Who indeed Çeviri Fransızca
188 parallel translation
- Let's see what he's got to offer. Who indeed was this stranger, and what did he want here?
[ Que raconte cet étranger qu'on n'avait jamais vu auparavant?
Who indeed.
Qui, en effet.
Who indeed?
- En effet, qui?
Who indeed?
En effet!
Ah, who indeed am I?
Ah, qui suis-je en effet?
Sure! Who indeed would come up with such a lie.
Qui irait inventer cette histoire?
Thanks to someone who was so slow, I was shit-scared, indeed.
j'ai failli mourir de peur.
I have something here... 11 : 10, indeed. Who does he think he is?
J'ai quelque chose, là... 11 h 10!
And I am thankful indeed that seated here today in this courtroom... are honest, wise, unsulliedjurors... who recognize Krayler's kind for what it is worth, and who must know in their hearts that they must set this woman free - a woman whose only crime was the protection of her soul... against the avarice of this man.
Et je suis reconnaissant que ce tribunal ait... des jurés honnêtes, sages et droits... qui sauront identifier Krayler pour ce qu'il est... et qui dans leur coeur savent qu'ils doivent libérer cette femme - une femme dont le seul crime est d'avoir protégé son âme... contre la concupiscence d'un homme.
It was fortunate indeed that it was Tarzan who found you for he has known the secret of our hidden land and kept it well.
C'est une grande chance que ce soit Tarzan qui t'aie trouvée, car il connaît le secret de notre pays caché et il ne l'a jamais dévoilé.
Indeed, it is very bad when the one who deserves to go to the ball never does.
C'est dangereux de ne pas aller au bal quand tu le mérites bien!
We did indeed and we couldn't be happier that you boys were invited but who...
Oui, et je suis enchanté qu'on vous ait invité mais qui...
Indeed. Who can speak for the farmer better than you, Mr. Lauterback.
Qui pourrait le faire mieux que vous, M. Lautherback?
Mr. Cohill, it is a bitter thing indeed... to learn an officer who's had nine years'experience... the officer to whom I'm yielding command of the troop in two days... should have so little grasp of leadership... as to allow himself to be chivvied into a go at fisticuffs... while taps still sounds over a brave man's grave.
Cohill, il est pénible... d'apprendre qu'un officier ayant neuf ans d'expérience dans la Cavalerie... l'officier à qui je vais passer mon commandement... a si peu le sens de l'autorité... qu'il se laisse entraîner à un combat à coups de poings... quand la sonnerie funèbre retentit encore sur une tombe!
My friend indeed I rather think it is he who will pay
- Mon cher ami - Mon cher ami Je crois que c'est lui qui va le payer
Who steals my purse steals trash ; but he that filches from me my good name.. robs me of that and makes me poor indeed.
Qui dérobe ma bourse, dérobe une bagatelle mais celui qui me vole ma bonne renommée me vole réellement.
Tell me the tenderest of his names, for the man who gave to the world such a noble offspring is indeed worthy of love.
Dis-moi son petit nom secret, car il est vraiment digne de l'amour, l'homme qui a donné au monde un fils aussi merveilleux.
Indeed, who'd want to be Tsar?
Tu dis juste, quel plaisir à être tsar?
The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her.
La princesse en grandissant, aura la grâce et la beauté. Elle sera aimée de tous.
Indeed, Cherè had invited her new friend the young doctor, and a girl, Fedora, who was with him to bore them to death as well.
En effet, Cherè avait invité le jeune médecin et une fille, Fedora, qui l'accompagnait pour qu'ils s'ennueint aussi à mourir.
[Peppone got off at Reggio Emilia... ] [... having been woken rather too early by Don Camillo... ] [... who was happy to be rid of his traveling companion. ] [ Don Camillo got off at Parma... ] [... but did not go to see his aunt who was actually very well indeed.]
Peppone descendit avant, réveillé trop tôt par don Camillo qui avait hâte de se libérer de lui.
"It would be strange indeed if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the state for these lesser sacrifices in order to prevent our being swamped by incompetence."
"Il serait absurde qu'il ne puisse exiger de ceux qui l'affaiblissent un sacrifice de moindre portée afin d'ôter à la nation le poids de leur incompétence."
He roughly answered the description of who we believed to be the late Mr. Miles Hardwicke, and a little while later proved indeed to be the late Mr. Hardwicke.
Il correspondait à la description de celui que nous croyions être feu M. Miles Hardwicke, qui s'est effectivement révélé être feu M. Hardwicke.
Or, indeed, who delivered the first kick in the arse?
Bref, qui donna.. .. le 1 er coup de pied au cul?
Who, indeed?
Qui, en effet?
It is a broad gate and a wide road that leads to perdition and those who go that way are many indeed.
Nombreux sont ceux qui entrent par là.
He will be reprimanded if you are indeed who you say you are.
AGAMEMNON : Il sera réprimandé, si vous êtes bien celui que vous prétendez. DOCTEUR :
Who knows indeed?
Mais qui sait?
But it's indeed a blessing to find someone at last who knows Herefords.
Quelle bénédiction de voir enfin qu'on connaît la Hereford.
The regrettable incident you've just seen was unavoidable indeed foreseen by our playwright who managed to compose these extra lines in case the need arose.
Le regrettable incident que nous avons vu était inévitable. L'auteur avait prévu la chose et ajouté ces quelques vers, en cas de nécessité.
Indeed a young hero who lives up to his reputation
Sa réputation est méritée.
It's a rare compliment indeed, an Italian priest who prefers our clothes.
C'est un compliment très rare, un prêtre italien qui aime nos habits.
Indeed? And who might you be?
Et qui pouvez-vous bien être?
The person who told Ashiro Ryurei about you... was indeed I!
Celui qui parla de toi à Ashiro Ryurei... ce fut moi.
Justin, I hope you have good luck... and find nothing, because if you're right, and these unfortunate deaths are indeed the work of a vampire... who knows who will be its next helpless victim?
Justin, j'espère que vous aurez de la chance... et que vous ne trouverez rien, car si vous avez raison, et que ces tristes morts sont l'oeuvre d'un vampire... qui sait qui sera sa prochaine pauvre victime?
- Ah, yes. Who the devil, indeed.
- Un diable d'homme, en effet!
Sabine was a woman who was very pious and virtuous indeed
Oyez l'histoire de Sabine. Donzelle dévot'et honnêt'
William Fraser from America - who will testify that it is indeed a note written by Mrs. : Douglas. And who will produce samples of her handwriting to substantiate it :
Qui va témoigner qu'il est bien question de l'écriture de Mme Douglas... et qui va soumettre des exemplaires de son écriture pour tout confirmer.
Those who seem harmless... can indeed be most destructive! Because you weren't aware
Les gens doux peuvent accomplir les choses les plus terribles car personne ne se méfie d'eux.
Odd indeed that the one who is telling us not to run,... is instead running away himself!
Le monde est si bizarre. Ceux qui fuient demandent à ceux qui restent de ne pas fuir.
The Rutles, the singing phenomena, who made the sixties what they are today Here it was that indeed......!
Dirk, Nasty, Stig et Barry, les Rutles, les phénomènes chantants qui ont fait des Sixties ce qu'elles sont, oui, c'est ici même que...
I consider you the second highest expert in Europe... Indeed, sir! May I inquire who has the honor to be the first?
Mais comme homme pratique, vous êtes reconnu comme le seul.
And now would you even bother to guess who's that indeed
Et maintenant, devinez voir, qui est cette amazone au fier regard,
It would have been a poor Christian indeed who would have spotted you pinching and tossing on that raft and not given the alarm.
J'aurais été un bien piètre chrétien si je vous avais vu tanguer sur ce radeau sans donner l'alerte.
The night is brief indeed for those who celebrate!
La nuit est trop courte pour leurs réjouissances!
But I know people who have and they say it's very blue indeed.
Mais je connais des gens qui disent qu'elle est très bleue.
A noble knight indeed, Who Would steal his supper.
Réquisition. Ce chevalier est une énigme.
I mean, who would have thought that this "Colette" that you described as "rapturously beautiful, intelligent, indeed brilliant with an ethereal quality"
Comment cette "Colette" dont vous dites qu'elle est "très belle, intelligente, voire brillante et douée d'un côté aérien"
Who's then? Who's indeed?
- Elles sont à qui, alors?
Well, indeed, but who could have foretold she would flower so gracefully?
Certes, mais qui eût prédit si gracieux épanouissement!
Indeed, it is for all the people, who will be able to share in these... celebrations... Especially exciting... will be... the Queen's...
En effet, ce sont toutes ces personnes... qui s'impliqueront au cours de ces... célébrations... particulièrement excitantes... qui seront... pour la Reine...
indeed 4544
indeedy 30
indeed i am 39
indeed they are 22
indeed it is 70
indeed we are 17
indeed it does 18
indeed i have 17
indeed not 22
indeed i do 57
indeedy 30
indeed i am 39
indeed they are 22
indeed it is 70
indeed we are 17
indeed it does 18
indeed i have 17
indeed not 22
indeed i do 57
indeed he is 17
indeed i did 17
who is john galt 19
who is she 1115
who is it 3556
who is that 1293
who is this 1820
who is your father 16
who is he 1554
who is this person 54
indeed i did 17
who is john galt 19
who is she 1115
who is it 3556
who is that 1293
who is this 1820
who is your father 16
who is he 1554
who is this person 54
who is this man 124
who is this guy 354
who is there 94
who is 520
who is that man 70
who isn't 87
who is that girl 23
who is that woman 40
who is this girl 52
who is here 32
who is this guy 354
who is there 94
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who is that man 70
who isn't 87
who is that girl 23
who is that woman 40
who is this girl 52
who is here 32