Put it out Çeviri Fransızca
3,308 parallel translation
We put it out there...
On fait courir le bruit.
The Canadian producers put it out there.
Les producteurs canadiens aussi.
They put it out here because they're not stupid enough to make weapons of mass destruction on their own doorstep.
Et loin de tout. Ils sont pas assez cons pour fabriquer chez eux des armes de destruction massive.
Hey, put it out. Step on it.
Allez, viens-en au fait.
I thought that basically, you could just buy all this time lapse equipment off the shelf, slam it together and put it out there.
Je pensais qu'on pouvait simplement acheter tout le matériel nécessaire, l'assembler et le placer là, tout bonnement.
So, what I did is I bought a dead seven-point buck, I froze it and I put it out by the lake in the woods.
Alors, j'ai acheté un 14 cors mort, je l'ai congelé et je l'ai mis vers le lac.
No, I'm trying to put it out of my mind, I think.
J'essaie de ne pas y penser.
Sir, I also took the liberty to go ahead and put it out over the wire.
J'ai aussi pris la liberté de répandre l'info.
I said put it out.
Je t'ai dit de l'écraser.
Find a street sign, put it out.
Trouve un nom de rue.
- Put it out.
- Coupez.
No, put it out of your mind, okay?
C'est super.
I got it all planned out. I'm gonna get up in the middle of the night and hook up the dishwasher and put a big, red bow on it, and then in the morning, I'm gonna ask your mom to fix me a cup of coffee,
Je me lèverai dans la nuit, et je l'installerai avec un gros noeud rouge dessus.
I say put your plates down, don't make a mess, get out, and remember, mow your lawns. It's for everybody.
Posez vos assiettes, pas de bazar, partez, et souvenez-vous, tondez vos pelouses.
We put his face out there, it could give us a lead on his whereabouts.
Diffuser sa photo nous donnera peut-être une piste.
And check it out, she even took out the dumb clock part and put this in...
Matez ça, elle a viré le mécanisme pour mettre ça dedans... "Super coolitude."
Come on, no one ever gave anyone mean nicknames, or picked on them or put gum in their hairy knuckles so the nurse had get it out?
Personne ne t'a jamais donné de surnoms méchants, ou mis du chewing-gum dans tes cheveux?
At the end of the take, we take the apple out and the chips and Michael can breathe. When he's got his breath back and he wants to do it again, we put the apple back in and give him a nice clean pair of chips and off we go again.
" À la fin de la prise, on lui enlève la pomme et les frites, et Michael peut respirer, et quand il a repris son souffle et veut refaire la prise, on lui remet la pomme et on lui donne une paire de frites toute neuve,
In this mall, right now, each one of y'all go out there and individually steal $ 50 worth of merchandise, come back and put it on the table.
Dans ce centre commercial, vous allez tous voler un truc de 50 $ ou plus. Vous le rapportez sur cette table. Ensuite, on discutera.
Okay, so just write down the number of guys you've slept with and put it in this glass, and then we'll pick out the number and guess who it belongs to.
Notez le nombre de vos amants et mettez-le dans ce verre. On devinera qui a écrit quoi.
Once they figure that out, it's a short walk in the park for them to put together who Abigail is. And what we're all up to.
Une fois qu'ils sauront ça, ils ne mettront pas longtemps et ce qu'on manigance.
Just put your hand out and it burns off.
Il suffit de mettre votre main dehors et elle brûle.
And regardless of the outcome, the Church will find out, and it will put my job in jeopardy.
Quoi qu'il arrive, l'Église le saura et je risque ma position.
It's rumored that this is the glacier that put out the iceberg that sank the titanic.
On dit que l'iceberg qui coula le Titanic provenait de ce glacier.
I mean, if things aren't right with the family, things aren't right with the finances or something's off, it's gonna put us all out of balance, so we need to have that tight before we launch.
J'veux dire, si les choses ne vont pas avec la famille, si les choses ne vont pas avec les finances ou autre ça va tous nous poser des problèmes, donc on doit régler avant de partir.
Why is it they want our business when they put out 35 million pounds of grass last year?
Pourquoi veulent-ils notre commerce s'ils ont vendu 16 millions de kilos l'an dernier?
I told her the truth, I put myself out there, and it still wasn't enough.
Je lui ai dit toute la vérité, mais ça n'a pas suffi.
I'm the hub of a large social circle. I put the word out, it goes out.
Je suis sur tous les réseaux, je parle pas dans le vide.
It'll put the brakes on your little freak-out.
C'est super contre l'angoisse.
You can put the ring in her ass, let her fart it out.
Tu lui met l'alliance dans les fesses et elle va péter de joie.
Take your penis out and put it in your hands.
Sors ton pénis et tiens-le.
You put your hand on your bilbul and you rub it, and then you can make your own labeneh come out.
Tu places ta main sur ton bilboul et tu le frottes, et ça fait sortir ton propre labeneh
How about we work out a plan, but we do it in a controlled area, which is my apartment, and we put up charts and...
Et si on élaborait le plan, mais dans une zone contrôlée, comme chez moi, et on dessine des tableaux et...
If you put too much pressure, it changes the nature of the metal, and gets all the impurities out.
Si tu appuies trop, la nature du métal change, et toutes les impuretés sortent.
And they were getting ready to pull people out of the water and put up a shark alert, but a medical examiner determined that it was not a shark bite at all.
Et ils s'apprêtaient a interdire la baignade dans la baie Et laisser une alerte aux requins, mais le médecin légiste a déterminé que ce n'était pas du tout des morsures de requins.
Hey, take out what you got in your pockets and put it on the table.
Vide tes poches sur la table.
All right, you fucking cocksucker... get your fucking money out of your pockets and put it on the table... nice and fucking slow.
Espèce d'enculé! Sors ton fric et mets-le sur la table. Lentement.
But if he can't fix it, it might be time to put old Ralph and Felix out to pasture.
Mais s'il ne peut pas le réparer, on devra mettre Ralph et Felix au placard.
Now, Nazi dinosaurs are popping up all over Europe. Your mission : find out where Hitler is getting these things from and put a stop to it.
Votre mission : découvrir où Hitler à trouvé ça et tout stopper... et, bien sûr, tuer Hitler.
Your mission : find out where Hitler is getting these things from and put a stop to it.
Votre mission : trouver où Hitler a eu ces choses et l'arrêter.
Get it out and put it on the table right now!
Mettez l'argent sur le comptoir!
Levi, here I am buying the real deal for these women and you tell me you cut a picture out of a magazine and just put it in a box?
Je me ruine pour gâter ces pouliches, et toi, tu découpes une image dans un magazine pour lui offrir?
Everything you put in it comes out again in strange forms and in huge quantities.
Tout ce qui entre là-dedans, ça en ressort en quantité monstrueuse.
Until a nurse on the night shift, or a brave doctor, could stand it no longer and at night, behind a curtain, quickly gave them one injection too many or a dose that was just a bit too high and the patient was put out of their misery.
Jusqu'à ce qu'une infirmière ne le supporte plus, ou un médecin courageux, et la nuit, derrière un rideau, en vitesse, lui donne alors l'injection ou la dose en trop pour abréger les souffrances du patient.
If this guy is still out there, you not only just sped up his timeline, you put yourself in it.
Si ce gars-là existe toujours, non seulement vous accélérez son échéancier, mais vous êtes le prochain sur sa liste.
was the old man take out a cut-throat razor of his own, put it to his throat,
c'était le vieil homme s'emparer d'un rasoir, l'enfoncer dans sa gorge,
And the last thing that the killer ever saw was the Quaker take out a cut-throat razor, put it to his own throat, and slice.
et la dernière chose qu'il a vu c'est le pasteur, s'emparer d'un rasoir, l'appuyer sur sa gorge, et trancher.
That the killer ever saw, yes, was the old man take out a razor of his own, put it to his throat and...
Vue par le tueur, oui, a été le vieil homme s'emparer d'un rasoir, l'approcher de sa gorge et...
Now remember, when it falls out, you need to put that under your pillow.
Quand elle tombera, place-la sous ton oreiller.
- Charlie thought it would be a good idea for me to spend some time out here, so people could put this beautiful visage to the name.
Charlie pense que ce serait bien que je passe du temps ici. Pour que les gens associent mon nom à ce joli minois.
So put it on your résumé and get out.
Et bien met le sur ton CV et sors d'ici.
put it down 1121
put it on me 21
put it up 74
put it in 97
put it back 246
put it through 44
put it in your mouth 17
put it away 268
put it in the bag 22
put it over there 46
put it on me 21
put it up 74
put it in 97
put it back 246
put it through 44
put it in your mouth 17
put it away 268
put it in the bag 22
put it over there 46