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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / To hell with it

To hell with it Çeviri Fransızca

461 parallel translation
To hell with it.
Au diable avec.
To hell with it!
Oh et puis merde!
To hell with it! I've had enough.
Ca alors!
Just a bird in a gilded cage, That's me! Oh, to hell with it.
Un oiseau en cage, voilà ce que je suis!
To hell with it all!
Au diable!
To hell with it all!
C'est foutu!
To hell with it...
Eh, merde!
I say to hell with it.
je dirai : "Au diable tout cela!"
We can't stay, so to hell with it.
On ne peut pas rester, ça suffit.
Look, something's going on. If you're not interested, to hell with it.
J'ai vu un truc, ça t'intéresse pas?
- I mean, communicating with the children. - Oh, to hell with it.
Les contacts entre parents et enfants...
To hell with it!
Et puis merde!
To hell with it!
Au diable!
Police! Oh, to hell with it.
Oh, y en a marre à la fin.
To hell with it.
Damné soit ton père.
And every day, a man has been killed for thinking they were just over the hill. I say to hell with it!
Chaque jour, des hommes meurent parce qu'ils espèrent leur arrivée.
"To become a samurai is to master the sword?" To hell with it!
La voie du samouraï, je m'en tape.
To hell with it.
Et merde.
You make all sorts of excuses : "To hell with it, this is life."
On trouve des excuses, "Merde, c'est la vie"!
To hell with it.
Tant pis si ça fait mal!
I say be gaudy and to hell with it.
Fais du tapage et au diable.
To hell with it Doc. I swear by my children's happiness, that there wasn't anything to fix on Allenby Street.
Je vous jure sur la tête de mes futurs petits-enfants qu'il n'y avait rien à réparer à la rue Allenby.
- To hell with it!
- Rien à foutre!
To hell with it!
Oh, to hell with it.
Oh, hé merde.
To hell with it!
La barbe!
Oh, to hell with it.
You seem to think this thing has all the devils of Hell in it. Why not burn it and be done with it?
Vous avez l'air de croire que c'est l'expression même du mal.
To hell with all of it!
Rien à foutre de tout ça!
Great title. Of course, we'll have to take it up with the Hays Office. You can't say "hell" on the screen, you know.
Il est bien mais on devra en parler avec la commission Hays.
With me, madam, it's the honor of serving the company, and to hell with the pay.
Pour moi, c'est l'honneur avant tout. - Et au diable la solde!
It's for you commissioner. - To hell with it!
- Pour vous.
I'm going to give you all the hell in the Bible, and if you don't like it, fix it up with the Lord because the Lord put it there.
Vous allez tout savoir sur l'enfer, et si ça vous déplaît, plaignez-vous auprès du Seigneur.
To hell with Fritz! It's the girl we're looking for now.
Notre priorité, c'est la fille.
- It needs a man to go to hell with.
- Il me faut un homme pour l'enter.
It's the generals with the bloodiest records... who are the first to shout what a hell it is.
Les généraux sont les premiers à clamer l'horreur de la guerre.
Mum'll have any more reason to faint. The hell with it.
Maman aura encore plus de raisons de s'évanouir.
To hell with the speech. Let somebody else give it.
Un autre le prononcera.
I wish to hell I hadn't had to make the trip. I suppose, what with the house and Caroline... it's just as well that I've got some work. At least this pays better than corporation bus shelter.
Ça m'ennuie d'être loin... mais avec la maison et Caroline, au moins mon nouveau travail me rapporte plus que l'ancien et m'intéresse davantage.
I'm taking it with me to hell.
Je l'emporte avec moi en enfer.
If it's with you, I'II even go to hell.
Avec toi, j'irais même en enfer.
I'm going to burn it down. To hell with your orders, Colonel Sevigny.
Ce n'était pas un ordre, simplement un conseil.
And to hell with politics. It stinks!
Au diable la politique.
It sort of took a fellow back to the days of Harry Truman, to hear his audience cheer him on with shouts of ´ Give them hell! ´, as the President defended his record.
Comme au temps de Truman, le public criait son approbation au discours du président.
- But it's nothing to do with archaeology. - Oh to hell with archaeology!
- Ca n'a rien à voir avec l'archéologie.
I'll blow it to hell and gone with the train on it!
- Le brûler comme un damné.
Right, yet, this Count Yorga, or whatever the hell his name is, was able to do it with Donna screaming her head off, and she did everything he suggested to her.
Alors que ce comte Iorga, ou je ne sais comment, a pu le faire avec Donna qui hurlait. Exact. Elle a fait tout ce qu'il a suggéré.
This weather up here really plays hell with my athlete's foot. Seems like any time I come up to Oregon, it just crawls right up to my privates.
A chaque fois que je passe par l'Oregon, ça se propage jusque dans mes parties intimes.
To hell with it.
Putain de merde!
I don't know what the hell to do with it.
Je ne sais pas ce que c'est.
Starts out with an eight-hour day... forty hours a week... and, hell, boy, before you know it... you're married to some fine-ass woman and buying a house.
€ a commence par huit heures par jour... 40 heures par semaine... et, putain, mec, en un clin d'oeil... t'‚ pouses une nana classe... et t'achŠtes une maison.

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