Time is running out Çeviri Fransızca
342 parallel translation
- Time is running out. You'll have to do something.
Eh bien, mon garçon...
- Time is running out.
Nicely, on est à court de temps.
- And he says time is running out and if I didn't I wouldn't never live to testify in this next trial.
On m'a dit que si je m'entêtais, je ne vivrais pas assez pour témoigner au prochain procès.
But one gets suspicious when time is running out.
L'approche de la fin rend soupçonneux.
Même s'il reste peu de temps, je reprendrai la discussion... quand nous serons assurés de ne pas être interrompus.
And time is running out.
Et le temps passe.
Our time is running out.
Il nous reste peu de temps.
I'm sorry to be importunate, Your Holiness, but time is running out and my course concerns the very life of the church in England.
Je regrette d'être aussi importun, Votre Sainteté, mais le temps presse et mon affaire concerne la survie même de l'Eglise d'Angleterre.
Time is running out.
Le temps s'en va.
Montag is still at large, but time is running out fast.
Montag court toujours. Mais nous le serrons de près.
I must hold the bridges, and time is running out.
J'ai besoin des ponts et de temps.
Time is running out.
Nous n'avons plus beaucoup de temps.
Time is running out, Zaroff.
DOCTEUR : Le temps presse.
I got a lousy feeling our time is running out.
J'ai le sentiment qu'il nous reste peu de temps.
- Time is short. - Yes. Your time is running out.
- Oui, vos minutes sont comptées.
"But time is running out for the third fugitive, unless he's managed to get off the island..."
"Le temps est compté pour le troisième condamné, à moins qu'il ait quitté l'île..."
But dig : Time is running out on that big LP called life.
Voyez, le temps passe en écoutant le grand 33 tours de la vie.
Time is running out.
Nous manquerons de temps.
Well, time is running out, Mr Biederbeck.
Le temps nous presse...
PINKERTON : Time is running out for Cole Younger and Jesse James.
Cole Younger et Jesse James peuvent s'enfuir!
The time is running out!
Le temps nous manque!
Your time is running out here.
Votre temps s'épuise, ici.
Time is running out.
L'heure tourne.
But that time is running out.
Mais nous n'avons plus beaucoup de temps.
Time is running out for us.
Le temps presse.
Gentlemen, time is running out.
Le temps presse.
Time is running out!
Letemps presse!
The referee is counting. Time is running out. There's the bell.
Il le compte, Le chrono tourne, Voici le gong,
When you see her, tell her that time is running out.
Quand tu la verras, dit lui que le temps s'écoule...
Time is running out for my little girl.
Le temps presse pour ma petite fille.
Time is running out for me.
Mais le temps presse pour moi.
Time is running out.
Chaque minute compte.
tell the president i'm serious, and time is running out.
Elle veut quoi, encore? Ce n'est pas votre femme.
Your time is running out, son.
Vos heures sont comptées.
And I know, time is running out.
Et je sais, le temps presse.
Time is running out.
Il reste peu de temps.
You see, time is running out.
Voyez-vous, le temps file.
Time is running out.
Le temps passe.
Time is running out, Nick.
Le temps presse, Nick.
Time is running out Please bet them all for me
Le temps file. Voici mon pari. Pas de cigarettes.
But time is running out, down to 20 seconds.
Mais il ne reste que 20 secondes.
Shit! Time is running out The horse is not yet drunk
Le temps passe et il n'est pas bourré.
I get little enough opportunity as it is to find out what's going on without you running away as if I had the smallpox or something every time I open my mouth.
J'ai déjà assez peu d'opportunités d'apprendre ce qui se passe... sans que tu t'enfuies comme si j'avais la variole ou je ne sais quoi... chaque fois que j'ouvre la bouche.
Time is running out.
On n'a plus le temps.
Time is running out.
On va manquer de temps.
And your time, M-Mr Steed, is running out.
Votre temps, M. Steed, est compté!
Time is running out.
Spock, McCoy, dépêchez-vous!
And while my brother is calmly doing business in London, you had to come running out here, smash open wall and break his balls at the same time!
Mon pauvre frère était à Londres, bien tranquille, et toi, tu viens ici sans prévenir, tu casses un mur, et tu finis par l'envoyer en prison.
I'm running out of time, and Michael here is... now healthy enough to carry on.
Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps. La santé de Michael lui permet désormais de reprendre le flambeau.
Time's running out. Escrow is closing.
La séquestre prend fin.
The river is still far away, and time started running again. I often see her face coming out of the dark, approaching me... I then turn and go to meet her.
La rivière est encore loin et le temps s'enfuit rapidement... je vois souvent son visage sortir de l'obscurité, et s'approcher de moi... alors je me retourne et vais à sa rencontre... mais il est trop tard dans l'après-midi, et le soleil disparaît,
time is of the essence 71
time is up 41
time is money 74
time is 18
time is short 39
running out of time 23
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time is 18
time is short 39
running out of time 23
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time flies 78
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time to eat 55
time for bed 134
time to go to bed 19
time to go to work 26
time to leave 25
time out 262
time to sleep 29
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time to eat 55
time for bed 134
time to go to bed 19
time to go to work 26
time to leave 25
time out 262
time job 218
time to get to work 16
time for breakfast 17
time to get up 91
time of death 270
time continuum 62
time thing 208
time lord 48
time for dinner 25
time low 44
time to get to work 16
time for breakfast 17
time to get up 91
time of death 270
time continuum 62
time thing 208
time lord 48
time for dinner 25
time low 44