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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / Throw her out

Throw her out Çeviri Fransızca

246 parallel translation
Throw her out.
- Jette-la dehors.
I mean throw her out and keep her out.
Je veux dire, jette-la dehors et qu'elle y reste. Viens, Iris.
That's what. Now you want to throw her out. What is this?
Et maintenant, vous voulez la mettre à la porte!
I didn't throw her out with only 17 cents.
Je ne l'ai pas mise dehors avec 17 cents en poche.
What can I do? I can't throw her out.
Je ne vais pas la mettre à la porte.
Pretty girls always cause trouble. - I'd throw her out if I were you.
Les jolies filles, ça crée des ennuis.
I dispossess her, throw her out of Shanghai... and she invites me to celebrate her departure! In my younger days I shouldn't have refused.
Je l'expulse de Shanghai et elle m'invite à la fete!
Well, we had the apartment vacant, and it seemed a shame to throw her out.
L'appartement était disponible et je ne voulais pas la mettre dehors.
As I was saying, it was a shame to throw her out.
Ça aurait été dommage de la mettre dehors.
I practically had to throw her out of the office.
Je l'ai pratiquement éjectée de mon bureau.
I knew he wasn't strong enough to throw her out.
Je savais qu'il n'était pas assez fort pour la jeter dehors.
Come on now, throw her out of here!
Mais enfin, jetez-la dehors!
She's so perfect I sometimes want to throw her out of the window.
Elle est si parfaite, que parfois j'ai envie de la jeter par la fenêtre.
Mother, i... i can't just throw her out bodily.
Je ne peux pas la jeter dehors.
- You not throw her out, huh?
- Vous ne la mettez pas dehors?
- Throw her out?
- Comment?
Just throw her out.
Mettez-la à la porte.
You keep telling me he'll throw her out like all the others.
Vous parlez, vous promettez... Toujours la même histoire!
- I'll throw her out.
- Je vais la jeter dehors.
If we throw her out, the jail will be empty.
Si on la relâche, la prison sera vide.
You go to Honfleur and throw her out like a man.
Aller à Honfleur, et rompre comme un homme.
Throw her out!
Faites-la sortir!
It's a damn nuisance, but what am I gonna do, throw her out?
Je n'y peux rien.
Throw her out.
Should we ask this baggage to sit down... or shall we just throw her out of the window?
On fait asseoir ce colis, ou on le jette par la fenêtre?
Throw her out! I mean, remove her.
Enlevez-la je veux dire.
We're not gonna throw her out.
On ne va pas la jeter dehors!
We'll fix up a bed for her. We can't throw her out.
On lui fera un lit, on ne va pas la jeter dehors!
- What should I do? Throw her out?
- Alors, dis-moi ce que je dois faire.
- Throw her out.
- Mets-la à la porte!
You want me to throw her out?
Tu veux que je la jette dehors?
- Throw her out.
- Chassez-la!
- He threatened to throw her out and close the office.
- Et qu'a-t-il fait? - Il a menacé de la chasser et de fermer le cabinet.
Mr. von Bulow, who knows that his wife is Wagner's mistress but feigns ignorance. Otherwise he would have to throw her out and give up his prestigious post as the Maestro's conductor.
M. Von Bulow qui feint d'ignorer la liaison de sa femme pour ne pas devoir la chasser et renoncer à sa charge prestigieuse de chef d'orchestre.
Next time I'm gonna throw her out there and you with her!
La prochaine fois, je vous largue tous les deux.
Throw her out! Before we all get it.
Sortez-la avant qu'on l'attrape.
Throw her out! Right out, right out!
Fichez-la à la porte.
For God's sake throw her out,
Mais qu'est-ce que vous attendez?
You can't take a child out of a good home and throw her into a life like this.
On ne peut pas transplanter une enfant d'un bon foyer à ce genre de vie.
I don't know what you'll do about it, but I'm going to throw her right out on her ear.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous allez faire, mais moi, je vais la virer d'ici illico.
How her father hated you, how he said he would throw you out of the mill if you didn't stay away from her.
Combien son père te haïssais, qu'il voulait te renvoyer si tu ne restais pas loin d'elle.
They will throw her out in the winter's cold.
Quand vous êtes là, il me semble que tout va mieux. "
If I don't pay, he'll throw us out on the street, with my sick wife and my child with her wound.
- Papa, elle ne veut pas me la prêter. - Demain, tu auras une robe de satin et des bottines de soie!
I told her to throw that flower pot through the window, and I went out instead.
Je lui ai dit de jeter le pot de fleurs.
You mean throw her out?
S'il le faut.
Her poems, like open dust-bins stir contents and throw them out just to see them.
Ses poèmes sont des poubelles ouvertes qui dégorgent leurs ordures pour offenser nos yeux et nos narines.
- Throw her out
Mme Pearce, jetez-la dehors.
Will I take her back Or throw the baggage out?
" Le chätiment... Ou le pardon?
We'll throw her mother out.
On fichera dehors sa mère.
I had to explain her, it's not suitable behavior, for young lady to throw her husband out of a flat, and making excuses about Pardubice.
Il faudra que je lui explique, que ce n'est pas légitime, pour une femme de mettre son mari à la porte, ou de l'obliger à se justifier s'il n'est pas allé à Pardubice.
If he has decided to throw Ténin out... we must let her stay with us.
S'il a décidé de chasser Ténin... nous devrons l'héberger chez nous.

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