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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Killing her

Killing her Çeviri Fransızca

1,177 parallel translation
Killing her would be a lot easier than rescuing her.
La tuer serait beaucoup plus facile que d'aller la secourir.
It says to the public that Anne has forgiven him for killing her husband therefore exonerating him from his crime.
Ça indiquerait qu'Anne lui a pardonné d'avoir tué son mari, et le disculpe donc de son crime.
Her back is killing her.
Elle a mal au dos.
Goes for putting a bag over her head but won't admit to killing her?
Il avoue avoir mis le sac, mais pas l'avoir tuée?
He's killing her.
Il est en train de la tuer!
He's killing her, all right and she's loving every minute of it.
C'est ça, il la tue. Et elle adore ça.
Oh, my God. He's killing her.
Il est en train de la tuer!
He's killing her, all right.
C'est ça, il la tue.
You're killing her!
Vous la tuez!
I know she's the Chosen One, but you're killing her with pressure.
Je sais qu'elle est l'Élue, mais vous l'accablez de pression.
Why take her at all with killing her as the objective?
Pourquoi l'enlever si le but était de la tuer?
It's killing her.
Ça la tue.
Stop it! We're killing her!
Nous la tuons!
The bastard's killing her.
Mais il la massacre, le salop!
Like what Rose Marie said about you killing her son.
Ce que Rose Marie disait a propos de son fils.
There is nothing to be gained in killing her.
Sa mort ne vous apportera rien.
Somebody's killing her in there! "
Quelqu'un est en train de la tuer. "
- Doesn't look like it, not without killing her.
- Pas sans la tuer.
I have been assured there is absolutely no way... to remove the object from the girl without killing her.
On m'a assuré qu'il n'y a aucune façon... de retirer l'objet du corps de la petite sans la tuer.
Now he's killing her mother.
Il va tuer sa mère
She can't stand the very idea, she even talks of killing her.
Elle ne la supporte pas, elle veut lui démonter la tête.
They could be raping or killing her!
On va peut-être la violer ou la tuer.
Yeah. Torture Buffy. Killing her's fine.
Oui, torturez Buffy, tuez-la.
He's killing her.
Il la tue.
She had a new apartment, a new boyfriend and a new dating schedule that was killing her.
Elle avait un nouvel appartement, un nouveau copain... et un nouvel horaire qui lui était fatal.
They struck to keep her alive, to keep us from killing her.
Ils nous ont empêchés de la tuer.
Come on! They're probably killing her.
Vite, ils la massacrent!
I'm still for killing her!
Pour moi, faut la tuer!
She's killing her.
Elle la tue!
So instead of killing her, Eric's gonna try to change her- - to make her just like him.
Au lieu de la tuer, Eric va essayer de la changer.
You're not just killing me. You're killing her too.
tu me condamnes et elle aussi.
That would give us control of the drone but then, that'd be killing her.
On en fait un ordi portatif pour contrôler le drone... mais, ça la tuerait.
- You were talking about killing her.
Vous parliez de la tuer.
You're killing her!
- Tu la tues!
When the woman was killing General Lone in fact, she was breaking the heart of the King of Adventurers but this hard hearted woman after killing General Lone there is another evil thought in her mind
Cette vipère frappa le général avec son sabre. Mais c'est le cœur du héros qui fut tranché. La vipère gainée de soie pensait déjà à son prochain méfait.
My father's massages were the only things that kept her from killing everyone.
Seuls les massages de mon père la calmaient.
By killing, and later becoming, her sister the top-model, she salvaged her heart.
Pour se protéger elle a tué sa soeur mannequin et pris sa place.
- To keep her from killing him.
- Pour l'empêcher de le tuer.
- He's killing her.
- Il va la tuer.
She is not a one timer. She started killing when she was seven, her grandmother.
Elle ment, elle a commencé à tuer à l'âge de 7 ans.
Now eighteen mothes ago, Barrett, 37, witnessed the cold-bloody killing of her son, Max and the innocent by-stander caught in the crossfire of the violent shootout involving ruthless Yakuza crime boss Sammy Tanaka, in what federal agents'describing as "... chirurgicale type strike "
Il y a 18 mois, Mlle Barrett, 37 ans, assistait au meurtre de son fils Max, atteintpar une balle perdue lors d'une fusillade impliquant le chefyakusa Sammy Tanaka, dans ce que le FBI qualifie de "frappe chirurgicale".
I'm killing myself trying to keep this agency alive... which is not easy... since my wife with her dying breath screwed me out of 50 % of the company.
Je me fends en quatre pour maintenir cette agence... ce qui n'est pas facile... depuis que ma femme en mourant m'a fauché 50 % de la compagnie.
He was more interested in killing her friends.
Il a préféré tuer ses amis.
You're killing people to help that demon cast her spells?
Tu tues pour que ce démon jette ses sortilèges?
When she puts her mind to killing someone they generally get killed.
Elle finit par avoir ceux qu'elle a condamnés.
And she's on top of me, and I might be killing myself... catching consumption from her mouth.
Elle est sur moi et je risque de mourir en attrapant la tuberculose. Je suis au Paradis.
I don't know. An evil witch who gets her jollies killing good witches?
Une mauvaise sorcière qui s'amuse à tuer les bonnes?
I miss her so much it's killing me, Pops...
Je ne vais pas tenir.
Thank you for stopping her from killing me today.
Je te remercie, sans toi elle m'aurait déjà tuée.
did wilfully, corruptly and contrary to such oath, testify falsely regarding the killing of her husband, Christopher Ragle.
JUSTICE EXPEDITIVE... a délibérément violé ce serment en apportant un faux témoignage concernant le meurtre de son mari.
- I wanna kill her and I understand that killing you is the best way to meet her.
Et si je te tue, je suis sûre de la rencontrer.

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