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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ N ] / Near enough

Near enough Çeviri Fransızca

240 parallel translation
Well, near enough for newspaper terms, isn't it?
C'est assez pour vous, Bassett?
It doesn't seem near enough to me.
C'est loin de faire le compte pour moi.
The real fun is matching my wits against the instinct of an animal... that Isn't going to let me get near enough to shoot.
Le vrai plaisir est de mesurer mon esprit à l'instinct d'un animal... qui ne va pas me laisser approcher pour pouvoir tirer.
That's near enough.
N'avance plus.
You're near enough growed to do your choosing, Jody.
Tu es assez grand pour faire tes choix, Jody.
- Well, I have a caravan... which will go near enough to, uh, Cathay.
- J'ai une caravane qui va près de Cathay.
It's too hot to get near enough for a good look, but it's enormous.
Je ne peux pas m'approcher, il fait trop chaud, mais c'est énorme.
- Yeah, that's near enough.
Oui, à peu près.
No, you'd never let anyone get near enough.
Non, aucun homme ne peut vous approcher!
Nobody who gets near enough to talk ever lives long enough to say anything.
Celui qui en approche assez pour leur causer, il revient jamais.
Try to get near enough to wound him, just break the skin.
Approchez-vous assez pour le blesser.
- Yes, but we're not near enough yet.
- Mais nous en sommes encore loin.
I don't know how much they're paying you to bring me in, but it ain't near enough.
Je ne sais pas combien ma capture te rapporterait, mais c'est sûrement pas assez.
He'd never send men ahead if he was near enough to see for himself.
Il n'enverrait pas ses hommes s'il était assez près pour voir par lui-même.
Something clean and modest and near enough to EURESCO... so you can take a cab when it rains.
Quelque chose de propre et de modeste et assez près de l'U.N.E.S.C.O. pour que vous puissiez prendre un taxi quand il pleuvra.
I've never been near enough to hold her hand.
Je n'ai jamais été assez prés pour tenir sa main.
First-class. Near enough.
De premier ordre... enfin presque.
I haven't been near enough to her to give her a cold.
Je n'ai même pas été assez près d'elle pour lui refiler un rhume. Tu avais raison.
I shouldn't, Willy. You're near enough to your wings as it is.
Tu casseras bien ta pipe sans ça!
Yes, well, an understatement, but quite near enough.
C'est un euphémisme mais c'est l'idée.
And how do we get near enough to throw them?
Et comment s'approcher d'eux? Montre-moi!
Your mission is to get near enough... to see them, to signal their position to us... so giving us the advantage.
Vous avez ordre de les approcher, de signaler leur position, nous donnant ainsi l'avantage.
I don't think I can get near enough m'dear.
Je ne peux pas m'en approcher.
It won't come near enough to collide so I repeat, there is no danger.
Elle n'entrera pas en collision. Je vous le répète, il n'y a aucun danger.
Oh, 7 is near enough.
19 heures ça ira.
The book I laid down is near enough to be remindful of what duration means.
Ce livre posé ici est assez accessible pour nous rappeler ce qu'est l'éternité.
- Not exactly, but near enough.
- Pas exactement. - Mais presque.
- Yes, that's near enough. I'll give you that.
- Oui, c'est pas loin, aussi je vous l'accorde.
Now, who lives near enough?
Qui n'habite pas loin?
That's near enough for jazz. I'd like to say thank you again to you.
Encore un grand merci à tous.
Near enough to brush against our bodies, sweetly caressing our memories.
Il est si près qu'il effleure nos corps et caresse doucement nos souvenirs.
- Was I like that? - Near enough. He's always wanting to go some place he hasn't been.
Plus ou moins, toujours à vouloir aller ailleurs.
- You mean us? - Near enough.
– C'est-à-dire nous?
The crew haven't had near enough transition time with all the new equipment.
L'équipage n'est pas encore assez familier avec tout ce nouvel équipement.
Nobody near enough to have thrown him in.
Personne n'a pu le pousser.
Near enough?
C'est assez près?
- It ain't good enough for me, not near!
- C'est très loin de me convenir.
- He's safe enough. - Is he still down near the mill?
On va le sortir de là.
Tommy Swann won't be fool enough to come near this manor.
Tommy Swann viendra jamais dans un palace pareil.
I don't have near enough for an exhibition.
- Vous le serez.
enough to be willing to give up everything... to stay near that person.
Mais il doit aimer assez pour tout abandonner.
Yes, that's near enough... yes it's truly remarkable!
Oui, c'est assez proche. C'est remarquable.
She's nervous enough as it is, it's not the time to let a dog loose near her.
Elle est déjà assez nerveuse comme ça, la Maricolt. C'est pas le moment de lui lâcher un chien dans les jambes, non?
She's damn near old enough to be a grandmother.
Elle est presque assez vieille pour être grand-mère.
That wee man's near daft enough to have you shot.
Il est assez cinglé pour te faire descendre.
I don't think Charlene's near nice enough for you.
Charlene n'est pas assez bien pour toi.
And what's more... I've set near about every bone in his body that's decent enough to talk about.
Et en plus j'ai raccommodé tous les os de son corps.
[Kolchak Narrating] November 1 0, 1 0 : 25 p.m., on Grinell Avenue, near what used to be the old Chicago Stadium, truck driver William Pratt was angry enough to burn his brake lining.
10 novembre, 22 : 25, sur Grinell Avenue, près de ce qu'on appelle communément le vieux stade de Chicago, William Pratt, chauffeur routier, était fâché d'avoir brûlé sa garniture de frein.
Every time they're near me I just can't get enough
Dès qu'ils sont près de moi J'en ai jamais assez
You're nowhere near emotional enough.
Tu n'est pas assez émotionnelle.
If you're near and not close enough, I'd prefer that we were far from each other.
Si tu vis pr  s de moi mais pas avec moi, je pr Ž f  re qu'on reste Ž loign Ž s.

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