You get married Çeviri Fransızca
3,700 parallel translation
And when you get married, there's lots of crap you got to do, like the cake, the flowers, the streamers...
Y a plein de conneries à régler : le gâteau, les fleurs, les banderoles.
Sorry, when did you get married?
Why didn't you get married?
Pourquoi vous ne vous êtes pas mariés?
Not the way you're supposed to love someone when you get married.
Pas de la façon dont il faut s'aimer pour se marier.
When you get married, just pretend it's your first time eating Lobster.
À ton mariage, prétends que c'est ta première dégustation. Aucun problème.
When you get married to George Tucker and move out, you're not even going to live here.
Quand tu seras marié à George et que tu auras déménagé, tu ne seras plus là.
Why don't you get married?
Et toi? Pourquoi t'es pas marié?
Until you meet the right person and you love them and then you get married to them, and then you can give that to them as a gift that you've cherished and you saved.
En attendant de rencontrer celle que vous aimez, et de vous marier pour lui offrir ce cadeau que vous avez conservé et chéri
Would you get married again?
Tu voudrais te remarier?
I know you want the big family wedding but your family is going to be this intense until we get married.
Je sais que tu veux un grand mariage, mais ta famille sera à cran jusqu'à ce qu'on se marie.
Did you ever get married?
Et toi, tu t'es mariée?
We all agreed it's fine for you to get married. No.
7x16 :
She wants you to get married, give her lots of grandchildren.
Elle veut vous voir mariés avec des petits-enfants.
You only get married once.
On ne se marie qu'une fois!
One day not too far off even you might get married, hmm?
Même toi, un jour prochain.
But your mother and I, we didn't get married for another eight months, you know?
Mais ta mère et moi, on a attendu huit mois avant de se marier.
You can't get married without this.
Tu ne peux pas te marier sans ça.
Okay, that's really sweet, but what I wanna know is, what happens to the money if you don't get married?
D'accord, c'est vraiment mignon mais ce que je veux savoir c'est, que se passe t-il pour l'argent si vous vous mariez pas?
Look, if you and Jeremy aren't ready to get married, everyone will understand.
Si vous n'êtes pas prêts pour le mariage, tout le monde comprendra. C'est promis.
You mean get married?
Vous allez vous marier?
If we get married, I can sleep with you.
Si on se marie, je pourrai coucher avec toi.
You said we can get married tomorrow.
Tu dis que l'on ne peut pas ce marier demain.
Hey, you only get married twice, right?
On ne se marie que deux fois, non?
A friend of mine is a ranger at Vandermeer State Park, And maybe I can get him to give you a waiver to get married At that Quaker meeting house.
Je connais un garde forestier au Vandermeer State Park et je peux lui demander une autorisation pour ton mariage au temple Quaker.
You said I had to change if we were gonna get married and keep the baby.
Tu m'avais demandé de changer pour qu'on se marie et qu'on garde le bébé.
Don't touch it or you'll never get married
Si tu y touches, tu ne te marieras jamais.
You're about to get married.
Tu vas te marier.
If two people get married, and you don't actually witness it, did it really happen?
Deux personnes se marient, on n'en est pas témoin, est-ce vraiment arrivé?
You did get married!
Tu t'es marié!
- Do you even wanna get married?
- Tu as vraiment envie de te marier?
Okay, well, he and Alana were about to have a baby. They were going to get married. Obviously it kills any chance of reconciliation for you guys, right?
Alana et lui allaient avoir un bébé, se marier, ruinant vos chances de vous réconcilier.
When you're out we'll get married.
Quand tu sortiras, nous nous marierons.
So, Howard, tell us, how's it feel knowing that when you two get married, you'll be referred to as Mr. and Dr. Wolowitz?
Donc, Howard dis nous ce que ça te fait de savoir que lorsque tous les deux vous serez mariés vous serez appelés Monsieur et Docteur Wolowitz?
I realize that you wanted me to talk to you like any young couple about to get married, but given your... "Life experience,"
Vous voulez le discours que je donne à n'importe quel jeune couple qui va se marier, mais vu votre... "long vécu",
Vous êtes trop ivre.
Are you and Aunt Annie going to get married?
Tu vas te marier avec tante Annie?
You and Dex gonna get married?
Toi et Dex allez vous marier?
Are you... are you saying that we're not gonna get married for at least two years? No, I'm not saying that.
Tu me dis qu'on se mariera pas avant au moins deux ans?
I thought for sure you two were gonna get married.
J'étais sûr que vous alliez vous marier.
You know, how many times is a guy gonna get married?
Souhaiter bonne chance à Vince. Il se mariera combien de fois?
I told you you should get married!
Je t'ai dis, que tu devrais te marier.
First, we got married, then you come out, we get divorced, now you're moving.
D'abord, on se marie, ensuite tu deviens gay, Nous divorçons, et maintenant tu déménages.
- You know, we were gonna get married.
Je voulais vraiment l'épouser.
If you really catch it, then you'd definitely get married
Si tu l'attrappes vraiment, alors tu vas certainement te marier.
Even Ella told you that she thought they were gonna get married.
Même Ella vous a dit qu'elle pensait qu'ils allaient se marier.
It's just that it took me weeks to get Pittsburgh out of you, and you're with J.D. for 30 seconds, and you tell him that you were married.
Il m'a fallu deux semaines pour vous faire cracher Pittsburgh, et il vous suffit de trente secondes avec J.D, pour lui dire que vous étiez marié.
And you can't get married without this.
Et vous ne vous marierez pas sans ça.
You could get married again, what about me?
Tu peux te remarier. Et moi?
You could get married in something like that ;
Tu pourrais te marier avec ça.
You're gonna see Lauren get married.
Tu va allez voir Lauren se marier.
You watched her get married.
Tu la vu se marier.
you get me 124
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get the point 20
you get 202
you get some rest 46
you get the picture 39
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get the point 20
you get 202
you get some rest 46
you get the picture 39