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Is it that bad Çeviri Fransızca

1,014 parallel translation
- Oh, is it that bad?
- Á ce point-là?
Is it that bad?
A ce point-là?
Is it that bad?
C'est si laid?
Is it that bad?
- C'est si grave que ça?
Is it that bad?
C'est si grave que ça 7
is it that bad?
C'était donc si mauvais?
- Is it that bad?
- Ca fait mal?
It is with gladness that I come with this bad news!
C ´ est avec plaisir que je vous annonce cette mauvaise nouvelle!
Win or lose, my humble house is always yours. It's too bad we came here to tell you that you'll have to close your humble house.
Nous venons, hélas, vous dire qu'il vous faut fermer votre humble maison.
- No. - You see? That's how bad it is.
- C'est pour dire qu'elle est pourrie!
It couldn't be, Penna, that the baron... maybe has heard some bad news about the airmail contract... - and is trying to pull a few wires, could it?
Ce peut-il, Penna, que le baron a entendu de mauvaises nouvelles... sur le contrat de poste aérienne et qu'il essaie d'arranger les choses, non?
Now, holding the wire Shaw, and explain to him that it is good medicine for us, but it's bad for our enemies.
Tenez le câble et dites-lui que cette médecine est bonne pour nous mais pas pour nos ennemis.
It'll prove that that woman is bad.
Cette femme est mauvaise.
─ Now that's not so bad, is it.
Is it as bad as that?
Parle-t-il si mal que ça?
If it should come and I have not as yet returned... it is not wise, perhaps, to speak so far in the future but the world goes bad and who knows how long that will last.
S'il arrive, et que je ne suis toujours pas revenu... il n'est pas sage, peut-être, d'anticiper à ce point, mais le monde tourne mal, et qui sait combien de temps cela durera?
It is waiting waiting that is bad for me.
C'est l'attente... l'attente, qui m'est nocive.
Is it gonna be that bad, Harry?
Ça va barder?
- Is it really that bad?
On parle de toi. - C'est aussi grave que ça?
Our job is to make you understand why. When you know why you're doing something that's bad for you and when you first started doing it.
Notre travail est de vous faire comprendre pourquoi vous vous faites du mal et quand vous avez commencé.
My health is fine, it's the rest that's bad.
Le pire c'est Ie reste.
Oh, is it as bad as that, Cluny?
Oh, c'est si grave que ça?
I think that if a person is taught good things for a long time, and if it's done from the heart, anybody, even a very bad man, will change.
Je pense que si l'on enseigne de bonnes choses pendant longtemps et si on le fait de tout cœur, même la plus mauvaise personne changera pour le mieux.
Is it that bad?
C'est si grave que ça?
Now, it isn't as bad as all that, is it?
Ça ne va pas si mal que ça, hein?
Hey, hey. Hey, now, it isn't that bad, is it?
Ce n'est pas si mal.
That is a bad thought, Sonseeahray. Never think it again.
Il ne faut jamais croire ça!
With a heavy jolt you go suddenly, in a matter of hours... but if the stuff is taken in a lesser degree, you last a while... and then... and then? Maybe it's not as bad as you think, Doctor. That's characteristic.
Une forte dose vous tue en quelques heures.
But for Walter the bad part is the waiting for the thing that happen Soon it's coming He'll be glad when it's finally here
Mais pour Walter la mauvaise partie est d'attendre que ça passe et cela arrivera bientôt il sera content quand ce sera enfin là.
He isn't certain that it's a bad thing, if you remain silent, then it is you who are at fault.
II ne sert à rien que je sois mal vue de tous, si tu restes silencieuse, alors que c'est toi qui es en cause.
It's a pity that I can't leave my window open. - Night air is bad for me.
Je ne peux pas dormir la fenêtre ouverte, la nuit, l'air est frais.
And the doctor says that too much walking is bad for my legs. - It's my legs you see.
Le médecin m'a dit de ne pas marcher trop longtemps
That's not bad for me, is it?
Ce n'est pas mauvais pour moi, n'est-ce pas?
That's not so bad, is it?
Y êtes-vous mal?
Not very bad... but it is conceivable that I could die at any time.
Rien de grave, mais je peux mourir à tout moment.
Is it really that bad for the mistress and Katsuyo?
C'est vraiment moche pour la patronne et Katsuyo.
If you slice your drives real bad, that's about where it is.
Si vous êtes fatiguée, venez m'y rejoindre. Aucune chance!
It is bad, that when he was injured, he did not immediately clean the wound.
Quand il s'est blessé, il aurait fallu immédiatement nettoyer la plaie.
It's terrible that bad things happen, and all we do is stand by and watch.
Quel supplice d'être le témoin impuissant d'un drame!
It's the gossips who see that Irma is prettier than they are but a pretty woman's one thing, a bad woman another.
Tout le monde s'en fiche qu'Irma soit différente des autres. Être belle, c'est une chose. Mais une femme de mauvaise vie...
As good as it is for me, it's that bad for you.
Si ça va pour moi, c'est moins bon pour toi.
They've broken through and the situation is bad, that's obvious. We've known it for days.
La situation est critique, nous le savons depuis longtemps.
it is true that I lie not bad.
ça, c'est vrai que je mens pas mal.
Considering the kind of illness she got and how bad it is, it's very unlikely that she can walk.
- Au vu de la nature et la gravité du mal, il est peu probable que cette petite marche.
- Why, is it that bad?
- Pourquoi?
Now it is necessary to give them a punishment that I believe unfair because it has been provoked from your bad mood and from your incapability.
Qui pendant des mois n'ont aucune distraction. ll fallait demander mon avis Mais, mon Lieutenant... Et c'n'est pas le plus grave!
Is it really as bad as all that?
Est-ce si difficile?
Sending the guy back to his family is not a bad idea. But sending him on the other side and keep fighting him, is it that great?
- Renvoyer un gars dans ses foyers, d'accord, mais le renvoyer en face pour qu'on continue à se taper sur la gueule, c'est pas génial!
But you gotta help me a bit, cos I can't put on that this is all as bad as you make it.
Mais tu dois m'aider, car je ne peux pas prétendre trouver ça aussi atroce que toi.
- It is that bad!
- Vraiment, c'est brutal!
- Is that what you're saying? - Oh, well, I suppose so. If you feel involved, your judgment's bad, and it'll get worse.
Vous comprendrez que je dois vous écarter.

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