Put it back on Çeviri Fransızca
905 parallel translation
They cut off his head, but Gogol put it back on.
On lui a coupé la tête, mais Gogol la lui a recousue.
Well, put it back on.
Put it back on the treadmill for another thousand miles...
Remettez-le pour 1500 km supplémentaires...
- I'll put it back on her Thursday.
- Je la lui remettrai jeudi.
Well, you can put it back on your list. I will.
- Vous pouvez le remettre sur votre liste.
All right, put it back on.
Bien, remettez-le.
Sheriff, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd get my money out of there, wipe it off and put it back on the bar.
J'apprécierais que vous récupériez mon argent, que vous l'essuyiez et le remettiez sur le comptoir.
If it overturns, we won't be able to put it back on its wheels.
Si elle se renverse, on pourra plus la redresser.
It would be better if you put it back on the table.
- Laissez-le sur la table, s'il vous plaît - est qu'il s'avère...
Take if off there, put it back on your head and get back up the tower.
Mettez-le sur la tête et remontez immédiatement!
Put everything exactly back where you got it
S'il s'aperçoit de quelque chose, on est fait.
- put it back in Ramona's bag...
- on le remet dans son sac...
If you set foot on it again, I'll put you in irons and land you at St. Charles on my way back.
Si tu remets le pied sur mon bateau, je te mets aux fers... et je te descends à St. Charles sur le chemin du retour.
It'll put you right back on your feet.
- Ça va vous remettre sur pied.
If I could get some of the jewels back, why, it would be a cinch to put on the fight.
Si je pouvais récupérer les bijoux, organiser le combat serait facile.
When you put your foot on that stage, it will all come back, as if by magic.
Une fois sur scène, tout reviendra comme par magie. - Et si rien ne revient?
I tried it once at the prison farm where they sent me for good behavior. But the fix blew up and a screw put the blast on me. Yeah, then the worst of it was they sent me back behind those big walls.
J'ai essayé à la prison-ferme où j'étais pour bonne conduite mais ils m'ont repris et remis en taule.
He put his hand on me head... and it yanked me back to life as sudden as a rope around me body.
Il posa sa main sur mon front et me tira dans la vie, comme s'il m'avait tiré avec une corde!
Thanks for now, I'II be back later to put some lace on it.
Grand merci. Je te revaudrai ça plus tard.
Oh, I guess it really wasn't much but after a while he put his head back on my shoulder and looked at all the men waiting their turns and said :
Oh, ce n'était pas grand-chose... mais il a posé sa tête sur mon épaule... et il a regardé les gens qui attendaient et a dit :
You've already put it on the back page.
Tu viens de la reléguer au second plan.
One more crack, we'll take that glass back... and it'll take you six weeks to get it put in.
On peut remporter cette vitre, il faudra six semaines pour la remplacer.
- You want to put it in the back?
- On la met à l'arrière?
Put it back. Suppose I'm caught?
Si on m'arrête.
We'll look for it peice by peice and then put it back together.
Patience, on va trouver pièce par pièce et on les assemblera.
- Put it right back on again.
- Remets-en.
We put it back when you were old enough to have your own room.
Quand t'as eu ta chambre, on a rapporté l'armoire.
Son, that trigger's tied back with rawhide and if you don't know how to fan a gun, don't put it on.
Fiston, cette gâchette part facilement, et si vous savez pas dégainer, la mettez pas sur vous.
Bonzo took a necklace and Peter is accused because without you, he cannot make him put it back.
Bonzo a volé un collier, et on accuse Peter. Sans vous, il n'arrive pas à le faire obéir.
That lie about my wanting him to get it back means he'll put it on that island.
Dire que j'ai voulu l'envoyer prouve qu'il va aller l'y mettre.
A few years back he signed a treaty with the American government. He put an American flag on his tipi to show he meant to keep it and the US government kept it.
Il avait signé un traité avec le gouvernement américain, et accroché le drapeau américain sur son tipi en signe de bonne volonté.
Why, there was a crown offered him, and, being offered him, he put it by with the back of his hand, thus, and then the people fell a-shouting.
C'est une couronne qu'on lui a offerte. Il l'a repoussée de la main. Là, le peuple a crié.
I'm listening to you, but I warn you, if you came to tell me to put my gloves back on, it's not worth the trouble.
Je vous écoute moi... Et je vous préviens... si c'est pour me dire de remettre les gants... C'est pas la peine!
Did it ever occur to you, Harry that the prince looked everywhere for Cinderella just so that he could put the shoe back on her foot?
Tu t'es rendu compte que le prince cherchait Cendrillon rien que pour lui remettre son soulier?
If we hitched him to the buckboard... you put her in the back, and you drove, do you think he'd pull it?
Si on l'attachait au chariot,... tu Ia mettrais à l'arrière et tu conduirais,... tu crois qu'iI tirerait?
Put it on his pack so he'll find it when he gets back.
Mets les sur son sac et il les trouvera en revenant.
Put the food on the plates. Go back in the room and do it just the way you did it.
Faites ça exactement, Carl.
If it's still the same paper... then you better put this back on his desk.
Si c'est le même journal, vous feriez mieux de remettre ça sur son bureau.
You can put them back on, if it's more comfortable for you.
Vous pouvez les remettre si vous êtes plus á votre aise avec.
- Back soon - Put on a coat, dear, it's very cold.
il fait très froid.
Well, put the boot back on and lace it up tight.
Remettez la botte et lacez-la... bien serré.
We're busting it up so good, all the queen's horses and all the queen's men will never put old Raymond back together again.
On casse tout si bien que les chevaux et les hommes de la reine ne reconstruiront jamais le vieux Raymond.
It should be put back where it belongs.
Si on mettait les choses à leur place...
And if i didn't stay put, if i didn't fight it, i'd go up on deck, and i'd never come back.
Que quelqu'un me commande quelque part, m'attire quelque part. Et si je ne restais pas ici, si je ne luttais pas, j'irais sur le pont et je ne reviendrais jamais.
Put the lid back on the pan or the rats will get it.
Couvre la casserole, à cause des rats.
Now, come on everybody, put some back into it.
Allez, tout le monde y met du sien.
Habit, I guess. But this space shot does put us back in the ball game, doesn't it?
Mais après cet exploit spatial, on se sent tout requinqué.
- "Does put us back in the ball game, doesn't it?"
- "On se sent tout requinqué"!
It may not put him back on his feet but it won't put him in his grave either.
Ça ne le remettra pas sur pied, mais ça ne le mettra pas dans la tombe.
I'll take it back to the shop and put the insulation on it.
Je le ramène au magasin pour l'isoler.
Let's say we put the unit back and it doesn't fail, huh?
Supposons qu'on rentre l'unité pour rien.
put it down 1121
put it on me 21
put it out 105
put it up 74
put it in 97
put it back 246
put it through 44
put it in your mouth 17
put it away 268
put it in the bag 22
put it on me 21
put it out 105
put it up 74
put it in 97
put it back 246
put it through 44
put it in your mouth 17
put it away 268
put it in the bag 22