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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / That was fast

That was fast Çeviri Fransızca

896 parallel translation
That was fast thinking.
Vous avez réagi vite.
That was fast!
Toi déjà? Tu n'as pas traîné.
Wow, that was fast!
Le service est rapide.
Reach! Reach! That was fast.
Tu m'as l'air bien confiante.
That was fast.
Vous êtes rapide.
Well, that was fast.
Vous avez fait vite.
- Well, that was fast.
- Vous avez fait vite.
- That was fast!
J'ai encore du rouge.
That was fast, it's just five o'clock.
J'avais parié avec mon adjoint que vous mettriez 5 heures, pas 2.
That was fast.
Vous avez une bonne descente.
That was fast of you back there.
Tu as été rapide là-bas. Merci.
That was fast.
C'était rapide.
That was fast.
C'est rapide.
That was fast.
Ça n'a pas traîné.
Their fast brig ramed into'Antelope', the impact was so heavy that i went overdoard and fell on the deck of pirates'ship.
Leur vaisseau a abordé L'Antilope, le choc fut si violent que je suis passé par dessus bord et suis tombé sur le pont du navire des pirates.
I took off as fast as anybody could that was suffering from broken arches.
J'ai couru aussi vite que possible pour quelqu'un qui a les arches cassées.
He was expelled from West Point, he's so fast. And there's that business about the girl he wouldn't marry.
On l'a renvoyé de l'Ecole militaire... et il a gravement compromis une jeune fille...
And do you know how fast that train was going... at the point where the body was found?
Savez-vous quelle était la vitesse du train?
Shelby was scared, so he ran out as fast as he could. Then Waldo came back and placed the gun in that clock.
Effrayé, Shelby sortit en courant et Waldo en profita pour revenir cacher l'arme.
We children didn't talk much about him but Mama used to say that the reason Uncle Chris drove so fast was that it gave him a feeling of freedom denied him when he walked.
Les enfants parlaient peu de lui. Maman disait qu'il conduisait vite pour retrouver une agilité perdue car l'une / e Chris baitait à la suite d'un accident survenu dans sa jeunesse.
That was Wilson, all right. He was fast, fast on the draw.
Il tirait vite, très vite.
Truly, I think that car there was going too fast.
C'est ce que je disais. Mais vous avez vu mes feux!
If Pap was still around we'd get that cotton out as fast as other folks, but one man workin'alone... Mr. Gifford, it ain't easy.
Si mon père était encore là, on cueillerait autant de coton que les autres, mais tout seul... c'est pas facile.
Was that fast enough for you, Cherry?
J'ai été suffisamment rapide?
Yes, I was thinking that this sacred horse was going too fast.
Oui, je me disait bien que ce sacré cheval allait un peu vite.
That fight was a little fast for introductions.
Cette bagarre a été un peu rapide comme présentations.
That was mighty fast thinking, sir.
vous avez réagis très vite, monsieur.
No, no, no, there was one point that you passed over rather fast, Mr. McCall.
Vous êtes passé très vite sur une chose, M. McCall.
- That was fast.
Vous avez fait vite!
We found out that every timea murder... was committed, a fast motorboat without lights has been heard going up the river.
Nous avons découvert qu'à chaque meurtre un bateau à moteur rapide aux feux éteints avait été entendu sur le fleuve.
If there was a bomb planted here, you got a tip that there was, you'd stop it fast enough.
S'il y avait une bombe ou une alerte, vous arrêteriez tout.
I used to be fair with a scattergun but then that was when the bird wasn't too far away or flying too fast.
J'étais pas trop mauvais, au fusil quand l'oiseau volait pas trop vite.
Of course, that has been explained. The tide runs fast there, and it was on the turn.
Vous avez seulement trouvé ce chapeau-ci, monogrammé J. S.
Yeah, but it was fast. Come on, bring that shoulder around.
J'avais une belle gauche.
That was too fast!
Trop tôt!
Was that my father that went hence so fast?
N'est-ce pas mon père qui s'éloignait?
If I remember correctly, that would involve you in what was called the fast draw.
Vous vous trouveriez impliqué dans ce qu'on appelait "vite dégainer".
I didn't think the total volume of blood could solidify that fast. I hoped maybe one crucial clot might form in the brain, which was what made them go insane, and then the rest of the blood clot more slowly.
Je croyais qu'un caillot se formait dans le cerveau et les rendait dingues, puis que ça se propageait.
- That was pretty fast!
- C'était rapide!
When I fired, at the same fraction of a second I saw it was Jim, but it happened that fast.
Lorsque j'ai tiré, j'ai eu le temps de voir que c'était Jim, mais... c'est arrivé si vite.
I was looking at the little hand That goes round awfully fast.
Je regardais la petite aiguille, celle qui va si vite.
His companion, Elmo'" Tommy Gun'" Mobley, was in the jail here under heavy... Bowie A. Bowers, fast-triggered killer still eluded late tonight the combing search of a posse that numbered more than 300 peace officers and irate citizens.
Son compagnon, Elmo "Tommy-gun" Mobley, emprisonné ici Bowie A Bowers a échappé, tard dans la soirée, à une troupe de plus de 300 agents de la paix et de citoyens outrés.
Was that fast enough?
J'ai fait assez vite?
I was drivin'so fast that these dudes- -
Je conduisais si vite que ces mecs...
And the poblem... poblem... problem was that..... there was a fuckin'kid there, and he was..... the fastest bastard, he was fuckin'fast.
Le problème, c'était... qu'il y avait un môme qui était... le plus rapide.
He was fast asleep in bed that night.
Cette nuit-là, il n'a pas quitté son lit.
Well, I hinted that I was up for a fast buck.
Je lui ai dit que j'aimais l'argent facile.
I don't think if it was for... that young boy LawrenceJones, I doubt if we... would have got a contract as fast as we did.
Harry Patrick Trésorier UMW autant nous avons combattu ici, et si dur qu'ait été le combat, sans ce jeune homme, Lawrence Jones, je doute que... nous aurions pu avoir un contrat aussi rapidement.
He wasn't going fast and there was no reason for him to make a mistake on that corner.
Il n'allait pas vite. Et il n'avait aucune raison de se tromper.
That was fast!
Ça va vite!
If I was you, I'd lock up that contract in a box, fast.
A ta place, je mettrais ce contrat en lieu sûr.

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