Or whatever it was Çeviri Fransızca
276 parallel translation
I was sitting on that bench... and this woman, or whatever it was... howled and grabbed me by the throat. There!
J'étais assis sur ce banc... et cette femme, ou cette chose... a hurlé et m'a attrapé à la gorge.
There was still that something about her that got me. A kind of magic or whatever it was.
Il y avait quelque chose en elle qui m'attirait.
She went to work singing at your nightclub or gambling joint or whatever it was you operated while the police turned their backs.
Elle s'est mise à chanter dans votre cabaret ou tripot... enfin dans votre petite affaire pas très légale.
And I suppose you think it's a public service when one of your reporters is arrested for withholding information from the police? Or whatever it was.
Un de vos reporters s'est fait arrêter parce qu'il refusait d'informer la police.
S'pose that saucer or whatever it was had something to do with this?
Et si c'est lié à la soucoupe volante?
Your little jokes are meaningless, Mr. Neville. Or doctor, or colonel, or whatever it was they called you.
Vos plaisanteries n'ont pas cours, M.Neville... ou docteur, ou colonel?
And, Dr. Seward, that wolf or dog or whatever it was...
Et, Dr Seward, ce loup ou ce chien ou peu importe ce que c'était...
Even if they were enjoying the conversation, or they were flirting with me, or whatever it was... their faces would just have that expression just like the portcullis crashing down. You know, those medieval gates.
Eh bien, même si mes propos les passionnaient, même si on me faisait du plat... leur visage tombait soudain, comme une herse de château fort...
The FBI or whatever it was, don't you know. We had to expose them.
Ils avaient tous une peur bleue que le gouvernement les accuse.
Besides, what if that noise or whatever it was comes back?
Et si, en plus, ce bruit, ou quoique c'était, revenait?
Then you just upended the bottle, or whatever it was, and damn everything.
Alors là, tu as vidé la bouteille, ou je ne sais trop ce que c'était, et tu as oublié le reste.
That weapon, or whatever it was was from your company, wasn't it?
Cette arme, ce machin, venait de Cyrez, non?
The one we dug up, the shaman or whatever it was, also had sperm up his ass.
Celui qu'on a déterré, le chaman ou qui qu'il soit... avait aussi du sperme dans le cul.
I think Noel was over the road... at the Red Lion or the Green Cow or whatever it was.
Noel était sorti boire un verre, au Red Lion ou au Green Cow...
The time loop, or whatever it was we ran into out there.
- La boucle temporelle de tout à l'heure.
And whatever he willed, he could do whether it was taking a strange horse over a fence or...
Elle lui permettait de tout accomplir. Qu'il s'agisse de monter un cheval inconnu ou...
That microphone, or whatever it was. I always try to frighten people the first time they come to a séance.
Je tente toujours d'impressionner les gens.
It was in the cards or it was fate... or a jinx or whatever you wanna call it.
C'était le sort ou le destin... ou la poisse ou ce que vous voulez.
And what was your hidden aversion or subconscious discontent, or whatever it is you want to call it, that made you go playing patty-cake with her?
Par quelle aversion cachée ou inconsciente t'es tu ridiculisé en t'affichant avec elle dans toute la ville?
I can't guarantee, of course, that this is precisely what he'd want me to do or say... but if I learned anything during our few hours together... it was that I was with a man who was prepared to go to any lengths... to make up in any way whatever... for the cruel, shocking, almost irreparable harm... he'd done to the love and respect ofhis family.
Sans garantir que c'est précisément ce qu'il aurait voulu que je fasse... si j'ai appris quelque chose pendant nos quelques heures ensemble... c'est que j'étais avec un homme qui était prêt à tout... pour racheter de quelque façon que ce soit... le mal cruel, choquant, et presque irréparable... qu'il avait fait à l'amour et au respect de sa famille.
I don't know who or what you really saw, Eleanor. But whatever it was, we can't risk letting it happen again.
J'ignore qui ou ce que vous avez réellement vu, mais nous ne pouvons vous exposer à nouveau.
Capital bit of humour. "Wooden leg named Smith," or Jones, whatever it was.
Très drôle, une jambe de bois qui s'appelle Smith!
- Oh, nothing, only that was an awfully noisy sitting or whatever you wanna call it.
Pour rien. Mais je l'ai trouvée bruyante, cette soi-disant séance photo.
Whatever that power surge was, it had nothing to do with the transporter or with any other system aboard this ship.
Cette décharge d'énergie ne venait pas de ce vaisseau.
Now, if I sinned, you just send me a drop or two and I won't do it no more, whatever in the hell it was I did.
Si j'ai péché, donnez-m'en juste une goutte. Et je ne recommencerai plus. Quoi que j'ai pu faire.
Right, yet, this Count Yorga, or whatever the hell his name is, was able to do it with Donna screaming her head off, and she did everything he suggested to her.
Alors que ce comte Iorga, ou je ne sais comment, a pu le faire avec Donna qui hurlait. Exact. Elle a fait tout ce qu'il a suggéré.
And sometimes when there was a man out there, he knew about it and he'd come in and sometimes I'd have him or he'd have me, whatever suits you.
Parfois, un garçon s'en rendait compte et il venait. Il me prenait, ou c'était moi...
And down there, the imprint of the ladder in the flower bed... and the size 28 boots, or whatever the hell it was he was wearing.
Et là bas, la marque de l'échelle au milieu des fleurs... et les empreintes des bottines taille 50 qu'il portait...
As near as I could make it out, every set of murders had taken place over a period of 18 days, which meant that our killer, whoever or whatever he was, only had a week and a day to find his last three victims.
D'après ce que j'ai compris, chaque série de meurtres s'était déroulée sur une période de 18 jours, ce qui voulait dire que notre meurtrier, quel qu'il soit, n'avait qu'une semaine pour trouver ses dernières victimes.
And my job is to tell it like it is or was or whatever.
Et c'est à moi... de conter ce qui se passe... Ou ce qui s'est passé.
With Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, and Bert Lahr she really started off on the road to success. Whatever rocks or bumps there were in that road she never let it show in her films. For Mama, it was straight up all the way.
A vec Ray Bolger, Jack Haley et Bert Lahr, elle était sur la voie du succès et les difficultés de sa route, ne l'empêchèrent pas de monter toujours plus haut.
Look, I was never a part of my father's business or whatever you wanna call it.
Je n'ai jamais pris part à ses affaires... peu importe ce que vous l'appelez.
Or maybe some salt-WatEr taffy like the time you faked whatever it Was you faked to get out of going to FritziE's lodge that weekend?
Ou des caramels mous comme quand tu as fait semblant d'être malade pour ne pas aller chez Fritzie, ce week-end là?
But one time I was worried, or scared, whatever you might want to call it.
Mais une fois, j'ai été inquiet ou effrayé, comme on veut.
Apparently. He was struck off, or whatever it is happens to clergymen.
Apparemment... il a été radié... ou, comment dit-on, destitué de son ministère.
And while you're at it Jessica Bates, or whatever her name is was my husband's lover.
Je vous signale que... Jessica Bates, quel que soit son nom... était la maîtresse de mon mari.
Like "rip-off," or whatever, I would have left the gallery... but because it was positive, it said, "Yes"...
Du genre : "arnaque", je serais parti.
I mean, where did he get the digitalis, or the atropine, or whatever drug it was that got his heart going so fast?
Où a-t-il obtenu la digitaline ou l'atropine, bref, la drogue qui a accéléré son cœur?
The war was raging then, and everybody was either getting set to go or to get out of it or whatever they were going to do.
À l'époque, la guerre faisait rage, et tout le monde se préparait à y aller, à en revenir ou à faire ce qu'ils entendaient faire.
I don't know whether it was pressure or just fear or whatever, but the studios would not finance a film about the Vietnam War.
Je ne sais pas si c'était de la pression ou de la peur, mais on ne voulait pas de film sur cette guerre.
The idea was to pack me off to some blighted locality, name of Colorado, where they'd teach me ranching, or whatever it is they call it.
L'idée était de me déguerpir de certains localité flétri, le nom du Colorado, où ils avaient m'apprennent élevage, ou quoi que ce soit, ils l'appellent.
It's good you know it, Chris. or you'd misunderstand me whatever I did was for your own good
ou tu me comprendrais mal quoi que j'aie fait c'était pour ton bien
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"Oui, je suis Daniel", et ça commence, hein? "enchanté", et commence ce qui peut terminer en... enfin, à condition qu'elle s'appelle Esther si elle s'appelle Alicia, elle continue son chemin, et même si on l'appelle Esther parfois elle ne réalise pas....... une fois, il y en avait une qui s'approchait, je l'ai appelée Esther elle s'est retournée et m'a dit : "Je suis José Luis" et rien ne s'est passé parce que c'est pas pour moi ce type de ni ce type ni aucun type, enfin, c'est pas mon genre, mes parents m'ont élevé d'une certaine façon et j'ai su les récompenser en honorant, disons....... ils m'ont élevé dans la liberté de penser ce que j'ai envie mais les choses se passaient d'une certaine façon il fallait aussi respecter son prochain, parce que chacun peut faire ce qu'il veut de sa vie, non?
So I was thinking of hanging with you guys, but I didn't know... if you were here as friends, or as an actual thing, but... you know, it's whatever is better for you.
Je pensais me joindre à vous, mais j'ignorais... si vous étiez là en copains ou en quelque chose de plus concret... Pour moi, c'est comme ça t'arrange.
So if I was you, I'd take my homies out, say 9pm, for some chocolate Moolies or whatever it is you drink, till about 11, bet?
A ta place, j'emmènerais mes gars, disons vers 21h, boire du Moolies au chocolat ou ce que tu veux, jusqu'à 23h, ça marche?
He'd only do it because... he thought it was funny or whatever.
Il le faisait parce que... il trouvait ça marrant.
So, it was electro chemical or whatever, right?
C'était électro chimique. ou je ne sais quoi. hein?
San Francisco in the middle'60s... was a very special time and place to be a part of... but no explanation... no mix of words or music or memories... can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive... in that corner of time in the world, whatever it meant.
San Francisco au milieu des sixties constituait un espace-temps unique... Mais aucune explication, aucun mélange de musique et de mots ne rendra ce qu'on ressentait de se savoir là, vivant dans ce recoin de la terre et du temps.
If you're one of those people who don't like movies... where some person you can't see talks the whole time... and covers up all the holes in the plot and... at the end says, "I was never the same after that summer"... or whatever, like it was so deep they can't stand it... then you're out of luck.
Si vous n'aimez pas les films où la nana parle tout le temps en off - - Et dit à la fin "Je n'étais plus la même à la fin de cet été". - - Vous n'avez pas de bol.
It was clever of God or evolution or whatever to hook the survival of the species to it... because we're gonna screw around no matter what.
Dieu ou l'évolution ont bien fait les choses.
Well, you know, I was just thinkin'. You can have a nice time with him on the ride down, picking up where your interlude or whatever you call it left off, and then you can throw him in the shithouse.
Je pensais, ce serait bien cette virée avec lui, pour reprendre votre intermède, je sais pas si c'est le mot...
or whatever 386
or whatever it is 43
or whatever your name is 25
or whatever his name is 19
whatever it was 308
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
or whatever it is 43
or whatever your name is 25
or whatever his name is 19
whatever it was 308
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was fun 381
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was fun 381
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was just 358
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was just 358