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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ R ] / Romanoff

Romanoff Çeviri Fransızca

59 parallel translation
Yes, I will restring them as soon as we get out of this.
M. Romanoff les a. Je vous les réenfilerai après la tempête.
Once a talent gets in that Mocambo - Romanoff rut, you're through.
Quand on fait le tour des endroits chics, c'est fini.
Forget Romanoff's. It's the car I'm talkin'about!
Je parle de ma voiture, pas des boîtes.
I thought we'd have lunch at Romanoff's.
Je pensais qu'on déjeunerait chez Romanoff.
Try Romanoff's.
Essayez le Romanoff.
So... I took her to lunch at Romanov's to read her the riot act, and I said to her,
Je l'ai emmenée dîner chez Romanoff... pour la mettre en garde.
Hoover objected to that and verbally objected it... in my presence at Romanoff's table with Zanuck.
Vous me jouez les patriotes? Il y a une chose que vous devriez donner... Écoutez bien!
And Zanuck said, "He's right," to me. " He's right. We'll leave out'goddamn.'"
Hoover a protesté, publiquement, il s'est élevé contre... en ma présence, à la table du Romanoff, avec Zanuck.
Pumpkin Romanoff.
Pumpkin Romanoff.
Mrs. Romanoff, what has gotten into Pumpkin?
Mme Romanoff, qu'arrive-t-il à Pumpkin?
- Mrs. Romanoff, it's not Miss Betsy.
- Mme Romanoff, ce n'est pas Mile Betsy.
Kent Woodlands, I'd like you to meet my friend, Pumpkin Romanoff.
Kent Woodlands, je te présente mon ami Pumpkin Romanoff.
And this is Pumpkin Romanoff.
Et voici Pumpkin Romanoff.
Pumpkin Romanoff's mother appeared at our door during supper.
La mère de Pumpkin Romanoff est arrivée ici pendant le dîner.
He's calling on the phone, Mrs. Romanoff.
Il téléphone, Mme Romanoff.
- Mrs. Romanoff?
- Mme Romanoff?
Mrs. Romanoff.
Mme Romanoff.
And Pumpkin Romanoff is my guest.
Et Pumpkin Romanoff est mon invité.
Yours was going to be a Russian winter theme, the Romanovs.
J'aurais choisi le thème de la Russie Impériale pour toi. Les Romanoff.
- What do you think of the Romanovs?
- Que pensez-vous des Romanoff?
I still remember my driver's ed teacher, Mrs. Romanoff.
Je me souviens de mon professeur de l'auto-école, Mme Romanoff.
Tony, I want you to meet Agent Romanoff.
Tony, voici l'agente Romanoff.
- Thank you very much, Agent Romanoff.
- Merci beaucoup, agente Romanoff.
Now this, on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you.
Ceci, par contre, est le rapport que l'agente Romanoff a écrit sur vous.
Natasha Romanoff.
Natasha Romanoff.
Are you here to kill me, Ms Romanoff?
Etes-vous ici pour me tuer mademoiselle Romanoff?
Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers.
Agent Romanoff, Capitaine Rogers.
Agent Romanoff, could you show Dr Banner to his laboratory, please?
Agent Romanoff, Voulez-vous montrer son laboratoire au Dr Banner s'il vous plaît?
Agent Romanoff. You miss me?
Agent Romanoff, je vous ai manqué?
Is this love, Agent Romanoff?
Serait-ce de l'amour, Agent Romanoff?
Agent Romanoff, would you escort Dr Banner back to his...
Agent Romanoff, voulez-vous escorter le Dr Banner jusqu'à...
You want to know my secret, Agent Romanoff?
Vous voulez connaître mon secret? Agent Romanoff?
This is Agent Romanoff.
Agent Romanoff.
She gave you the highest marks since Romanoff.
Elle vous a donné les meilleurs notes depuis Romanoff.
Barton, Romanoff...
Barton, Romanoff...
Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap.
Romanoff a manqué le point de rendez-vous, Capitaine.
Agent Romanoff had a different mission than yours.
L'agent Romanoff avait une mission différente de la vôtre.
Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything.
L'agent Romanoff est à l'aise avec tout.
Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna, born 1984.
Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Née en 1984.
Roman is short for Romanoff.
Roman est le diminutif de Romanoff.
Hello there, Agent Romanoff.
Bonjour, agent Romanova.
Agent Romanoff.
Agent Romanova.
I don't even think Romanoff could pull that one.
Je ne pense même pas que Romanoff pourrait lui tirer sur celui-là.
He wanted a lie detector Romanoff couldn't beat.
Il voulait un détecteur de mensonges que Romanoff ne pourrait pas battre.
If he needed eye candy around, He could have at least picked romanoff.
S'il avait besoin d'un atout charme, il aurait pu au moins choisir Romanoff.
You and Romanoff.
Toi et Romanoff.
You know what, Romanoff?
Tu sais quoi, Romanoff?
We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field.
On trouve ce qu'Ultron construit, on trouve Romanoff, et on vide le champ de bataille.
- I broke the string. Mr. Romanoff has them.
Le fil s'est cassé.

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