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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / They didn't say anything

They didn't say anything Çeviri Fransızca

129 parallel translation
But how could she say anything to him, if they didn't meet?
Mais comment aurait-elle pu lui dire quoi que ce soit, sans l'avoir vu?
They didn't say anything about a girl.
Ils n'ont pas parlé d'une fille.
They didn't say anything about me?
Ils n'ont rien dit sur moi?
They say they didn't find anything. I have no reason to doubt them.
Ils prétendent n'avoir rien trouver, je n'ai aucune raison d'en douter d'eux.
Funny they didn't say anything.
Il est curieux qu'elles ne m'ai rien dit.
I didn't say anything to anybody - You mean, they could have belonged to the murderer?
Ce sont celles du meurtrier?
- Didn't they say anything?
- Ils n'ont rien dit?
They didn't say anything?
Ils n'ont rien dit?
I don't know it. They didn't say anything about a punchline.
Je ne le connais pas. lls ne m'ont rien dit à propos d'un gag.
If they didn't say anything, why didn't you?
S'ils n'ont rien dit, pourquoi vous aussi?
If we listened to everything they say. Besides, I didn't see anything wrong... After all, it was a family accident.
non, je vous l'ai dit, c'est des rumeurs... nous n'avions pas assez pour enquêter.
They give us an advance for $ 50,000 and they didn't say anything.
Ils nous donnent une avance de 50 000 $ et ils n'ont rien dit.
- They didn't have to say anything.
- Ils étaient libres de se taire.
They didn't say anything to me.
Ils ne m'ont rien dit.
They didn't say anything to me about any survivors.
Ils ne m'ont rien dit sur des survivants.
They didn't say anything, really.
C'est la vérité. Ils ne m'ont rien dit.
Let me tell you a story... about a little fat boy that nobody loved... and all the other kids, they used to make fun of him... and they would pick on him... and they used to say that he talked funny and stuff... and he had a twin brother... and everybody said... that he didn't look anything like his twin brother... but he wanted to.
Je vais te raconter l'histoire d'un gros petit garçon que personne aimait et tous Ies autres gosses se moquaient de Iui, ils Ie harceIaient, ils disaient qu'iI parlait drôlement et tout ça, et iI avait un frère jumeau, et tout Ie monde disait qu'iI ressemblait pas du tout à son frère, mais iI voulait lui ressembler.
They Didn't Say Anything, But I Could Hear Their Pulses Quicken.
J'entendais leur pouls qui s'accélérait.
You know, when I took this job, they didn't say anything about cooking.
Un jour, j'en ai eu marre de fuir. Alors dans la cour, on s'est lancés.
When I saw those Army commercials on TV they didn't say anything about guarding a plague.
Quand j'ai vu la pub sur l'armée à la télé... il n'était pas question d'escorter la peste.
- They didn't say anything?
- Ils n'ont rien dit?
They didn't say anything else.
C'est tout ce qu'ils ont dit.
- They didn't say anything a baby.
- Ils n'ont pas parlé d'un bébé.
Then you get the shrug, like... They didn't say anything about the music. They talked about what we wore... and whether or not the girl in the band before... shaved her armpits or not.
Et le mec hausse les épaules... lls parlaient même pas de musique, juste de nos fringues, et demandaient si les filles se rasaient les aisselles.
Did anybody say anything about St James'being for alcoholics only? No, they didn't!
Pas un de ces connards ne nous a dit que St James était réservé aux poivrots!
Did someone come back from the dead and say they didn't feel anything?
Personne n'a ressuscité pour le dire.
And they didn't say anything about... why did mom leave?
Mais dedans, elle dit pas pourquoi... elle est partie.
Anything new with them? Did they say anything new about themselves thatyou didn't know?
Ils ont dit quelque chose de nouveau que tu ne savais pas?
The two who found the body... say they didn't see, hear, or smell anything.
Les deux qui ont trouvé le corps... disent qu'ils n'ont rien vu, rien entendu, ni rien senti.
- They didn't say anything? - They didn't.
- Ils n'ont rien dit?
They said he slipped. They didn't say anything about suicide.
Ils n'ont pas parlé de suicide.
They had all left already, so that was a help... You mean you didn't say anything ;
Ils étaient partis, ça m'a aidé.
If they say anything, I'll pretend I didn't notice.
Si on me demande, je dirai que je savais pas.
There was someone there... but they didn't say anything.
Quelqu'un qui n'a rien dit.
They didn't say anything?
- Ils t'ont rien dit?
They didn't say anything because they don't want to start a panic.
Ils n'ont rien dit pour ne pas semer la panique.
- I did, and they didn't say anything.
- Je l'ai fait. Ils n'ont rien dit.
They didn't say anything.
Ils n'ont rien dit.
I heard the weather this morning, but they didn't say anything about a shit storm.
J'ai écouté la météo, mais ils n'ont pas parlé de putain d'orage.
They didn't say anything.
Ils ont rien dit de tout ça.
But they didn't say anything about going in the back.
Celle de devant, mais pas celle de derrière.
I didn't want to say anything, but they cost me, like, four strokes.
Je n'ai rien voulu dire, mais ils m'ont coûté quatre coups.
They saw you but they didn't hear anything - I told you I Iove you and I'm not ashamed to say it
- J'ai dit que je t'aimais puis j'ai pas honte de le dire.
They didn't say anything on the news.
Mais ils n'ont rien dit aux nouvelles.
- They didn't say anything about her.
- Ils n'ont rien dit sur elle.
They didn't say anything about the bones in the autopsy findings.
Ils n'ont rien dit sur les os dans le rapport d'autopsie.
I wonder why they didn't say anything.
Pourquoi il se manifeste pas?
They didn't have "Say Anything" in baghdad?
Il n'y a pas "Say Anything" à Bagdad?
They didn't say anything.
They didn't say anything.
C'était qui? Personne.
They didn't say anything. They just took him!
Ils ont rien dit, ils l'ont emmené!

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