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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Killing him

Killing him Çeviri Fransızca

1,814 parallel translation
- What Agent Booth means is that unless you can prove that Mr. Sumner knew about your affair with Gavin Nichols, this could all have been a story you cooked up after killing him.
- Ce que l'agent Booth dit, c'est qu'à moins de prouver que M. Sumner savait pour votre liaison avec Gavin Nichols, vous auriez pu inventer cette histoire après l'avoir tué.
While you're killing him, I'll get the intubation kit.
Pendant que tu le tues, je vais chercher le kit d'intubation.
Even if it meant killing him with an explosive cigar?
Même si ça veut dire, le tuer avec un cigare explosif?
Let me have the honor of killing him.
Laisse moi l'honneur de le tuer.
Get off of him... You're killing him!
Laisse-le, tu es en train de le tuer!
We both know that you're afraid of killing him too.
On sait tous deux que vous avez peur de le tuer aussi.
Whatever's in there could be killing him.
- Ce qu'il y a dedans pourrait le tuer.
It'd be nice if we didn't kill him trying to figure out what's killing him.
Ce serait bien qu'on le tue pas en tentant de trouver ce qui le tue.
all right. And where was killing him going to get you?
Alors, pourquoi avoir essayé de le tuer?
But wishing him dead and killing him are two different things
Mais vouloir sa mort et le tuer sont deux choses différentes.
By killing him?
- Comment, en l'assassinant?
You're killing him!
Vous allez tuer Jim!
- Capture it without killing him.
Attrapez-le, mais ne le tuez pas.
If I let Jim die, is that the same thing as killing him?
Si je laisse Jim mourir, est-ce la même chose que le tuer?
... is that the same thing as killing him?
... est-ce la même chose que le tuer?
The same thing as killing him?
La même chose que le tuer?
- I'm killing him.
- Je vais le tuer.
All right. I'm killing him.
Bon, je vais le tuer.
Wait, he's killing him!
II le massacre!
Killing him myself wouldn't be enough. But when I saw him under arrest, why did I turn away?
J'aurais aimé le tuer de mes mains, ce monstre, lorsque je l'ai vu au commissariat.
In the matter of Jerry... No last name, described as a legal, permanent resident... against the corporate person, Controlled Genetics, forbidding it to do him any physical harm, and in particular, forbidding the company from killing him.
Dans l'affaire de Jerry... pas de nom de famille, décrit comme un résident légal permanent... contre la personne morale, Controlled Genetics, l'interdisant de lui faire toute blessure physique et, en particulier, interdisant la société de le tuer.
You're killing him!
Stop! Vous allez le tuer!
You're killing him!
Vous allez le tuer!
But as luck would have it, after killing him,
Pourtant, après l'avoir tué,
I don't know if he really understood that what had happened was something that was killing him.
Je ne sais pas s'il a vraiment compris que ce qui est arrivé est ce qui le tuait.
Whatever was killing him before is still there.
- Il risque de mourir.
You're not thinking of killing him, are you?
Tu ne projettes pas de le tuer, n'est-ce pas?
Our killing him was a necessity.
Il était nécessaire de le tuer.
So killing him could be a setback to the movement.
Alors, le tuer pourrait freiner le mouvement.
- They could be killing him.
- Ils vont le tuer.
Please, you're killing him!
S'il vous plait, ne le tuez pas!
You're killing him!
Vous le tuez!
You're killing him!
'Cause after that bonehead play you made last night, beating Dokey up and not killing him, real smart, Tommy.
Ton petit jeu d'hier soir, ne pas le finir, c'était pas très intelligent.
Gotta tell you, Tommy, kicking Dokey's ass and then not killing him?
Faut que je te dise, lui botter le cul comme ça sans le tuer?
Clark, you're killing him.
Arrête, tu vas le tuer.
And you repaid him by killing him.
Et vous l'avez remercié en le tuant.
they don't pay them for not killing him, And what do they make in their door?
Ils sont même pas payés pour ça. Comme ils sont sur le pas de sa porte, ils lui demandent du taf.
oh my god.He's killing him.
Mon Dieu, il est en train de le tuer.
Killing gives him power.
Tuer lui donne du pouvoir.
Now, he's killing kids who were able to put him there again.
- Maintenant, il tue les enfants qui sont capables de l'y remettre à nouveau.
That makes him roughly the same age robert was when he started killing.
Ça lui fait à peu près le même âge que Robert quand il a commencé à tuer.
He couldn't talk about a former patient, so I just asked him straight out if he thought Leigh was capable of killing people.
Il ne pouvait pas parler de ses patients, alors je lui ai demandé s'il pensait que Leigh était capable de tuer.
I hear some of them are Missouri wildcats who brag about killing Joseph Smith and carry the very gun that killed him.
Il paraît que certains sont des voyous du Missouri qui se vantent d'avoir tué Joseph Smith. Ils transporteraient l'arme qui l'a tué.
Hogg will make a killing, but Bo and Luke are hoping handsome Hughie will lead them right to Boss's shine stash so they can stop him.
Hogg se fera une fortune, mais Bo et Luke espèrent que Hughie les mènera à la distillerie secrète de Boss afin de l'arrêter.
Figured if he could off his own guy that way, what's to stop him from killing me and my boy?
Je me suis dit que s'il pouvait buter son propre pote comme ça, qu'est-ce qui l'empêcherait de me tuer moi et mon fils?
I killed him because he saw too much, but I... enjoyed... killing that man.
Je l'ai tué parce qu'il en avait trop vu, mais... ça m'a plu... de tuer cet homme.
He's in love and it's killing him.
Il l'aime et il en meurt.
But I went to confront him because this whole mess is killing my family.
Mais j'y suis allé pour le confronter parce que tout ce bordel est en train de détruire ma famille.
Can you really save him by killing me?
Crois-tu vraiment le sauver en me tuant?
A cannibal spirit came into him and kept him alive, killing other lost souls he'd meet.
Le lendemain, j'ai trouvé les os de mon père.

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