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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Knock him out

Knock him out Çeviri Fransızca

318 parallel translation
I say Kid Robert will knock him out in the 1st round!
Et Kid Robert mettra Jo Tourens knock-out au 1er round!
I'll tell you what. Why don't you let me knock him out?
Je pourrais l'assommer.
Knock him out?
All right, knock him out.
Mettez-le K.
I knock him out of the bed.
Je le pousse du lit.
Why'd you knock him out?
Vous l'avez mis K.O.?
- You'll knock him out, then what good is he?
Pourquoi? Vous allez l'assommer, et alors?
You've gotta knock him out to win.
Il te faut un K.O. pour gagner.
Take 20-to-1 Giveno. Don't knock him out in the first.
Je parie que Giveno ne le descend pas au 1er round.
- You can knock him out.
- Mais toi tu peux le battre.
I'll knock him out not once but 10 times.
Je peux l'assommer non pas 10 fois mais dix fois, ce minable!
Knock him out!
Can't you give him a hypo? Knock him out?
Faites-lui une piqûre, qu'il dorme.
- I knock him out.
- Je le battrai.
Can Rocky Graziano shake off every roof that has caved in on him during the past six months and bounce back to take the title from the only man to ever knock him out?
Rocky Graziano réussira-t-il à surmonter les coups durs de ces six derniers mois et à prendre le titre au seul homme qui l'ait jamais mis K. - O.?
When we knock him out, I'll keep you posted from the road.
Une fois arrêté, tu files sur la route.
You speak of La Haye's agreements... But it's the second time you knock him out!
Les conventions de La Haye, c'est bien, mais ça fait quand même deux fois que tu lui pètes la gueule!
Too bad we can't give him a hypo. Knock him out.
Dommage qu'on ne puisse pas lui faire de piqûre pour l'assommer.
I just might knock him out.
A la rigueur je vais faire un knock-out.
It took three seconds to knock him out cold.
Il a mis trois secondes pour le mettre K.-O.
Give you even money Ski don't knock him out in the first round.
Ski, le mets pas KO au premier round.
You'll knock him out a little...
Tu l'assommes un peu, pas trop...
Knock him out of the way!
Enlevez-le de devant.
When we locate Chaney, we can jump him this way and knock him out.
On pourra fouetter Chaney jusqu'à ce qu'il perde connaissance.
This guy can't fight. You'll knock him out.
C'est un tocard.
You get him again, you'll knock him out next time.
Tu auras ce type au prochain coup.
- Yes, I saw what you saw... and don't worry about nothing... because the dude mess with me, I'll knock him out.
- Oui, j'ai vu ce que tu as vu et ne te fais pas de bile car s'il me cherche, je le mets K.-O.
Knock him out! Come on!
- Knock him out!
- Assommez-le!
- I told you you could knock him out.
Vous voyez? Je vous ai dit que vous pouviez l'assommer.
If we knock him out, the rest'll turn tail, I guarantee.
Si on l'abat, tous les autres battront en retraite.
"go knock him out."
"Mets-le KO."
Come on, Kid. You can knock him out.
Allez-y, démolissez-le!
You'll have to knock him out.
Tu vas devoir le mettre K.O.
We'll bail him out and knock him off.
Lui payer sa caution et l'éliminer.
Why don't you get mad and knock some of that ego out of him?
Fichez-lui donc une bonne raclée pour qu'on se débarrasse de son ego.
Then he'll get it. They'll knock the stuffing out of him.
Là, ce sera autre chose On lui rabattra son caquet!
After I showed him how to knock this guy out, we get this big feed, see? - Yeah?
Quand il a étendu le mec, on nous sert un gueuleton.
Let him go into the fight and knock Ben out.
Dis-lui de mettre Ben K.O.
Tell him I'm a married woman, and that my husband is a government official, ready and willing to knock out all his front teeth.
Dites-lui que je suis une femme mariée que mon mari est membre du gouvernement, et qu'il est tout à fait capable de lui casser ses belles dents.
Doll baby, I didn't mean to knock him off, but you're going to be my ticket out of here.
Ma poupée, je ne voulais pas le descendre, mais vous êtes mon sauf-conduit pour sortir d'ici.
If we can knock the creature out, immobilize him,
Si on peut assommer cette bête, l'immobiliser,
I knocked him out.
Je l'ai mis knock-out.
Knock Reed out of the tournament, throw him off balance, and see what he does next.
De sortir Reed du tournoi le déstabiliser pour voir ce qu'il fait.
Now, if I can knock Spock out without really hurting him.
Si je parviens à assommer Spock...
Bones, knock him out, fast.
Bones, neutralisez-le.
I told him you have a Venetian verbal virus and he said this would knock it right out.
J'ai dit que tu avais un virus verbal vénitien et il a dit que ceci n'en ferait qu'une bouchée.
I might knock out the guard with my crutch and run off with him?
Je risque d'assommer le garde avec ma béquille et de m'enfuir?
They knock a man out, or they make him real dizzy, if you give him a small enough shot.
Ça l'assomme ou ça lui fait tourner la tête avec une petite quantité.
'Our backwash should knock him silly'and scare the pogees out of him.'
La turbulence va le mettre sur les fesses et lui faire la peur de sa vie.
Bet you to knock him out.
- Tu es devenu fou ou quoi?

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