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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You invited him

You invited him Çeviri Fransızca

254 parallel translation
You invited him to your home again and again.
Vous l'invitiez souvent chez vous.
You invited him for me?
Vous l'avez invité pour moi?
You invited him, didn't you?
Tu l'as invité?
- But you invited him.
- Mais tu l'avais invité.
Now, let... You invited him.
Vous l'avez invité.
You invited him.
Ben, vous l'avez invité.
You sold him the house! - chief Parkins says you invited him!
Vous lui avez vendu la maison.
You invited him, Mr. Kramer!
Vous l'avez invité!
You offered him a few beers and then you invited him to share a ride With you to denver.
Tu lui as offert une bière et tu l'as invité à t'accompagner en voiture à Denver.
And you invited him to the house?
- Et tu l'as invité à la maison? - Deux fois.
You invited him.
Tu l'as invité.
- You invited him?
- Vous l'avez invité?
You invited him?
Tu l'as invité?
- So you invited him.
- Donc tu l'as invité, lui.
- You invited him again. - Why not?
- Tu ne l'as pas invité, non?
And that you invited him to strike you, to fight it out... on the deck of the ship?
Et vous l'avez invité à régler ce différend en se battant contre vous sur le pont?
You both were engaging in sexual behavior - in the bar and on the street - before you invited him up.
Selon lui, vous vous caressiez dans le bar et dans la rue avant que vous l'invitiez.
And when you invited him to your apartment, it was because...
Quand vous l'avez invité chez vous, c'était...?
- you invited him! ?
Tu l'as invité?
Miss Vane, has Sir Tristan, as you have so charmingly called him, ever invited you to see the wonderful portrait that Basil Hallward has made of him?
Mademoiselle, sire Tristan vous a-t-il montré le portrait que Basil Hallward a fait de lui?
Tell him you thought if you invited me to the house, and I saw how happily married you were, then the horrid passion I have for you might be torn out of me.
Dites-lui qu'en m'invitant, je vous verrai heureuse, et la passion que j'éprouve passera.
Dean, I didn't know you'd invited him.
Dean, j'ignorais que tu l'avais invité.
I told him that we had appointment, you are invited.
Je lui ai dit que nous avions rendez-vous, vous êtes donc invité.
Well, if this young man is invited by Mr. Lermontov, you can pass him, yes?
Si ce jeune homme est convoqué par M. Lermontov, laissez-le passer!
Confess you must thought yesterday when you invited Joseph that it would be a good idea for your sister to marry him.
Admettez qu'en invitant Joseph, vous pensiez à marier votre sœur.
You'll meet him. I invited the regular crowd for poker next Wednesday.
Il vient faire un poker entre amis, mercredi.
- You should have invited him over.
T'aurais pu le faire rentrer pour l'apéritif.
Tell them we met him at the match and he invited us to his home. Can you do this?
Dis qu'on l'a vu en allant au foot et qu'il nous a amenés chez lui.
To tell you the truth, I'd have carried on all the same it was clear that he only invited me for you so it can't have offended him.
A dire vrai, j'aurais bien continué. Comme il nous avait invités exprès... il ne pouvait rien dire.
You see, I thought he was your Uncle Albert, so I invited him in.
Je croyais que c'était ton oncle Albert, alors je l'ai fait entrer.
- I've invited him for dinner so why don't you go to a movie or something?
- Je l'ai invité à dîner, pourquoi n'irais-tu pas au cinéma?
Gentlemen. As you know, Mr. Spock and I have been invited to beam down to the planet's surface with him.
Messieurs, comme vous le savez, M. Spock et moi avons été invités à l'accompagner sur la planète.
And for this reason, I invited Mr Descartes to present to us what he intends to write in the treatise, he has been working on for a long time now, and I ask you to listen to him.
Je l'ai donc invité à nous présenter ce qu'il compte écrire dans son traité sur lequel il travaille depuis déjà longtemps. Je vous prie de l'écouter.
You should have invited him in and shown him the dead body.
T'avais qu'à le faire rentrer, lui présenter le cadavre.
Tell him you mentioned to me his presence at the hotel and that I've invited him to breakfast with us tomorrow.
Dis-lui que tu as préféré m'avertir de sa présence à l'hôtel et que je l'invite à petit-déjeuner avec nous demain.
What you're saying is that Hutch's old pal in there, the old high school buddy, the guy that just invited us to stay at his place, you suspect him of being the strangler?
Vous dites que le vieux copain de Hutch, son copain de lycée, est celui que vous suspectez être l'étrangleur?
Now that you have prayed this prayer of faith and invited Jesus Christ to come into your life, you can be sure that He came in because Jesus promised He would come in if only you would ask Him.
Maintenant que vous avez invité le Seigneur Jésus à venir dans votre vie, vous pouvez être assuré qu'iI y est entré, car iI l'a promis.
He asked about you and the children, invited us to visit him.
Il a demandé comment tu vas, comment vont les enfants,
I invited him over to meet you.
Je l'ai invité à te rencontrer.
Well, he told SheriffTupper that you had invited him and his partner to come up and visit.
II a dit au shérif que tu les avais invités, lui et son associé.
Now, Daniel, Mr. Woodley is still insisting that you called him and invited him up here.
Daniel, M. Woodley continue à dire que tu l'as invité ici.
His Grace is surprised, Doctor Huxtable, that you should of invited Mr. Holmes to undertake an investigation without consulting him first.
Sa Grâce s'étonne, Dr Huxtable, que vous ayez fait appel à M. Holmes sans la consulter d'abord.
You're officially invited to Prague with him--you don't go!
Vous seule êtes invitée avec lui à Prague, vous n'y allez pas!
- You invited him. - He invited himself.
Tu l'as invité.
You're the one who invited him to dinner... and I'm glad you did.
C'est toi qui l'as invité à dîner, et j'en suis très heureuse.
Didn't you hear him say I was invited? I'm going with you.
Il nous a invités tous les deux.
Okay, here we go. I told you, I had already invited him to Las Vegas.
Je t'ai dit que je l'avais déjà invité à Las Vegas.
He said you'd invited him.
Il Paraît que tu l " avais invité.
You have no idea how much it meant for him to be invited on this journey.
C'était important pour lui d'être invité à cette quête.
You wanna do it one more time, yes i invited him.
Encore une fois? Je l'ai invité.
- You invited him to the wedding?
Tu l'as invité au mariage?

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