Through the door Çeviri Fransızca
2,537 parallel translation
And within seconds of Arkin coming through the door, Gorman was firing.
Et à la seconde où Arkin arrive, - Gorman tire.
The Task Force knew Arkin was the first one through the door.
Le groupe savait qu'Arkin serait le premier derrière la porte.
Do you think I'll get through the door?
Penses-tu que je vais passer par la porte?
You know, if she was my child, my own flesh and blood, I wouldn't be sitting on my ass, waiting for her to sashay through the door.
Tu sais, si c'était mon enfant, la chair de ma chair, je serais pas le cul sur une chaise à attendre qu'elle se glisse ici.
You answer a phone like that, and you'll have a SWAT team... banging through the door before you hang up.
Tu réponds au téléphone comme ça et une équipe de SWAT... va enfoncer la porte avant que tu raccroches.
The look on those kids'faces when they walk through the door for the first time.
Le regard de ces enfants quand ils vont passer la porte.
And not entering through the door, but through this fourth wall of our house.
Et n'entrant pas par la porte, mais par un des murs de notre maison.
Any blast big enough to get you through the door will kill the people on the inside.
Une explosion assez forte tuera ceux qui sont à l'intérieur.
I'll give you three guesses of who just walked through the door.
En trois essais, devine qui vient d'entrer.
One comes through the door.
- L'un vient par la porte.
You were grieving before they even walked through the door, mate.
Juste avant qu'ils passent la porte.
You have to go through the door and down!
Passez la porte et descendez.
If you're not on the list, I can't let you through the door tonight.
Si tu n'es pas sur la liste, je ne peux pas te laisser passer la porte ce soir.
Make a left when you walk through the door.
À gauche, après la porte.
I keep hoping she'll suddenly walk through the door, but... if it really is me in charge, then, um...
J'espère toujours qu'elle va revenir, mais si je tiens les rênes, alors
So what do we do when she walks through the door?
Qu'est-ce qu'on fait quand elle passe par la porte?
It just walked through the door.
Il vient de passer la porte.
He's got to be the first one through the door. He's got to make sure his target doesn't get out alive. You know, I checked into it.
vous savez, j'ai vérifié sa compagnie est la première a être arrivée sur la scène de l'incendie qui a tué Wilfredo Soto et sur celle qui a tué Charlotte Spencer.
You walked through the door yourself.
Tu viens d'arriver.
I thought that they spotted me there, so I went back to that same bar night after night, hoping that one of them would walk through the door.
J'ai pensé qu'ils m'avaient repérée là. J'y suis retournée tous les soirs, en espérant que l'un d'eux passe la porte.
Give him credit for having the guts to walk through the door, face all of us.
Laissez-lui l'honneur d'avoir eu le courage de venir nous affronter tous.
God, Ben. You should have seen their faces when I came through the door.
Ben, si tu avais vu leur tête quand je suis entrée!
She won't let me through the front door, Eddie.
Elle me laisserait pas entrer.
Get through the moment, get out the door, See the concert.
" Oublie cet instant, passe la porte, va voir ce concert,
" Meet me through the staff door.
"Retrouve-moi à l'entrée du personnel. Carmen."
Does that have anything to do with why you always Leave the house through a different door? Or you never park your car in the same spot on the street?
Il y a un rapport avec le fait... que tu sortes toujours de la maison par une porte différente... ou que tu ne stationnes jamais ta voiture au même endroit sur la rue?
From now on everyone comes and goes... - through the front door so we can keep an eye on things. - Is that...
À partir de maintenant, tout le monde entre et sort... par la porte d'en avant pour qu'on puisse avoir l'oeil sur tout ce qui se passe ici.
He'll head down this hallway... and go out of the building through that door.
Il traversera ce couloir... et sortira de l'immeuble par cette porte.
You need to check the door before you go through it, Shirley.
Tu as besoin de vérifier la porte avant d'y passer, Shirley.
But this could become official really quick If your little crackhead friend Doesn't walk through that door with the baby within two hours.
Mais ça pourrait devenir très vite officiel, si votre votre cinglée de copine ne franchit pas cette porte dans deux heures.
Because I had a breakthrough in the case, and if Gibbs'Gibbsometer is working, then he should be walking through my door any second. All I know is that he wants you right now-
J'ai fait une découverte dans l'affaire, et si le Gibbsomètre de Gibbs marche, alors il pourrait passer ma porte à tout moment.
You got to look through a door to the other side of your soul.
Vous avez eu accès à une autre partie de votre âme.
Did you break through the back door?
T'as forcé la porte de derrière?
I busted through the back door of Agent Macy's encrypted laptop.
J'ai accédé aux fichiers cryptés sur l'ordinateur de l'agent Macy.
We're talking about the North Korean police. We can't just walk through the front door.
C'est la police nord-coréenne, on peut pas passer par l'entrée.
All we got to do is get through this door, and we're in the car, okay?
On passe cette porte et on est dans la voiture.
- I wandered through the wrong door.
- J'ai pris la mauvaise porte.
We let them through the front door, and then we jam our guns into the back of their heads.
On les laisse entrer et on leur plaque nos flingues sur la nuque.
You came through the kitchen door, saw the state of that floor - scrubbed within an inch of its life.
Vous avez vu l'état du carrelage. On pourrait manger dessus.
There's no way we're getting through that front door fast enough to get the jump on him.
On ne franchira jamais cette porte assez vite pour lui mettre la main dessus.
Your name alone would get you in through the front door.
Même ton nom seul pourrait t'emmener directement à la porte principale.
Look, I don't know Davenport personally, but I do know him by reputation, and apparently, he's the real deal. First guy through the door at a fire, last one out.
oui, bien sûre. il doit être le premier à entrer.
OK, people, our killers left through that door into the alley. So let's sweep it for small cigar butts. Watch your step, fellas.
Messieurs, nos assassins sont sortis par là.
Are they coming through the front door?
Ils viennent par là?
We're coming through the back door.
On arrive par la porte de derrière.
My people are gonna take down the Russians, And any minute now, the cops are gonna come through that door.
Mon équipe s'occupe des russes et les flics vont bientôt se pointer.
We're too late ; he got out through the fire door.
Trop tard. Il a pris la sortie de secours.
When I walk through that front door with you, I remember the first time I brought you how excited I was.
Quand je passe la porte d'entrée ça me rappelle la première fois où t'es venue, j'étais si excité.
Hey. Why didn't you come through the front door?
Pourquoi tu ne passes pas par la porte avant?
We're gonna walk you through the club, so that our team can get a visual on you, and then you're just gonna wait by the door.
On va t'accompagner à la boîte pour que notre équipe te repère, et tu vas attendre près de la porte.
But I may have heard a distant cry for help, "Please help me," coming through this door, therefore giving us probable cause to enter the premises.
Mais j'ai pu entendre un appel à l'aide au travers de la porte, nous donnant une raison d'entrer.
through the window 42
through the woods 16
through there 98
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door is open 55
the door was open 152
the door is closed 18
the door was locked 29
the door was unlocked 33
through the woods 16
through there 98
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door is open 55
the door was open 152
the door is closed 18
the door was locked 29
the door was unlocked 33
the door 306
the door opened 17
the door's open 68
the door's locked 54
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
the door opened 17
the door's open 68
the door's locked 54
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door was open 50
door slams 187
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
doors closing 23
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
doorbell ringing 46
door slams 187
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
doors closing 23
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
doorbell ringing 46
door shuts 99
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door neighbor 57
door opening 118
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door's open 45
door squeaks 18
door to door 18
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door neighbor 57
door opening 118
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door's open 45
door squeaks 18
door to door 18