Was that you Çeviri Fransızca
65,313 parallel translation
Our deal was that you would bring me the dagger in exchange for Elena.
Notre accord était que tu devais m'amener la dague en échange d'Elena.
One night, the kind that chills you to your inner bones, I was walking to the lighthouse to bring me father some pigeon stew and bread.
Une nuit... le genre de nuit qui vous gèle jusqu'aux os, je me rendais au phare avec un ragoût et du pain pour mon père.
Although it was you that brought me here, you and a few others like you.
Même si je suis ici à cause de vous. Vous, et d'autres comme vous.
I was hoping you'd say that.
J'espérais que tu dirais ça.
It was on the streets that I had you.
Je t'ai eue dans la rue.
But it was murder that sent you to Arkham, a prison for the criminally insane.
Mais c'est pour meurtre que vous avez été envoyé à Arkham, une prison pour les criminels fous.
I mentioned you killed my husband on our wedding night, and he thought that was hilarious, so that's something the two of you can bond over when you find him.
J'ai mentionné que tu avais tué mon mari pendant notre nuit de noce, et il a trouvé ça hilarant, c'est quelque chose que vous pourriez tous les deux partager quand tu le trouveras.
Who was that man you were with?
Je t'ai vu plus tôt. Qui est cet homme avec qui tu étais?
That driver that hit and killed your father that night was a career scumbag. What'd you find out?
Ce conducteur qui a percuté et tué ton père cette nuit-là était une enflure.
That was between you and Frank.
C'était entre vous et votre oncle.
The process that brought you into this world was flawed.
Le processus qui t'a donné vie était défectueux.
He was following you not because I asked him to, but because he knows, as I do... that you are an enemy of Gotham.
Il ne vous suivait pas parce que je le lui ai demandé, mais parce qu'il sait, tout comme moi... que vous êtes un ennemi de Gotham.
If she did come to you, the only thing she took away is that Mario was totally and completely insane.
Si elle est venue vous voir, la seule chose qu'elle a pu en retirer c'est que Mario était complètement fou.
That man that wanted you to detonate that bomb... whatever he promised you... freedom from pain, power... none of it, none of it was real.
Cet homme qui voulait que vous enclenchiez cette bombe... Quoi qu'il vous ait promis... la délivrance de la douleur, le pouvoir... rien de tout ça, rien de ça n'était réel.
I knew you'd figure out that this was about Oswald, but how'd you figure out where we are?
Je savais que vous comprendriez que tout ceci était pour Oswald, mais comment avez-vous trouvé où nous étions?
That plan was perfect... and you know it.
Ce plan était parfait... et tu le savais.
That day, by the edge of the river, that was the moment you were reborn.
Ce jour-là, au bord de la rivière, C'est le moment où tu as renaît.
Was killing Nygma... really that important to you?
Tuer Nygma... était vraiment si important pour toi?
And our deal was that I would train so that I could fight Gypsy, but I guess you two wanted to go behind my back and try to sub in?
Et notre marché était que je m'entraînerais pour que je combatte Gypsy, mais je suppose que vous vouliez y aller derrière mon dos et essayer de me remplacer?
Since I have you both, I wanted to ask, um, Cecile's daughter, Joanie, is in town, and I was thinking that maybe we could all get together.
Pendant que vous êtes là, je voulais vous demander. La fille de Cécile, Joanie, est en ville, et je pensais qu'on pourrait tous se réunir.
Once Yorkin's blood was stabilized, we actually managed to get an antidote that cured you.
Une fois le sang de Yorkin stabilisé, On a réussi à fabriquer une antidote, qui t'a guérie.
I knew there was a good guy inside of you somewhere... one that the rest of us would like to see a little more often.
Je savais bien qu'au fond, tu étais quelqu'un de bien. C'est la partie de toi qu'on aimerait voir plus souvent.
You know, I couldn't before because he was in the Speed Force, but, now that he's out of it, feeling footloose and fancy-free, I'm sure...
Je ne pouvais pas avant parce qu'il était dans la Force Véloce, mais maintenant qu'il en est sorti, qu'il est libre comme l'air, je suis sûr...
No matter how scared she was to tell you, no matter how dangerous it is to be with him, all that matters is, they're together.
Peu importe à quel point elle a eu du mal à vous le dire, peu importe à quel point c'est dangereux pour elle, Tout ce qui compte, c'est qu'ils soient ensemble.
That he's unstoppable, that he was the first speedster, and that you defeat him, but not until after he takes what matters the most to you...
Qu'il est inarrêtable, qu'il a été le premier bolide, et que tu l'as battu, mais pas jusqu'à ce qu'il te prenne ce qui compte le plus pour toi...
I was so focused on not hurting you... as Killer Frost... that I forgot that I could hurt you as Caitlin Snow, and for that I'm very sorry.
J'étais trop occupée à ne pas te blesser... en tant que Killer Frost... que j'ai oublié que je pouvais blesser en tant que Caitlin Snow, et pour cela, je suis désolée.
I was terrified that you might die in the middle of the night.
J'étais terrifié que tu pourrais mourir au beau milieu de la nuit.
How do you think she was doing that? I don't know.
Savitar lui a dit ce qui allait arriver.
Joe, I'm fine. I just... you know, I wish that you would've told me what was going on with you.
Mais j'aurais préféré que tu me dises ce qu'il se passait.
It was my fault that you got caught up in all this.
C'est de ma faute si tu as été mêlée à ça. J'en suis navré, Cecile.
Yeah. So you thought that pushing me away was the thing to do?
Tu pensais que me repousser était la meilleure chose à faire?
I thought that I was protecting you.
Je pensais te protéger.
And I'm sorry that I was dishonest with you.
Et je regrette de ne pas avoir été honnête avec toi.
I told her that you were The Flash and that Wally was Kid Flash.
Que tu étais le Flash et que Wally était Kid Flash.
So when the Legends found that message in the Waverider from old you saying "Don't trust Barry Allen," it was talking about Savitar Barry Allen.
Quand les Légendes ont trouvé le message dans le Waverider du vieux toi disant "N'ayez pas confiance en Barry Allen", il parlait du Barry Allen Savitar.
You know, part of me can't help but... think that this is some sort of gift, you know... that this is the life that he was supposed to have.
Une partie de moi pense que c'est une sorte de don. Que c'est la vie qu'il aurait dû avoir.
Seeing you without the weight of everything that's happened, seeing you happy, like you were before your mother was killed?
Ne plus te voir porter le poids du monde, te voir heureux, comme avant la mort de ta mère?
You... you told me that it was because
Toi... Vous m'avez dit que c'était parce que
Okay, since... since we're confessing, remember... when I told you guys that we couldn't eat out for a month, because I was saving money for yours and Barry's college tuition?
D'accord, depuis... Puisque nous avouons, rappelez--vous... Quand je vous l'ai dit, les gars
- What, um... what was that song you used to sing all the time?
- - Quoi... Quelle était cette chanson que vous Utilisé pour chanter tout le temps?
That work deadline I was telling you about?
La date limite dont je vous parlais?
You have absolutely no idea... how important that journal was.
Tu n'as absolument aucune idée... de la valeur de ce journal.
You said that the magic and the siphoning was new.
Tu m'as dit que la magie et le siphonnage étaient nouveaux.
I was hoping you'd say that, but I warn you :
J'espérais que vous disiez ça, mais je vous préviens :
I couldn't see that everything that I was looking for was right here in you.
Je n'ai pas pu voir que tout ce que je recherchais était là en toi.
I couldn't see that everything that I was looking for was right here in you.
Je n'arrivais pas à voir que tout ce que je cherchais était ici en toi.
I remember how you told me that when I was ready for you, you would be ready for me.
Je me souviens comme tu m'as dit que quand je serais prête pour toi, tu serais aussi prêt pour moi.
But the next day, Lucifer was with another woman, so did that make you jealous?
Mais le jour suivant, Lucifer était avec une autre femme, ça vous a rendue jalouse?
I was trying to prove that you weren't worthy of him.
J'essayais de prouver que vous n'étiez pas digne de lui.
Was that an earthquake, or did you just rock my world?
Était-ce un tremblement de terre où vous venez juste de me faire craquer?
Did I tell you, I watched you on TV in that dirty-ass rec room in Danbury when Empire's first album was inducted into the Music Hall of Fame.
Est-ce que je t'ai dit que je t'ai regardé à la TV dans cette petite pièce sale à Dunbury quand le premier album d'Empire a été intronisé dans le Hall of Fame de la musique.
was that really necessary 35
was that necessary 32
was that so hard 56
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that 195
was that it 78
was that wrong 21
was that okay 22
was that me 23
was that necessary 32
was that so hard 56
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that 195
was that it 78
was that wrong 21
was that okay 22
was that me 23
was that a joke 26
was that true 17
was that him 35
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that you 255
that you know of 21
that you did 18
that you love me 34
was that true 17
was that him 35
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that you 255
that you know of 21
that you did 18
that you love me 34
that you are 26
that you were 19
that you're 24
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
that you were 19
that you're 24
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you are 6060
you know that 5741
your full name 16
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you are 6060
you know that 5741
your full name 16