I know you didn't Çeviri Fransızca
16,407 parallel translation
I didn't know you thought that.
Je ne savais pas.
I didn't know you were gonna shoot me.
J'ignorais que vous alliez me buter.
You'll be glad to know I didn't fall to my death.
Vous serez heureux d'apprendre que ma chute n'était pas mortelle.
No, I know, but you didn't get them there. You got them online.
Je sais, mais c'est faux, tu les as achetées sur Internet.
I mean, you didn't say, "Oh, you know, I got them at the mall."
Tu n'as pas dit que tu les avais achetées au centre commercial.
I didn't know you were a kid when I went for the interview.
J'ignorais que tu étais un gosse en postulant.
As I watch you steer us around these communication traps that I didn't even know existed, it's like, "What?"
Vous naviguez entre des pièges de la communication dontj'ignorais l'existence, et je vous ai observée, ébahi.
I know you tried to warn me... but I didn't listen.
Vous m'aviez prévenue. Je n'ai pas écouté.
I didn't even know you had a son.
J'ignorais que vous aviez un fils. Quel âge a-t-il?
Hey! Okay, I know you said that you didn't need anything, but...
OK, je sais que t'as dit que t'avais besoin de rien, mais...
No, I paid for a lot of things, but, you know, she just didn't make that much.
Je payais pas mal de choses, mais elle ne gagnait pas beaucoup.
I didn't know you could still see it. Me, neither.
- J'ignorais que ça se voyait encore.
Because I didn't want to disappoint you, you know, in case you didn't make it back.
Je ne voulais pas vous décevoir, au cas où vous ne reviendriez pas.
I didn't know you left home when you was 14.
Dire que t'es parti à 14 ans!
I didn't know if you were listening all these years.
Je me demandais si tu m'écoutais.
I know, maybe you didn't read the names, but... That's my bowl. Mmm.
T'as peut-être pas lu les noms, mais... c'est ma gamelle.
I didn't know you could do it this way.
Je ne connaissais pas cette façon.
I didn't know you were police!
- Je l'ignorais!
When I told you to tell me everything you know, why you didn't tell me everything you knew?
Je voulais que tu me dises tout. Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas tout dit?
Okay, I just didn't know if you'd want to take it this time.
Je me demandais si vous la verriez.
Look, I didn't know what I wanted then, and I was getting myself back together, and then you going off doing the "poor old me" thing.
Je ne savais pas ce que je voulais, je me reconstruisais, puis tu m'as sorti le "pauvre de moi".
I didn't know you guys did party tricks when there weren't floozies around to impress.
- C'est nouveau, de faire des trucs de foire, quand y a pas de pétasses a impressionner?
You know? I mean, I didn't know at the time he was a sales rep.
À l'époque, j'ignorais qu'il était commercial dans la vie.
You know, I just didn't want them anymore.
- Je n'en veux plus.
Once I started, you know, seeing things that I didn't... I didn't know like, even fucking existed.
Quand j'ai commencé à voir des choses dont je ne connaissais même pas l'existence.
I mean, I didn't even know you were with someone.
Je ne savais même pas que tu étais avec quelqu'un.
When I first saw you, I didn't know what to say or do.
Quand je t'ai vu, je ne savais pas quoi dire ni quoi faire.
I didn't know you had a car.
Je savais pas qu'tu avais une voiture.
I'm sorry that I didn't know about you playing guitar and everything.
Je suis désolé, je savais pas que tu jouais de la guitare et tout.
I didn't know what a great dancer you are, Mr. Chekov.
Je ne vous savais pas si bon danseur, Mr Chekov.
I thought you didn't know her.
Vous disiez ne pas la connaître.
I almost didn't recognize you in this car, i was... you know...
Je ne t'ai presque pas reconnu dans cette voiture, j'étais... tu sais...
Didn't know I had that in me, did you?
Tu me croyais pas capable de ça, hein?
I didn't know if you were alive or dead.
Le pire, c'est que je ne savais pas si vous étiez mort ou vivant.
I didn't even know you were working for him.
J'ignorais que tu bossais pour lui.
You thought I didn't know.
Tu pensais que je l'ignorais.
I didn't know you were so athletic.
Je ne savais pas que tu étais un tel athlète.
You know, it's not like I, you know, pretended to faint at the altar and said that I didn't hear his proposal because it was just, like, too much too soon and now keeps planning all these super sweet moments
Vous savez, il est pas comme je, vous le savez, fait semblant de défaillir à l'autel et dit que je ne l'ai pas entendu sa proposition parce qu'il était juste, comme, trop et trop vite
I didn't know you could get a license to do that in the park.
Je ne savais pas qu'on pouvait obtenir une licence pour le faire dans le parc.
I didn't plan to, I didn't, you know.
Ce n'était pas prévu, tu vois.
I didn't know what time you'd get here.
Tu ne m'as pas donné d'heure.
You want to know why I didn't take that money? Is that what you're asking?
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi je n'ai rien pris?
- Hmm, I don't know, maybe for the same reason you didn't show up to my sister's wedding.
- Hmm, je ne sais pas, peut-être pour la même raison qui fait que tu ne t'es pas montré au mariage de ma soeur.
- I, uh, picked them myself, well, I didn't pick them, you know.
- Je, je les ai cueillies moi-même, bon, je ne les ai pas cueillies, tu sais.
I didn't really relate to that song because, you know, I had different things in my Jeep than he had in his Jeep.
Cette chanson ne m'a pas trop touché, car j'ai d'autres choses que lui dans ma Jeep.
I know you didn't buy it!
Je sais que vous ne l'avez pas acheté!
All right, none of the best stuff, dude, but I had tons of great ideas that I still don't even know why you didn't use them.
Bon, pas les meilleures, mais j'avais plein de bonnes idées et j'ignore pourquoi tu t'en es pas servi.
Dad didn't want me to tell you, but I don't see why you shouldn't know because she has another family now, two Chinese girls who are adopted and a baby that isn't.
Papa voulait pas que je te le dise, mais je vois pas pourquoi, car maintenant, elle a une autre famille. Deux petites Chinoises qui sont adoptées et un bébé qui ne l'est pas.
You know, for a long time, I thought that he was causing the accidents himself, you know, looking for attention, but the pieces... didn't always fit.
Pendant longtemps, j'ai pensé qu'il provoquait lui-même ces accidents, vous voyez, pour attirer l'attention, mais... ça collait pas toujours.
Uh, I didn't know if I should tell you, but...
Euh, je savais pas si je devais te le dire, mais...
And I didn't tell you because'cause I didn't know what to say to you.
et si je t'ai rien dit c'est parce que je savais pas du tout quoi te dire.
i know 63170
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know how you feel 379
i know you're tired 50
i know it 1515
i know what it is 314
i know it's been a while 32
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know what i saw 201
i know you're tired 50
i know it 1515
i know what it is 314
i know it's been a while 32
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know what i saw 201