Which is fine Çeviri Fransızca
356 parallel translation
It was my mother's idea that I not be there which is fine by me.
Ma mère préférait que je ne sois pas là.
so you give the orders, which is fine by me.
Tu donnes les ordres. C'est normal.
I arrive at their hotel or their apartment and they're usually nervous, which is fine, because I'm not.
J'arrive chez eux. Ils sont nerveux. Moi pas.
So either we go on as we're doing, which is fine with me, or we end it :
Alors, soit qu'on continue comme ça, et ça me va entièrement, ou on casse.
Which is fine, except that you're marrying my daughter and I'm afraid that my grandchildren are gonna be little assholes.
Ce qui ne pose aucun problème sauf que tu vas épouser ma fille et j'ai peur que mes petits-enfants ne soient des petits cons.
Ce qui est bien.
où je fais le job, point... avec du temps.
Yeah, she phoned and told me... you'd be putting them up yourselves this year, which is fine.
Oui, elle a téléphoné et m'a dit que vous alliez les mettre en place vous-mêmes, j'approuve.
The police were smart. They denied everything, which is fine because now they can't hurt us.
La police a tout nié en bloc, donc on est blanchis.
You know, Lieutenant, I can't help but notice that I'm doing most of the talking here, which is fine.
J'ai été pris par surprise. Vous savez, inspecteur, je ne peux m'empêcher de remarquer qu'il n'y a que moi qui parle, ce qui ne me gêne pas.
Which is fine, unless the person you're in the relationship with has a "Eight More Months of Guilt, Torture and Pain" card.
A moins, bien entendu, que votre partenaire n'ait une carte valable pour 8 mois de souffrances.
But in the end I just watch. Which is fine, but it's something else altogether.
C'est bien mais, c'est une toute autre chose.
Sisko would rather die, which is fine with me.
Sisko préfèrerait mourir, ce qui ne me gênerait pas.
Which is fine unless APTERN thinks you're flying upside down.
Sauf si l'A.P. T.E.R.N. Pense que vous volez sur le dos.
The bloodiest most brutal wars fought all based on religious hatred, which is fine with me.
Les plus sanglantes des plus brutales des guerres. Toutes basées sur une haine religieuse. Ce qui me va très bien!
Recipes, music, jugglers... it's sort of like a steady diet of dessert, which is fine, but pretty soon, you want some meat and potatoes.
- Pont 4. Les recettes, la musique, le jonglage. Au bout d'un moment, on a envie de quelque chose de plus consistant.
Which is fine.
C'est bien comme ça.
Which is fine with me most of the time, but...
Ca me va la plupart du temps, mais...
Now, up until now, the story's been nothing but action, which is fine, but what it needs is a little heart, a little emotion.
- Bon. Je vais le dire au capitaine.
Now, up until now, the story's been nothing but action, which is fine, but what it needs is a little heart, a little emotion.
Jusqu'ici, il n'y a eu que de l'action, mais il faut ajouter un peu d'émotion.
Well, whatever it was we had, or whatever it was I had for him, it's over. Which is fine.
En tout cas ce qui s'est passé entre nous, c'est bien terminé.
I was hoping we could work this out amicably but apparently you prefer a long, drawn-out court fight which is fine with me, since you'll be liable for all the court costs in addition to statutory and punitive damages.
Je pensais pouvoir régler ce cas à l'amiable mais apparemment, vous préférez un long procès. Ça me va très bien puisque c'est vous qui paierez tous les frais de justice, sans parler évidemment des dommages et intérêts.
- He wanted to walk, which is fine.
- Il a voulu marcher. Ça va.
Which is fine, you know. It's great.
Ce qui est bien, génial, mais...
You know, which is fine but to foist it off as art....
Tu sais, il n'y a pas de mal á ça... mais dire que c'est de l'art...
Which is fine. She has that right.
Elle a le droit de le faire.
Kitten, optempo is up, which is fine.
Le rythme opérationnel est en hausse, ce qui est bien.
Which is fine because you just turned 28!
Vu que tu viens d'avoir... 28 ans!
I have all of these feelings, and I don't know what to do about them. I can't date like a normal person, which is fine because I don't need a relationship. All I really want is one great night!
Je ressens plein de trucs et je ne sais pas quoi faire, parce que je ne peux pas sortir avec une personne normale, ce qui est bien puisque je n'ai pas besoin d'une relation, ce que je veux, c'est juste une aventure.
but the women are not going crazy because of his fine six-pack. The central reason is Hallyu - because Korean Dramas exist, he is receiving love. As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
54 ) } 시원 24 ) } THE FRENCH
"Her skin looks younger than mine, which is greyish."
"Sa peau est plus fine que la mienne qui est plus grise."
Don't let people dictate what you shall do or shall not do because it would be impossible for you to do anything which is not fine and decent and true.
Ne laisse pas les gens te dicter ce que tu dois faire ou non car il te serait impossible de faire quoi que ce soit qui ne soit bon, décent et honnête.
Either the young lady is innocent, in which case everything is fine or she is guilty, in which case I will sell you my gun at a very reasonable price.
Soit la jeune dame est innocente, dans ce cas, c'est parfait. Soit elle est coupable et je vous vends mon pistolet à prix d'ami.
This is the object of my mission which has given me the honour of knowing you and this fine palace.
C'est là l'objet de ma mission, qui m'a valu... L'honneur et le plaisir de vous connaître ainsi que votre famille, et ce magnifique palais.
Another beloved tradition among breeders is presenting new prized breeds every year at the big fair in the south which, like fine horses, carry the name of their family.
Une autre tradition très chère aux éleveurs est de présenter tous les ans aux grandes foires du Sud de nouvelles races prisées, qui comme les chevaux, portent le nom de leur famille.
Which of these fine houses is yours?
Laquelle de ces belles maisons est la vôtre?
It seems like half the city is trying to cover it up, which is fine by me. -
À priori, je m'en fous.
To the fine distinction between which half of the left of the left is recognized by Moscow as the real Communist Party in America?
- Je me suis engagé. - À quoi?
[Groans] I'll be fine, which is more than I can say for whoever measured the powder in those blanks.
Ça va aller, mais pas grâce au type qui a fabriqué ces balles à blanc. Te plains pas.
- Mais... il a brutalement annulé des visites le mois dernier et je sens la culpabilité dans ses explications.
You're trying to make a film about, uh, some philosophy professor, which is admirable. That's fine. I'm offering you the chance to earn some decent money, you know, reach a big audience.
Tu essaie de faire un film à propos... d'un certain professeur de philosophie, ce qui est admirable, mais, je t'offre la chance de gagner réellement de l'argent, d'atteindre un grand auditoire.
Or this fine house, which is rotting from the ground up.
Ou cette belle maison qui pourrit par le sol.
Ruhi's house is fine. - Which is his?
La maison de M. Rouhi est aussi en bon état.
But most of all, what I resent... is your perfume, however subtle it may be, competing'with the aroma of my fine $ 3.59 cigar, which I will put out this instant... if the phallic nature of it happens to offend... your goddamned fragile sensibilities!
Mais avant tout, je déteste que votre parfum, si subtil soit-il, se mesure à l'arôme de mon bon cigare à 3,59 $ que je vais éteindre sur-le-champ si sa nature phallique offense votre putain de sensiblerie!
Through the dirt which is sometimes trapped there into the soft layer of skin, tearing it from its delicate join with the nail.
A travers la saleté qui y réside parfois, dans la fine couche de peau, en décollant délicatement l'ongle au-dessus.
Which is : we're fine with it.
"Aucun problème."
Which if there is, it's perfectly fine of course, sir.
Si c'est le cas, vous avez tout à fait le droit.
No Kromaggs, which is just fine with me.
Pas de Kromaggs. Ça me va.
The fine ladies and gentlemen who serve on the Supreme Court... which is now stacked with right-wing appointees... have no business deciding whether women have to resort to back-alley abortions -
Les bonnes dames et gentilhommes qui servent à la Cour Suprême,... laquelle est maintenant entassée de nominations de l'aile droite... n'ont rien à faire avec la décision qu'une femme ait à avoir recour à l'avortement d'arrière-boutique- -
After Yusan, which is known for its fur and leather... there's fine honey and ginseng in Kongju.
Puis Yusan, connu pour ses fourrures et cuivres. On trouve du bon miel et du ginseng à Kongju.
- Guy writes a play called Apostles, in which Jesus Christ is gay, and you protest. Fine.
- Un auteur... monte une pièce où Jésus-Christ est homo, et vous protestez?
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112