Which one is that Çeviri Fransızca
692 parallel translation
─ Which one is that?
- Laquelle?
- Which one is that?
- Laquelle est-ce?
but the women are not going crazy because of his fine six-pack. The central reason is Hallyu - because Korean Dramas exist, he is receiving love. As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
54 ) } 시원 24 ) } THE FRENCH
And with that one pack of orange juice, 300 million won is on the line. If you're not going to give up my precious 800 million won, which you've been paid so far for the script, then right now, add orange juice into the script!
Et avec ce pack de jus d'orange 300 millions won sont en jeu. ajoutez-le jus d'orange dans le script!
- Which one is that?
- C'est lequel?
La loi des dieux protège la vierge sacrée et exige qu'elle ne soit ni touchée, ni désirée, par aucun homme.
You must forgive this "sentimentalish" old German to say... the one thing that consoles me... is the coming marriage of my other boy, Fritz... with Jeanne, the sister of Henri - the marriage to which you will all come, of course, this spring in Düsseldorf.
Excusez ce vieil Allemand pour sa "sentimentalité"... mais ce qui me console... c'est le prochain mariage de mon autre fils, Fritz... avec Jeanne, la sœur d'Henri... mariage auquel vous êtes tous conviés, bien sûr, ce printemps à Düsseldorf.
They synchronize and become one, which makes it appear that the fan is standing still.
Elles se synchronisent et ne font plus qu'un... ce qui donne l'impressión que le ventilateur ne tourne plus.
They are all very good, but the highest one is that of Mr. Billings. He says he will give me 50,000 francs besides my salary, which is very big just to sign the contract.
Voyons, la plus alléchante... est celle de M.Billings. 50000 francs en plus de mes cachets.
Now which one is it in? That one.
- Maintenant, lequel c'est?
Not only because of the generous way in which you have received my symphony but because I can share this moment with one whose contribution to this music is far greater than any that I could have made.
Non seulement à cause de la façon dont vous avez reçu ma symphonie, mais parce que je peux partager ce moment avec quelqu'un qui a contribué à cette œuvre autant, sinon plus que moi.
Now, the one composition of Tchaikovsky's that he really detested was his Nutcracker Suite, which is probably the most popular thing he ever wrote.
Ainsi Tchaïkovski n'aimait-il guère son Casse-Noisette, qui est sa composition la plus célèbre.
In case someone born with the title is hidden away somewhere, he has one year in which to make himself known or enter his objection. After that it's too late.
Si un tenant du titre est en vie, quelque part, il a un an pour se manifester, ensuite ce sera trop tard.
Mr. Brown and the others arrived in that boat four days ago. Which one is Brown?
Brown et les autres sont arrivés ensuite.
But the Montgomery Trust. That's the bank in which McDonald is one of the chief stockholders, can't see it.
Mais c'est toujours l'argent qui décide et il devra accepter
And I'm gonna tell them that there's only one government which is capable of handling the atomic control, world disarmament, world employment, world peace, and that's a world government.
Et je leur dirai qu'il n'y a qu'un gouvernement capable de contrôler l'énergie nucléaire, le désarmement, l'emploi et la paix du monde : un gouvernement mondial.
There is only one condition under which I will remove my boy from Graingerry. And that it is that Graingerry has ceased to exist.
Je n'ôterai mon fils de Graingerry qu'une fois que cet établissement aura cessé d'exister.
On that point, no doubt, but there is another one on which I'm much less so.
Sur ce point, sans doute. Mais sur un autre, je le suis moins.
However, it must be regretfully admitted that, in substance the story to which the Honourable Member refers, is a true one.
Néanmoins, il doit être admis avec regret qu'en substance l'histoire à laquelle se réfère l'Honorable Parlementaire, est vraie.
It is my last reception, and one wants something... that will encourage conversation, particularly at the end of the season, when everybody has practically said whatever they had to say, which, in most cases, was probably not much.
C'est ma dernière soirée, et il faut quelque chose qui facilite la conversation : c'est la fin de la saison, et chacun a dit tout ce qui pouvait être dit. Ce qui bien souvent est probablement peu de choses.
Boake was the star fullback on the team, and one of the most popular young men in the county, which is why, I suppose, he always seemed to think that
Boake était leur meilleur joueur et il était très recherché.
Here, for instance, is one such specimen that got himself trapped in amber, which we know is at least that old.
Voici par exemple, un spécimen... fossilisé dans de l'ambre, datant de cette époque.
Which is too bad in a way... because Arthur's the one that really knows.
Dommage, car c'est Arthur qui s'y connaît.
He's full of opinions, one of which is that he can write good music on a time schedule.
Il est plein d'opinions, dont l'une est qu'il peut écrire de la bonne musique en temps planifié.
It's just that one look at your kindly face, which is so full of fun, good fellowship...
Mais quand on regarde ton visage plein de bonté... qui est toujours prêt à rire... et qui est si amical...
I don't know which of my boys is alive, and you don't know which. But one of you belongs to him, and don't you forget that.
J'ignore lequel de mes fils est encore en vie... mais ce que je sais, c'est que l'une d'entre vous lui appartient.
Well, for one thing... more than half of it is an argument that... mental health is an important problem in this country... which will hardly be news to an audience of doctors.
- Eh bien... Il démontre longuement que les troubles mentaux sont chose grave. Ça n'apprend rien à un auditoire de médecins.
As an officer, I'm entitled to certain privileges, one of which is that I not only be treated respectfully, but that I be addressed in a language I can understand.
En tant qu'officier, j'ai droit à certains privilèges... l'un d'eux voulant que je sois traitée non seulement avec respect... mais qu'on me parle dans une langue que je puisse comprendre.
Let me figure out which one it is. OK, that it?
C'est celui-là?
The reason why he buys everything he can, is because of a crazy hope that one of the things he buys will be life everlasting which it never can be.
Il a une raison pour acheter autant : L'espoir qu'une des choses qu'il achète le rendra immortel. Ce qui est impossible.
Oh, I had very good friend in that squadron. As I said, I remember the steps, alright, my trouble is to know which one to take.
J'ai su cette danse, jadis, mais aujourd'hui...
So, we have one cigarette lit and abandoned in its entirety, which has slowly consumed itself. See, the ash is still intact, a sign that the tobacco is good.
Voyons... une cigarette allumée, puis abandonnée, elle a brûlé toute seule, la colonne de cendres en témoigne.
Don't you see that this is something which concerns all of us... that this is the one moment when it is your duty to break confidence.
Ceci nous concerne tous. Votre devoir, M. Le Vicaire, est de dire ce que vous savez!
I've collected precedents and arguments that have a bearing on the basis of the case, which is the conflict between allegiance to international law and to the laws of one's own country.
J'ai trouvé des précédents en rapport avec l'élément qui sous-tend ce dossier, à savoir le conflit entre le respect de la loi internationale et de la loi nationale.
" What man having 100 sheep, if he lose one of them does not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
''Quel homme, s'il a cent brebis et vient à en perdre une,''n'abandonne les 99 autres pour s'en aller''après celle qui est perdue jusqu'à ce qu'il la retrouve?
... is but one of many which swing around the sun that there are other systems beyond our solar system. ... in myriad worlds.
Nous avons dû reconnaître que notre planète avec d'autres, gravitait autour du soleil et qu'il existait d'autres système au delà du système solaire et des myriades de mondes.
An assumption that one associates with minds oftheir calibre... and which is, in itself, gentlemen, a lie.
Une hypothèse selon laquelle "qui se ressemble s'assemble"... et qui, messieurs, est en soi un mensonge.
Which gives you a clue as to the proceedings that will begin in just a moment when one mr. Rance mcgrew, a 3,000-buck-a-week phony baloney, discovers that this week's current edition of make-believe is being shot on location and that location is the twilight zone.
Ce qui vous donne une idée des évènements qui vont commencer dans un instant, quand un certain Rance McGrew, un acteur à la manque à 3 000 $ la semaine, découvrira que l'histoire de cette semaine est tournée en extérieur.
Dogma is that there is one pair of first parents... from whom all mankind is descended. That truth remains... whether or not evolution was the method by which God chose to create them.
Le dogme enseigne que l'humanité descend du premier couple, que l'évolution soit ou non la méthode choisie par Dieu pour le créer.
That is a question I often inquire of myself, madam... to which there is no satisfactory answer... save one, perhaps, and that is that no one else would have you.
C'est une question que je me pose souvent, Madame, et qui demeure sans réponse satisfaisante... sauf que peut-être personne d'autre ne voulait de vous.
The one which is seen through my survey, or the one that is not seen?
Celle qu'on voit ou celle qu'on ne voit pas?
Now I suggest that we go back and try to find out which one it is.
À présent je suggère que nous y retournions et que nous essayions de trouver lequel d'entre eux c'est.
I fear that I shall be known not as a pope that drove the invaders out of Italy... but one who forced an unwilling artist to complete his work... which is so much greater than both of us.
On ne se souviendra pas du pape qui a chassé l'envahisseur, mais de celui qui a forcé un artiste réticent à finir un ouvrage qui est bien plus grand que nous.
Now, if you ascribe a number to each letter of the alphabet, beginning with A as one and B as two, culminating with the letter Z as 26, then the letters that compose the word London add up to 74, which, coincidentally, is my age.
- A étant égal à 1, B à 2, jusqu'à Z qui vaut 26 - les lettres composant le mot Londres font un total de 74, qui est, par pure coïncidence, mon âge!
It is, as you know, a statistical fact that in London one person dies every 25 seconds, which means it is extremely probable that one of us may not even live to arrive at the cemetery.
D'après les statistiques, en Angleterre, une personne meurt toutes les 25 secondes. Il est donc possible que l'un de nous n'arrive pas vivant au cimetière.
Among the many reports of the raid on the Chateau near Rennes perhaps the most objective is the one by General Worden in which he states " We are recommending that those members of the group'The Dirty Dozen'who survived should have their service records amended to indicate that they are returning to active duty at their former ranks.
De tous les rapports sur cette opération de commando, le plus objectif fut celui du général Worden : "Nous recommandons que les survivants du groupe dit des" douze salopards " voient leurs états de service amendés et que leurs anciens grades leur soient rendus.
Anyway, this mechanism emits the rays, the nature of which escapes me... but one thing is absolutely certain, that these rays... come into contact with every obstacle in the way and rebound off that obstacle... back into their little heads and warn them.
... Ce mécanisme émet des rayons dont la nature m'échappe encore. ... mais une chose est absolument sûre Ces rayons entrent en contact avec n'importe quel obstacle sur leur chemin et rebondissent depuis l'obstacle jusqu'à leurs petites têtes et les préviennent.
But am I to understand that if there is resistance during phase one, you would then go to phase two and even to phase three, which would mean the destruction of the entire city?
Dois-je comprendre que si la Résistance contrecarre la phase n ° 1, vous passeriez à la phase n ° 2 ou même la phase n ° 3, à savoir la destruction de la ville?
I'm only a bit upset with you, but this Mr. Spockyou mentioned, the one responsible for that unseemly, impudent act of taking you from me, which is he?
Je suis juste un peu en colère contre vous. Mais ce M. Spock dont vous m'avez parlé... Celui qui a eu l'impudence de vous arracher à moi.
For one thing, whenever you phone the base all you get is a recording which repeats that the phone lines are temporarily out of order.
Chaque fois qu'on appelle la base, on tombe sur un enregistrement qui répète que les lignes sont momentanément interrompues.
Which is the cause of that attraction for one particular person or object, since there are so many similar?
Quelle est la cause de cette attraction par une personne particulière ou l'objet, S'il y a beaucoup d'autres gens semblables? .
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one are you 89
which one do you prefer 16
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is he 45
which one was it 29
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one are you 89
which one do you prefer 16
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is he 45
which one was it 29
which one am i 16
which one's yours 33
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
which one's yours 33
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that your dog 17
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152