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The cops are coming Çeviri Fransızca

96 parallel translation
The cops are coming. Somebody told'em it was Tommy.
Les flics savent pour Tommy.
The cops are coming!
Voilà la police!
The cops are coming.
Les flics arrivent.
The cops are coming, and the real package is out there somewhere, and I haven't got a clue.
Les flics arrivent. Et le vrai paquet se trouve quelque part, mais j'ignore où.
Dad, the cops are coming.
Papa, les flics arrivent.
The cops are coming and the firemen.
Les flics arrivent avec les pompiers.
The cops are coming.
La police s'en vient.
- The cops are coming!
- La police arrive!
Jim, the cops are coming. Come on!
Les keufs arrivent!
And they can't go through the front, because the cops are coming in that way, so they gotta go out the back.
Comme ils bloquaient l'entrée on se cassait par l'arrière.
The cops are coming up, watch out
Les flics arrivent, fais gaffe.
Listen, I can't stick around here if the cops are coming.
Je ne peux pas être ici quand les flics se pointeront.
Listen, the cops are coming in!
Les flics arrivent.
The cops are coming in shooting.
Réveille-toi, les flics vont débouler.
- Take it. The cops are coming. I'm not going back to jail.
Parce que les flics arrivent, et je retournerai pas en taule.
Back to your cells, otherwise the cops are coming in!
Sinon, la police va envahir la prison!
The cops are coming. We cannot escape
La police va arriver, on ne peut pas s'échapper.
Lights out. The cops are coming for you at six.
Les bleus viennent vous cueillir à 6h.
Well, the cops are coming.
Les flics ne vont pas tarder.
They know they're in trouble, the cops are coming for us.
Ils savent qu'ils ont un problème. Les flics vont nous retrouver.
The cops are coming, you fucking asshole!
Les flics arrivent, enculé.
- The cops are coming.
- Les flics vont l'interroger. - Pourquoi?
Seriously guys, the cops are coming.
Sérieusement, les flics arrivent.
- Hey, the cops are coming.
Les flics!
Make sure the cops are coming, okay?
Assure-toi que la police vienne.
The cops are coming.
Les flics arrivent. Va-t'en.
The cops are coming!
Mettez-vous à l'abri.
Well, maybe there's a reason why the cops are coming down here.
Y a peut-être une raison pour que les flics viennent ici.
Now the cops are coming to get you for starting a brawl in a pirate-themed sports bar with scantily-clad waitresses.
Les flics vont t'arrêter pour altercation dans un bar pirate aux serveuses court-vêtues.
. Ritter, the cops are coming right now.
Ritter, Les flics vont Débarquer d'un instant à l'autre.
- The cops are coming.
- T, les boeufs s'en viennent.
I'm not calling it off. The cops are coming. We'll split up the girls, and we'll see what we get.
Les flics arrivent, on sépare les filles et on voit.
The cops are coming.
Les flics arrivent, on se casse.
You're not gonna kill me, Larry. Not when the cops are coming to talk to Larry Garber... the man who called in to report he saw men with guns, a Dumpster filled with fake cash.
Tu ne me tueras pas, Larry, pas quand les policiers veulent parler à Larry Garber... l'homme qui a déclaré avoir vu des hommes armés et un coffre plein de faux billets.
- The cops are coming in?
- La police va entrer?
Let's go, Benji! The cops are coming!
Viens Benja, la police arrive.
Brian, the cops are coming.
On y va, les flics rappliquent!
- The cops are coming, come on.
- Les flics arrivent.
Hurry, the cops are coming.
Grouille, les fl ics sont à nos trousses.
- Are the cops coming? Nobody. Everything's quiet.
Y a personne, tout est calme.
If you think the cops are gonna arrive soon, you got another thing coming.
Les flics, ils seront pas là de sitôt!
The cops are not coming.
Les flics viendront pas.
Fareedbhai... there's going to be a raid there very soon Latifbhai, you leave quickly. The cops are coming
les cannettes de fil viennent obtenez chacun hors d'ici écoutez!
By the way, why are the cops coming for you these days?
Au fait, pourquoi la police te demande?
- The cops are definitely coming.
les flics vont débarquer.
The cops are here. They're coming after me. What do I do?
Les flics, ils s'approchent.
So I'm leaving, but not because the cops are coming.
Tu viens de commettre la plus grosse erreur de ta vie.
Cops are the move, they're coming in!
Les flics bougent, ils arrivent!
Scared thinking the fucking cops are coming.
Il a peur que les flics déboulent.
Oh, the cops are coming for real?
C'est vraiment les flics?
And the cops are already coming. ( HE CHUCKLES )
et ils sont déjà en routes!

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