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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Killick

Killick Çeviri Fransızca

38 parallel translation
The harbormaster'll get you a list... what ships come into, and go out of Killick-Claw.
Le capitaine de port te donnera une liste. Les bateaux qui entrent et sortent.
The postman has landed in the clink for throwing the mail in Killick-Claw Harbor.
" Le facteur a fini en taule, car il avait déversé le courrier dans le port.
"There's a 1904 photo hung in the Killick-Claw Library."
" Une photo de 1904 est accrochée dans la bibliothèque Killick-Claw.
Killick, an extra ration of rum for these men.
Une ration de rhum en plus pour ces messieurs.
Thank you, Killick.
Merci, Killick.
And by way of anticipation of this event, I have asked Killick to prepare something special.
Et pour fêter cet événement à l'avance, j'ai demandé à Killick de nous préparer quelque chose de spécial.
- Killick.
- Killick, ici!
Killick there. - I'm already here, ain't I?
- Je suis là, n'est-ce pas?
Killick there. What do you have for us tonight?
Qu'avez-vous à nous proposer, ce soir?
It's like Killick says.
Comme dit Killick.
- Come on, Killick, you too.
Killick, vous aussi.
- Thank you, Killick.
- Merci.
Killick. Killick there.
William Killick.
William Killick.
There was a young hero called Killick who marched to the top of a... hillick.
Un jeune héros nommé Killick Grimpa sur une collinick Les jambes écartées
Go home, Captain Killick.
Rentrez chez vous, capitaine.
Don't bother with them, Captain Killick.
Ils n'en valent pas la peine, capitaine.
Captain Killick, it's the police. Open up.
Capitaine Killick, police.
Captain Killick.
Le capitaine Killick posait des mines.
Why don't you take the witness box and sing Killick's praises to his judgeship?
Va témoigner et chanter ses louanges au juge.
Are you telling me Captain Killick didn't know he had to hand in his weapons?
Il ignorait qu'il devait rendre ses armes?
Captain William Killick is an expert marksman. If he'd been intent on murder, he couldn't possibly have failed.
Le capitaine Killick est tireur d'élite, il n'aurait pas manqué sa cible.
Captain Killick and I were no more than acquaintances.
Le capitaine Killick et moi... nous connaissions à peine.
Captain Killick was stone-cold sober on the night of the shooting, and it is my firm belief that he tried to kill me, that he tried to kill my wife, and that he tried to kill my son.
Le capitaine Killick n'était pas ivre ce soir-là, et je suis convaincu qu'il a tenté de me tuer, tenté de tuer ma femme, et tenté de tuer mon fils.
It is, however, your peers who judge you, Captain Killick, and not I.
Néanmoins, ce sont vos pairs qui vous jugent, pas moi.
Katie and James Killick.
Katie et James Killick.
Killick, stop them at the elevator.
- Arrête-les à l'ascenseur.
Killick, take one of the hostages outside.
Killick, sors un otage.
Killick, take her back inside.
Killick, rentre-la.
Killick, he's trying to burn the place.
Killick, il fout le feu.
Killick, report!
Killick, situation!
Killick, what the hell is happening?
Qu'est-ce que tu fous?
Killick can't come to the phone.
Il peut pas venir, connard.
Killick there.
On the house, Captain Killick.
- C'est ma tournée.
The walls were asbestos, Captain Killick.
- Ils sont en amiante.
Carl Killick.
Carl Killick.

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