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Was that wrong Çeviri Fransızca

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Was that wrong?
C'etait mal?
That was a there's-something-wrong good luck.
C'était plutôt du genre : "il y a un problème".
Well, I just had this feeling yesterday that something was terribly wrong, and when I tried to reach him, I couldn't.
Hier, j'ai eu le sentiment qu'un truc grave était arrivé. Je ne suis pas arrivé à le joindre.
She said that's how she knew something was wrong.
"M.B." Vous aviez raison.
And I was wrong about that, too.
Et j'ai eu tort.
The doctor said that there was something wrong with Aaron.
Le docteur a dit qu'il y avait quelque chose de bizarre avec Aaron.
Staged that whole wrestling stunt to embarrass you. I was totally wrong about him.
Je me suis totallement trompée sur lui.
That was wrong.
Tu n'aurais pas dû faire ça.
That was wrong and it was foul for going in there and starting that fight at their dinner table like that.
C'est vraiment minable d'avoir déclenché une dispute pendant le dîner.
Like anything that went wrong, it was up to me to fix.
C'était à moi de régler tous les problèmes.
There was a time that I saw him sign something wrong.
Une fois il a fait un signe différent.
That was wrong.
J'ai eu tort.
It's just that you were right and I was wrong.
Tu avais raison et j'avais tort.
What you did was wrong. You can't deny that.
C'était mal, ne le nie pas.
That's what I thought, too, but I was wrong.
C'est ce que je croyais aussi, mais j'avais tort.
I saw that something was wrong.
J'ai vu qu'elle allait mal.
has not and could not hold feeling that something was wrong.
Il sent bien que quelque chose cloche.
I wanted to say that... I was wrong.
Je voulais dire que j'ai eu tort.
There was something wrong about him from the start, and he knew I wasn't a scientist, but I never told him that.
Quelque chose clochait depuis le début. Je ne lui ai jamais dit que je n'étais pas une chercheuse.
It was so simple that nothing could go wrong- -
C'était trop simple pour qu'il y ait une erreur...
As soon as I went in to check on her, i knew that there was something wrong.
Je suis allé la voir, je savais que quelque chose clochait.
Was that the wrong thing to do?
Vous pensez que j'aurais pas dû?
And that was wrong.
Et c'était mal.
You thought as president she was taking the country in the wrong direction. I believed that, yes.
Vous disiez qu'elle menait le pays dans la mauvaise direction.
And he said that there was nothing wrong.
- Ils ont dit qu'il n'y avait rien.
And all the other kids in the class cried, and I knew then that I was... wrong.
Et tous les autres enfants de la classe ont pleuré, et j'ai compris alors que j'étais... pas normale.
But still, I was kissin'a woman Who was engaged to someone else, And that's just plain wrong.
Quand même, j'ai embrassé une femme fiancée, c'est plus grave.
No, that was a wrong number.
Non, c'était un faux numéro.
I'm here to help, Megan, and to find out what I said that was so terribly wrong.
Je suis là pour aider, Megan, et pour savoir ce que j'ai dit de si terrible.
I was actually hoping that there was something wrong with this profile.
J'espérais que le profil soit faux.
Because I keep hoping you'll stop talking like that, realize that everything the Skitters did to us was wrong.
Parce que j'espère toujours que tu arrêteras de parler comme ça, que tu réalises que tout ce que les Skitters nous ont fait était mal.
That I was wrong.
Que j'avais tort.
So Crosswhite walked... And lived in a purgatory you created for him until he met Amber, and she figured out that there was something wrong with the footage?
Donc Crosswhite est sorti... et a vécu en enfer par votre faute jusqu'à sa rencontre avec Amber.
At first, they said that her brain was wired wrong.
Au début, ils ont dit que son cerveau fonctionnait mal.
that it was gonna go away, but clearly, I was wrong.
Mais j'avais tort.
How did you know that doctor was gonna pick the wrong vial?
Comment savais-tu que le docteur choisirait la mauvaise fiole?
At the time, I thought that I needed him but I see now how wrong I was.
J'ai eu tort, mais sur le moment, je pensais avoir besoin de lui.
Let's not talk about that. I was wrong to put you in that position.
J'ai eu tort de t'imposer ça.
I was wrong about that cats and dogs stuff.
Je me suis trompée sur l'histoire des chats et des chiens.
And Doug admitted on tape that he knew something was wrong, but that he did it anyway.
Et Doug a été filmé en train d'avouer qu'il s'avait que quelque chose ne tournait pas rond.
- That's what was wrong.
- Voilà ce qui ne va pas.
But I knew when I woke up this morning to an empty bed that something was wrong.
J'ai su qu'un truc clochait quand je me suis réveillée dans un lit vide.
I was maybe a little bit wrong to have said some of that.
J'ai peut-être eu tort de parler comme ça.
He left the door open, and-and I saw that something was wrong.
Il a laissé la porte ouverte, et j'ai vu qu'un truc clochait.
That was wrong.
C'était une erreur.
As soon as I got off the phone, I knew it was the wrong thing to do, that I was gonna be happier in Foo Fighters.
Dès que j'ai raccroché, j'ai senti que c'était une erreur, que je serais plus heureux avec Foo Fighters.
I guess I was wrong about that, too.
J'avais tort pour ça aussi.
I'm sorry, that was wrong.
Je suis désolé, c'était mal.
Look, Ryan, I want you to know that after what you just did for me well, I was wrong.
Sache, Ryan, qu'après ce que tu viens de faire, j'avais tort.
And it took me months to realize that something was wrong and then to get him to tell me about it.
J'ai mis des mois à comprendre son malaise et à le faire parler.
Because I thought my dad was, like, the best in the world, so I didn't think that anybody could really beat him and he proved me wrong.
Je croyais que mon père était le meilleur, qu'il était imbattable, mais il m'a prouvé le contraire.

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