And there were Çeviri Portekizce
7,203 parallel translation
Nina came to the table and sat, and I was eating a hamburger plate, and there were fries, and she dipped into them.
A Nina veio até à mesa e sentou-se. Eu estava a comer um hambúrguer... ENTREVISTADO EM 2006... e havia batatas fritas e ela começou a comê-las.
Pedro and his friends ignored the signs, and there were no parents around to stop them.
O Pedro e os amigos ignoraram os alertas e não havia pais por perto para os deter.
I examined the scene before you arrived, and there were several fresh hoofprints in the soil near one of the doors.
Examinei a cena antes de chegar e havia várias pegadas frescas no solo perto de uma das portas.
In order to frame you, a person would need to know that you were there at that party 15 years ago, and know that Shana Baker had just come from seeing you an hour earlier.
Para o incriminar, essa pessoa teria que saber que estava naquela festa há 15 anos e que a Shana Baker tinha acabado de chegar de falar consigo uma hora antes.
It got so that there wasn't that much work and the expenses were high.
Chegou a um ponto em que havia pouco trabalho e as despesas eram elevadas.
I mean, there were times in Holland, sitting on her terrace in these lounge chairs and just holding hands...
Houve momentos, na Holanda, em que nos sentávamos em espreguiçadeiras, na varanda dela, de mão dada.
And I suppose that medication enabled her to perform and fulfill the business dealings that were taking place so that her career could get back on track, but there were times when I questioned that, you know, "But what about her heart?"
Imagino que aquela medicação lhe permitia atuar e executar o que estava relacionado com o trabalho, para voltar a endireitar a carreira dela. Mas houve momentos em que questionei : "E o coração dela?"
And the only people there were Tom Higgins, who administered the polygraph, two Rosewood cops and...
E as únicas pessoas lá eram o Tom Higgins, que administrou o detetor de mentiras, dois Policiais de Rosewood e...
You girls were there for Mona and her mom, and I wasn't.
Vocês estavam aqui pela Mona e pela mãe dela, quando eu não estava.
Well, while you were out there confirming the obvious, me and the pack came up with a plan.
Enquanto andavas por aí a confirmar o óbvio, eu e o grupo fizemos um plano.
There were two of them, and your daughter is seven feet tall.
Eles eram dois e a sua filha tem 2 m de altura.
Two-two were there, but then one left, and then another one came...
Havia duas, mas uma foi-se embora, e depois veio outra... Voltaram mais duas.
Um, and I went there and I saw you and... you seemed, uh, you seemed like you were having a really good time.
E, eu fui lá, vi-te e... Parecias estar a divertir-te, sabes.
Things are bad out there and we were trying... we are trying to survive.
As coisas estão feias e estávamos a tentar... Estamos, a tentar sobreviver.
"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer."
"E quando Alexandre viu a amplitude do seu domínio, chorou, porque não haviam mais mundos para conquistar."
We would stand at a, a distance where the police couldn't say that we were interfering with their arrest or their detention of the individual and, make sure that there was no brutality.
Ficávamos a uma distância a que a Polícia não pudesse dizer que estávamos a interferir com a sua prisão ou detenção do indivíduo e certificávamo-nos de que não havia violência.
I think there were about 30 of us altogether, and most of us had weapon. We was on the state capitol on the lawn, and Ronald Reagan... then the governor of the state of California...
Estávamos na capital do estado, no relvado, e o Ronald Reagan, então governador do estado da Califórnia, estava lá, a uns três metros de nós, a dar uma conferência de imprensa com uns miudinhos, tipo, da escola da paróquia.
And these kids were coming down from the courtroom, and they... with fire in their eyes, having just seen that madness up there.
Podem matar um lutador pela liberdade como Bobby Hutton, mas não podem matar a luta pela liberdade. Fosse o que fosse, o Fred tinha-o.
And I don't care how many people were there... it's like he was talking to you.
Poder amarelo para os amarelos. Poder negro para os negros.
And before I could get past the threshold, there were three shots fired from the rear bedroom.
Conseguia sentir-se as balas a entrarem no...
Peaches and Tommy were two sisters that were there.
Então, o que fizemos foi pôr as beatas dos cigarros no nariz para filtrar os gases.
We were talking about giving up, and, you know, all the brothers saying well, man, I'm ain't going out there, man.
And there was probably some people who were not happy.
Os Panteras Negras dividiram-se em duas facões... DIRETOR, FBI... nomeadamente, os apoiantes de Cleaver e os de Newton.
There were legal fees. And there became questions about how much of the money that was raised for the Panther 21 was actually getting back to defend the Panther 21.
Tínhamos ficado a saber de algum tipo de discórdia que se vinha a passar entre Huey e Eldridge.
And when you got up there then you were confronted by this maniac in his penthouse who did all kinds of things to people... physical assault, sexual assault, pistol whipping, threatening to kill.
Toda a gente queria esta imagem do negro grande com uma arma, o negro grande e mauzão ao estilo do Shaft, que saltava pela janela e depois batia em toda a gente. Refuto isso como a imagem que nos foi atribuída.
There were a lot of people who had been in the organization from the beginning, and, and they left.
Tinha boas intenções, Deus sabe que as tinha e que tentei.
So why were the Gilberts taking Wickery bridge when old Miller road was clearly 10 minutes faster, and why are there no skid marks at the scene of the accident, and why was the trunk full of luggage as if they were going out of town?
E porque é que não há marcas de derrapagem no local? E porque é que havia tanta bagagem, como se fossem sair da cidade?
My father recruited you, trained you. I've known you since we were children, and I know there's greatness in you.
O meu pai recrutou-te e treinou-te, conheço-te desde miúda e sei que tens grandeza.
If I, the best and brightest of men, were capable of such a monstrous act, then what hope is there for humanity?
Se eu, o mais brilhante dos homens, fui capaz de um ato tão monstruoso, que esperança haveria para a Humanidade?
I burned the letter, and the feelings--oop- - were still there.
Mas os sentimentos... Continuam.
I thought you were gonna get out there and meet people.
- Estou. Pensei que ias sair para conhecer novas pessoas.
Along with the other three random blondes that you thought were her, too. Codependency or not, Bob and Carol are still out there, and if they catch us off guard... I know.
Juntamente com as outras três loiras que também pensaste serem ela.
They told me there were openings in an elite school for girls... free room and board, the highest standards of education and cultural activities and athletics, and so on.
Disseram-me que havia vagas numa escola de elite para raparigas... disponibilidade de cama e mesa, os melhores padrões de educação, actividades culturais, e desportivas e etc.
They were starving and there wasn't a thing I could do.
Elas estavam a morrer à fome e eu não podia fazer nada.
I don't understand. The whole point of starting over was to get away from all of this, and we were both right there together leading that charge.
Não estou a perceber, o principal motivo de recomeçarmos era para fugir disto.
"There is hardly anyone whose sexual life " if it were broadcast would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror. "
Rkocheckers "Dificilmente há alguém cuja vida sexual, se fosse transmitida, não enchia o mundo em geral com surpresa e horror".
He and his mother were murdered there almost 30 years ago. Why are you doing this?
Ele e a mãe foram assassinados lá, há quase 30 anos.
He and his mother were murdered there... almost 30 years ago.
Ele e a mãe foram assassinados lá... Há trinta anos atrás.
CIA had him under surveillance, which is how they knew that Danny pulled the trigger. And that you were there to witness it.
A CIA estava a vigiá-lo, e foi assim que souberam que o Danny puxou o gatilho e que tu testemunhaste.
Just tell me what the hell you guys were doing there, where the body is, and I might just chalk this up as a bad prank and let it all go away.
Digam-me o que estavam a fazer, onde está o corpo e pode ser que eu considere isto uma partida de mau gosto e vos deixe ir.
You're willful, you always were, and there's just no pleasing you.
És obstinada, sempre foste. E não há maneira de agradar-te.
Anyway, I was on a plane and there was these two babies and they were crying the whole time, crying the whole flight, and that happens a lot.
Adiante, estava num avião e estavam lá dois bebés, e estavam sempre a chorar, durante o voo todo, e isso acontece muito.
Victoria, he said if all we had were lies and conjecture, there'd be sanctions.
Victoria, o juiz disse que com mentiras e conjecturas seríamos sancionados.
I was outside the trailer, and you were there.
Eu estava à porta do atrelado, e tu estavas lá.
There were silver-white roses and red lilies all over the house.
Havia rosas prateadas-brancas e túlipas vermelhas por toda a casa.
She's super hot. We were seated next to each other two funerals ago. And there was hard eye contact all through "Danny Boy."
Ficámos sentados ao lado um do outro há dois funerais e houve contacto ocular intenso durante o "Danny Boy".
The phones were just lying there, and I didn't think things through.
O telemóvel estava lá parado e eu não pensei bem.
But when the Dickie Dollars got attacked, and Caulfield got his arms chopped off... there were two Devils.
Mas depois os Dickie Dollars foram atacados e Caulfield teve os seus braços decepados... Havia dois Diabos.
You were there that night in Kappa 20 years ago, and no one knows what happened to the babies.
Estava lá naquela noite, na Kappa há 20 anos atrás, e ninguém sabe o que aconteceu àqueles bebés.
We can't really do anything with the fact that Elana March said she knows what you and Andrew were talking about, because there was a lot of people in that coffee shop, and she could have heard that from anyone.
Não podemos fazer nada com o facto da Elana March saber da tua conversa com o Andrew porque havia muitas pessoas no café e ela pode ter ficado a saber por qualquer um.
Obviously there were two gifts wrapped similarly, and my eyes were watering from the think fog of Vaporub back there. Okay, well, we got nothing to lose now, so go back and get the painting.
Já não temos nada a perder, por isso volta lá a buscar o quadro.
and there you go 56
and there are 45
and there you have it 52
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there 292
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there it was 64
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and there are 45
and there you have it 52
and there's more 69
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and there it is 180
and there it was 64
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there you were 36
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there was 39
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and there's something else 41
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and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there was 39
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