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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / How is it going

How is it going Çeviri Fransızca

954 parallel translation
How is it going with our invitation cards?
Comment ça avance avec les cartes d'invitation?
How is it going?
Comment ça marche?
- How is it going?
- Ca va?
- Well, It's going, but not so great. How is it going?
Et toi, ça va?
How is it going, Mr...
Comment ça va, monsieur...
How is it going?
Comment va l'affaire?
- How is it going?
Comment va?
How is it going?
Comment ça va-t-il?
How is it going, your private investigation?
Il vous en reste quelque chose. Et cette petite enquête privée, elle avance?
- Well, Coggie, how is it going?
- Eh bien, Coggie, comment ça se passe?
Well, Abe, how is it going to work?
- Ça prend quelle tournure?
How is it going?
- Alors, ça va?
How is it going with Inger?
Comment va Inger?
How is it going?
Où en êtes-vous?
How is it going?
Alors, ça gaze?
I'm glad to see you, how is it going in your sector?
Je suis content de te voir, comment ça va dans ton secteur?
- Yes. - How is it going?
Ça avance?
With this outfit running away as it is, how am I going to get to Saigon?
Vu comment ça marche ici, comment veux-tu que je parte pour Saigon?
How long is it going to keep up?
Combien de temps ça va durer?
I'll tell you everyday how bad your stuff is till you get something good, and if it's good, I'm going to tell you it's rotten till you get something better.
Je vous dirai que c'est mauvais jusqu'à obtenir du bon, et si c'est bon, je vous dirai que c'est nul jusqu'à ce que ce soit meilleur.
Hello, Blakely. This is A.P. How's it going?
Blakely, comment ça se présente?
How long is it going to last?
Pourvu que ça dure.
I know how comfortable it is to curl up with a book full of big words and think you're going to solve the problems of the universe.
C'est très agréable de prendre un livre plein de grands mots... et de s'imaginer qu'on va sauver les problèmes de l'univers.
I know how difficult it is going to be for you.
Je sais combien ce sera difficile pour vous
Be nice to know right now how all this is going to end, wouldn't it?
Ça serait bien de savoir comment tout ça va finir, hein?
- How much longer is it going to be?
- On va attendre encore longtemps?
How much longer is it going to take?
Ça va durer encore combien de temps?
Hello, gobby. Is this your dull, blue period? How's it going?
Est-ce votre sombre période bleue?
How long is it going on?
Combien de temps ça va durer?
I don't know how you'll solve this or what good is going to come of it... but whatever you do, Vic, I wish you all the happiness in the book.
J'ignore comment tu t'en tireras et ce qui en résultera mais, quoi que tu fasses, je souhaite ton bonheur.
Karen knows how it works, and she's going to assist me. But for the most part, the machine you will see is automatic.
Karen le connaît et sera mon assistante, bien que cette machine fonctionne automatiquement.
How long is it going to take?
Ca va durer longtemps?
How long is it going to take, Abe? Ah, be patient, doctor.
Patience, docteur!
There it is, right... going out, how many?
Alors, combien de sortis!
You know how it is. There's going to be a lot of this sort of thing up ahead.
Il va y avoir un tas d'opérations de ce genre.
The trouble with the phone book is you always know how it's going to come out in the end :
Le problême avec l'annuaire, c'est qu'on sait toujours comment ça se termine.
- How thrilling! Who is it going to be?
- C'est passionnant!
Jake and me, we always figured on going but something was always coming up at the last minute, you know how it is.
Jake et moi on a toujours voulu y aller. Mais il y avait toujours un truc au dernier moment.
Is it true what one hears that they were, how do you say, sweethearts, and they were going to be married?
Est-ce vrai ce que l'on entend, qu'ils étaient... comment dire... amoureux, et qu'ils allaient se marier?
Doctor, how long is it going to take you to pull him out of this?
Ça prendra combien de temps à guérir?
- Look who it is! - How's it going?
Voyez-vous ça!
How did it go? Is going badly.
Ça s'est passé comment?
How is it you never asked about what's going to happen to us?
Pourquoi n'as-tu jamais demandé comment on allait s'organiser?
Voilà ma vie désormais.
- How is it ever going to end?
- Comment cela finira-t-il jamais?
How much is it going to cost us?
Combien ça nous coûtera, M. Santos?
Tadeusz, how long is it going to last?
Tadeusz, combien de temps cela durera encore?
You don't think this is how it's going to be, do you?
Tu ne t'imagines pas que ca va se passer comme ca?
- How's it going? How's it going? What is this, a white slave kick or something?
Si je finis dans un harem, je vous traîne en justice!
Well, how's it going to look at the inquest if you and he aren't there to say what really happened? That is of no account to me.
Il faut se dépêcher, le ministre s'impatiente!
Who knows how much it is going to cost you.
Tout ça a dû te coûter les yeux de la tête.

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