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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Have you seen that

Have you seen that Çeviri Fransızca

1,455 parallel translation
- Hmm. Have you seen that thing?
- Vous l'avez vu?
Have you seen that girl?
Tu l'as vue un peu?
- Have you seen that? - Look at this movie...
Vous avez vu ça?
Have you seen that tape?
Vous avez regardé la cassette?
Have you seen that little stray cat that's been hanging around our house?
Tu as vu ce petit chat errant qui traîne autour de la maison?
- Have you seen that one?
- As-tu vu celui-là?
Bring down the camera. Have you seen that it's snowing?
Monsieur, vous avez vu, il neige?
You see, John, what distinguishes you is that you are, quite simply, the best natural code-breaker I have ever seen.
John, ce qui vous distingue de tous les autres, c'est le fait que vous êtes de loin le meilleur décrypteur naturel que j'aie jamais rencontré.
Close your eyes... and everything that you've seen... all this... will have just been a dream.
Ferme les yeux, et tout ce que tu as vu, tout ça, ne sera qu'un rêve.
- Of course. I have never seen you wear something like that before.
Si... mais c'est la première fois que je te vois avec une chemise.
You both know that Lee was going to resign after the charter ratification, but have you seen his resignation speech?
Vous savez tous les deux que Lee allait démissionner après la ratification de la charte, mais avez-vous vu son discours de démission?
But that was the only fight I've seen you guys have anyway.
C'est la seule dispute à laquelle j'aie assistée
Have you ever seen anything like that?
Avez-vous jamais vu une chose semblable?
And we channel that energy through those conduits over there, they lead to the two large glowing cylinders you may have seen on the outside of the ship.
Energie que nous canalisons dans ces conduits... qui mènent aux 2 énormes cylindres à l'arrière du vaisseau.
You keep claiming these creatures don't exist, but the rest of us have all seen them. That's a little strange, don't you think?
Vous dites qu'on rêve mais on les a tous vus sauf vous.
And these fanatics that run your school... are the ones that write the letters to the fancy colleges... saying things like,'Hey, she's keen, look at her.' Or,'Have you seen the'I'tattooed on her forehead?
Et tous ces psychorigides qui dirigent ton école devront recommander les élèves aux Grandes Écoles, dans des lettres où ils diront "elle est chouette, regardez-la", ou "celle-là, c'est une ratée",
On the soul of Nico, I swear to you... that I have not seen Dean with another girl.
Sur la tête de Nico, je te jure que je n'ai pas vu Dean avec une autre.
Have you seen my bag with the beads and the fur that looks like Stalin's head?
Tu as vu mon sac avec la fourrure et les perles, on dirait la tête de Staline?
Have you ever seen that bathroom? It's one stall and a door.
Les toilettes n'ont pas de porte.
- Have you seen yours that close?
- T'as déjà vu le tien?
You should have seen my baby, so happy such a smile that could break your heart.
J'aurais voulu que vous voyiez mon enfant, si plein de vie. Avec un sourire qui chavirait.
If I hadn't have been on the phone with you maybe I would've seen that guy in the stairwell.
Si je n'avais pas été en ligne avec toi... j'aurais peut-être vu ce type dans l'escalier.
As you have seen, I have used our technology to walk through the barrier that protects your planet's Stargate.
La même technologie qui m'a permis de traverser la barrière qui protège le Stargate de votre planète.
I just want to let you know that I have seen the documentary
Well, for what it's worth, I've seen you act, and I feel totally confident that you have the emotional range to play a dead man.
Pour ce que ça vaut, je t'ai vu jouer et je sais que tu as la palette d'émotions nécessaire pour jouer un homme mort.
Have you seen the streak of madness that runs in the family?
Chez nous, la folie est héréditaire.
You have one of the most natural talents in that arm I've ever seen in my life.
Tu as un don inné, un bras que peu de joueurs ont.
You have seen many things that you'll wish you had not.
Tu as vu beaucoup de choses que tu préfèrerais ne pas avoir vu.
You should have seen that place, Harry.
Si tu avais vu l'endroit.
I want you to know just for the record... that I myself have not seen this for 20 years. What?
Sache que je n'ai pas jeté un oeil là-dessus depuis vingt ans.
What have you got that I've never seen before?
Qu'avez-vous d'original?
I'm happy that I have seen you.
Je suis contente de t'avoir vu un peu.
You have seen nothing that...
- T'as pas vu de trucs...
I don't have the savoir-faire, that devilish charm. - l've seen you, and I don't have that. - l beg to differ. I disagree.
Je n'ai pas... de savoir-plaire, de charme diabolique.
You know that I have seen with my mother?
Tu sais qui j'ai vu chez ma mère?
Have you ever seen anything like that?
Vous aviez déjà vu un truc dans le genre?
Mind you, she told me that... at some point she got up, she went to the window... and that's when she saw... the lady in question, on the ground. She would have also seen a young black man running, running...
Par contre, elle m'a raconté qu'à un moment donné, elle s'est levée, elle est allée à la fenêtre et c'est là qu'elle aurait vu la dame en question étendue par terre et elle aurait vu aussi un jeune Noir courir, courir, courir...
There's no way you could have seen that coming.
Tu pouvais pas prévoir.
The only time I've seen it that red is when you have- -
- Pivoine. Comme si tu venais de...
Have you seen that before?
Elle allaitait.
In all the time that your dead zone has been active, have you ever touched someone and seen them mowing the lawn?
Depuis que ta zone morte est active, as-tu déjà touché quelqu'un tondant sa pelouse?
Was that the most humiliating thing you have ever seen?
N'est-ce pas la chose la plus humiliante que vous ayez jamais vue?
Have you ever seen anything like that?
C'était vraiment comique.
- Cried Cinderella tears- - You should have seen her... when I told her she could have that layer cake she's wearing.
- Elle en a pleuré. T'aurais du la voir quand j'ai acheté la robe.
Have you not seen that ad?
Tu as vu le spot télé?
Have you ever seen anything like that?
Avez-vous été témoin de ça?
Have you seen that shit around here anywhere?
La Terre entière.
- The eyewitness that came forward claims to have seen you dump Brice Tibbetts'body in a field outside of Alden township.
- Un témoin s'est présenté et dit vous avoir vu vous débarrasser du corps de Tibbetts dans un champ, près d'Alden.
Have you ever seen discounts like that?
As-tu déjà vu des soldes pareilles?
"Have you seen the sunset from my loft?" You actually said that?
"Tu as déjà vu le coucher du soleil de chez moi?" T'as dit ça?
I hope it was delegated, so that you have seen clearly.
J'espère que ça a été retransmis, et que vous avez pu les admirer.

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