moms.
J'en ai assez de cette attitude qui empêche un enfant d'être proche de sa mère.
I had read your file often enough.
J'ai souvent lu votre dossier.
They had nothing but time in here to plan it, so he's been out long enough to source the snakes and the victim.
Ils avaient tout le temps nécessaire pour planifier tout ça, il est dehors depuis assez longtemps pour trouver les serpents et la victime.
It was like Aaron had been striking a match and it was being blown out, striking another one, and it was being blown out, and finally he'd managed to catch enough kindling that the flame actually caught,
C'était comme si Aaron avait, disons, allumé une allumette et qu'elle ait été soufflée, allumé une autre, et qu'elle ait été soufflée, et finalement, il a réussi à avoir suffisamment de carburant pour que la flamme prenne
My life wasn't bad enough already, you had to make it worse.
Ma vie n'était pas si mauvaise déjà, tu devais la rendre pire.
I think the vest had enough.
Je pense que le veston en a eu assez.
But the man I married, the man I had a child with, he was foolish enough [Sighs] To think he lived in a world where...
Mais l'homme que j'ai épousé, l'homme avec qui j'ai eu un enfant, il était assez stupide pour penser qu'il vivait dans un monde où...
'Sides, if you had good enough reason to run us out of here, you'd have done it already.
De plus, si vous aviez une assez raison de nous faire fuir, vous l'auriez déjà fait.
I had to come to terms with the fact that there are not enough animals for the global demand for meat and had doubts on dairy as well.
J'ai dû accepter le fait qu'on ne pouvait pas élever assez d'animaux pour répondre aux besoins en viande, et j'avais des doutes sur le secteur laitier.
I'm sorry we had to take over your helicopter bay, but it was the only space large enough to accommodate our lab.
Désolée d'occuper votre héliport, c'était le seul endroit assez vaste pour notre labo.
My friends had counted on me to get them this far, and there was no turning back. # What's good enough it was our time.
Mes amis avaient compté sur moi pour que je les amène jusqu'ici et on ne pouvait pas renoncer.
Even if we had more time, we'd never get close enough to rescue him.
Même si on avait plus de temps, on rassemblerait jamais assez pour le sauver.
I had enough of that growing up.
Ne me rappelle pas les règles d'Alan.
It was bad enough they felt they had to keep her overnight.
Mais ils ont estimé plus prudent de la garder pour une nuit.
He had the nerve to come over here and tell me that I'm not green enough.
Il a l'audace de venir me dire que je ne suis pas assez écologique.
Problem is, I'm glad I had that with Tara, but it ain't enough.
Le problème c'est que je suis contente d'avoir eu ça avec Tara,
Bill thought that we were ready to present to the faculty, and I said we had not done enough to prepare them for what they were about to hear, let alone the sight of a pulsating vagina on a projection screen.
Bill pensait que nous étions prêts à faire la présentation à la faculté et je lui ai dit que nous ne les avions pas assez préparé à ce qu'ils allaient entendre, sans parler de la vue d'un vagin trépidant sur un écran de projection.

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