Which is a shame Çeviri Fransızca
64 parallel translation
I assume this conversation means you're not going with insanity, which is a shame.
Je présume donc que tu ne plaideras pas la folie. C'est dommage.
Case closed on Boris Badenov, which is a shame, because I was gonna have an NY tattooed on my ass to commemorate the Yankees World Series victory.
L'affaire Boris Badenov est classée. Dommage, je voulais me faire tatouer NY sur les fesses en hommage à la victoire des Yankees au championnat.
- Nobody has, which is a shame... because she wrote 16 amazing novels, nine plays and there are some who claim... it was Powell who made the jokes that Dorothy Parker got credit for.
- C'est dommage parce qu'elle a écrit 16 romans étonnants, neuf pièces et certains disent que ce serait l'auteur des jeux de mots attribués à Dorothy Parker.
Which is a shame.
C'est dommage.
Apparemment, ils ont eu la vie dure ici.
No, which is a shame, because his transition from professional skateboarding to acting hasn't been as smooth as I'd hoped.
Non, c'est dommage parce que sa transition de skateur pro à acteur n'a pas été tout à fait comme je l'espérais.
Which is a shame, because...
Et c'est dommage, parce que...
Which is a shame. Because those coags would've shown that Nicky's platelets were extremely low, indicating a condition called... lieutenant Tao?
Et c'est dommage, car ces analyses auraient révélé que Nicky n'avait plus beaucoup de plaquettes, ce qui indiquait un trouble appelé...
Which is a shame given all he's done for you.
Ce qui est un honte après tout ce qu'il a fait pour toi.
No, we don't have contact with her, which is a shame because she strikes us as a very nice lady.
Non, c'est dommage car elle est très gentille.
Which is a shame, because I really love it here.
Ce qui est très dommage, j'adore cet endroit.
But you didn't... which is a shame.
Mais tu l'as pas fait, et c'est dommage pour toi.
Which is a shame,'cause Ray is the friendliest place on Earth.
Dommage, Ray est l'endroit le plus sympa du monde.
They'll drain you dry, which is a shame, really.
une terrible perte.
- Which is a shame, considering you are clearly clever enough for the job, given the way you bluffed Natalie yesterday.
C'est dommage, sachant que t'es clairement qualifiée pour ce job, vu comment tu as dupé Natalie, hier.
Looks just like his father... which is a shame.
Tout comme son père... C'est dommage.
They're holding him with Jo, which is a shame, because he loves swing and they're having a dance tonight.
Il est en détention avec Jo. Dommage, il aurait aimé le bal.
Then you're not gonna talk to new building owner, which is a shame,'cause I hear he's a { \ * very } reasonable guy.
Alors, tu ne parleras pas au proprio. Dommage, il paraît qu'il est raisonnable.
Which is a shame, really, because we have so much in common.
Ce qui est vraiment dommage, on a tellement de choses en commun.
Which is a shame,'cause they're not that close.
C'est vraiment dommage. Parce qu'ils n'étaient si proche.
.. and obviously him being an FBI informant and also his reaction, his sort of douchebag reaction to the raids, damaged his credibility within the white-nationalist scene, which is a shame..
... Sauf que lui, c'était un véritable indic'. Et il y a aussi sa réaction. Sa réaction de vrai con face aux raids, qui a beaucoup nui à sa crédibilité sur la scène blanche ultra-nationaliste.
Which is a shame, because I was giving you a chance to help me help him- - your own flesh and blood- - but you told me to take a hike, so now... here's a more recent picture of your son.
Ce qui est dommage, parce que je vous donnais une chance de m'aider, votre chair et votre sang, mais vous me dites que je peux toujours courir, donc maintenant... voici une photo plus récente de votre fils.
Not very often, which is a shame, because, uh, you could use a friend right now.
Pas souvent, ce qui est dommage parce que tu aurais besoin d'un ami en ce moment.
Which is a shame, because otherwise Mellie Grant is an intelligent, accomplished woman.
Ce qui est regrettable, car autrement Mme Grant Est une femme intelligente et Accompue
Which is a shame, really, since neither one of us made this mess.
Quel gâchis, d'ailleurs, vu qu'on n'est pas responsables de ce merdier.
I'm not helping, which is a shame, because I promised Caleb I would do anything I could to help your family.
Je n'aide pas, ce qui est dommage, car j'ai promis à Caleb que je ferais tout pour aider ta famille.
- Which is a shame.
- Quel dommage.
He looks like he's mid-sneeze, which is a shame,'cause I was having a great boob year.
On dirait qu'il est au milieu d'un éternuement, ce qui est dommage, parce que j'avais de très beaux seins cette année-là.
Which is a shame because I think you have promise.
Ce qui est triste, ce qui est une honte, car vous avez du potentiel.
- I'd call it a criminal invasion of the rights of decent people... an assault upon the very privacy which is the cornerstone of self-respect... an infamous pursuit without shame or ethics... a vile calling, masquerading in the cloak of respectability... but actually sprung from the cesspools ofhumanity.
Usurpation des droits des honnêtes gens, atteinte à la vie privée, où puise la dignité, démarche abjecte et amorale, métier vil paré de respectabilité mais surgi du cloaque de l'humanité?
To feel shame for a cause is also a waste for you must rather spend time correcting that of which you are ashamed.
C'est également inutile quand il y a une raison. Mieux vaut utiliser ce temps à corriger ce qui te rend honteux.
How stand I then, that have a father kill'd a mother stain'd excitements of my reason and my blood and let all sleep while to my shame I see the imminent death of 20,000 men that, for a fantasy and trick of fame go to their graves like beds fight for a plot whereon the numbers cannot try the cause which is not tomb enough and continent to hide the slain?
Que suis-je donc, moi qui ai le meurtre d'un père et le déshonneur d'une mère pour exciter ma raison et mon sang et qui laisse tout dormir? Alors qu'à ma honte, je vois la mort imminente de vingt mille hommes qui pour une illusion, pour un rêve de gloire, vont à leurs tombeaux comme à leurs lits et se battent pour un lopin de terre trop petit pour qu'ils s'y mesurent tous, et pour accueillir les sépultures de ceux qui y seront tués!
Not for you, of course. But for Peter, Dr. Benton, which would be a shame considering how much work he's put into getting where he is.
Pas pour vous, bien sûr, mais pour Peter, le Dr Benton, ce qui serait honteux, vu la peine qu'il s'est donnée pour arriver là où il est.
Which is a real shame, because it's gonna be delicious.
Dommage, ce sera délicieux.
Which is why, frankly, I think it's such a shame.
Mais pourtant, je pense franchement que c'est une honte.
For me, slavery don't exist anymore, which is a damned shame.
L'esclavage n'existe plus, selon moi. Ce qui est dommage.
And I'm never gonna get my pictures back, which is a real shame...'cause they'll never let me under the bleachers anymore.
Je ne verrai jamais mes photos. Dommage, je m'étais faufilé sous les gradins.
So you must tell me, Sam, please... which is the greater shame?
Alors tu dois me dire, Samuel, je t'en prie, qu'y a-t-il de plus honteux?
Which is such a shame because I'm just dying to take... my 7-year-old little sister to a movie where the mom gets... killed by the evil male hunter.
C'est tragique, car je veux tellement emmener ma petite sœur de sept ans voir un film où la mère se fait tuer par un méchant chasseur.
Oh, hey, Dean is leaving my apartment in the morning which some of you might call the "walk of shame."
Tiens, salut. Dean sort de chez moi au petit matin. Certains appelleraient ça un réveil honteux, mais il n'y a pas de quoi avoir honte.
Which means you won't be able to keep coming here, which is a real shame.
Ce qui veut dire que tu ne pourras plus continuer de venir ici, Ce qui est vraiment dommage.
I have three children, I do not wish anyone any harm. "Reading in the city prison of shame is a deep grave." "Lie down there, which became syntisparka canker." "Back to the Tomb of the garment liekein, is the grave of the name oo." "There the Court until he quietly levätköön." "Needless tears are shed, or sigh in vain." "He loved what killed it, let the death of right." "It will listen to anyone who killed their loved ones." "Some gun is sighted, in others it is the word." "A coward resorts to a kiss, a brave seize the sword." I have been in jail often.
J'avais pris trois ans. "Devant la geôle de Reading Est une tombe d'infamie " Dévoré par des dents de flamme, C'est là qu'un misérable gît
The problem is no one values the experience of a stay-at-home parent, which is truly a shame, because basically, running this big enterprise, as you put it, would be a day at the beach for me.
Le problème c'est que personne n'apprécie l'expérience d'un parent qui reste à la maison, ce qui est vraiment honteux parce qu'en gros, diriger cette grosse entreprise, comme vous dites, serait un jour à la plage pour moi.
Which is a real shame, because, uh, you could do with that money right now to pay for a lawyer.
Ce qui est bien dommage, car avec cet argent, vous auriez pu vous payer un bon avocat.
Which is really a shame, because I was having a very good hair day.
Ce qui était vraiment dommage, parce que c'était un bon jour pour mes cheveux.
Morgan, Danny's always going on about how he doesn't want kids, which I personally think is a shame.
Morgan, Danny est toujours entrain de dire qu'il ne veut pas d'enfants, ce qui est dommage selon moi.
You won't even go to therapy, which is a damn shame.
Vous ne feriez pas de thérapie parce que c'est une telle honte.
Which is a shame,'cause I thought Bill and I were gonna be friends.
Je me bat avec Bill.
When it fades, it exudes latex, which is used to make morphine, a protection against the shame of its rapid decline. It also incarnates flight, sleep and the absence of self.
Lorsqu'elle fane s'écoule d'elle alors le latex, qui servira à faire de la morphine, une protection contre le chagrin d'avoir décliné si vite, et elle incarne alors la fuite, le sommeil et l'absence de soi.
Which is why this is such a shame.
C'est pourquoi c'est dommage.
Most mech techs end up building things that are for commercial or industrial purposes, which is really a shame.
La plupart des techniciens de mech finissent par construire des choses qui sont pour des fins commerciales ou des fins industrielles, ce qui est vraiment dommage.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is great 112
which is understandable 21
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is great 112