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George washington Çeviri Portekizce

529 parallel translation
He's all I've got, apart from a picture of George Washington.
É tudo o que tenho na vida. Para além de um quadro de George Washington.
He knows what George Washington said by heart and Boy Stuff is swell.
Sabe o que disse Washington e o Coisas de Rapazes é bom.
- Well, perhaps you have in your room... a picture of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.
Talvez tenha um retrato de George Washington ou de Abraham Lincoln.
American merchant ships, carrying vital supplies to George Washington's army, were largely responsible for our first victory as a free nation. Remember that.
Os navios mercantes que transportam provisões... ao exército de George Washington contribuiram em grande medida para... o nosso primeiro triunfo enquanto nação independente.
Now look at that old church. And them old houses. Did George Washington ever sleep here?
Vê-me só aquela igreja velha e aquelas casas antigas.
Do you remember, Martha? Once, a long time ago, we thought if he'd be George Washington it might be a change for him, and we suggested it.
Lembras-te, Martha, uma vez, há muito tempo sugerimos-lhe que fosse George Washington, para variar?
Little green things with George Washington's picture that men slave for commit crimes for, die for.
Uns papéis com o retrato do Presidente que faz dos homens escravos, criminosos ou cadáveres...
General George Washington's, sir.
Do General George Washington, senhor.
There's the George Washington Bridge. And the Music Hall.
A ponte George Washington e o Music hall.
Around the circular room are statues of Washington, Jefferson- -... the spirit of George Washington.
... A Apoteose de George Washington.
We've got a thing called George Washington Slept Here.
Temos um chamado George Washington Slept Here.
- Well, send it over and you can have George Washington Slept Here and six points.
- Mandem-nos para cá e podem ficar com o George Washington Slept Here e seis pontos.
I wonder how Freddie's doing with George Washington.
Será que o Freddie está a gostar do George Washington?
You ain't had that coat and pants on for six months. Yet you talk as if you was George Washington.
Ainda não te acostumastes a isto... e queres falar como George Washington.
- The George Washington Bridge.
- Na ponte George Washington.
- It's George Washington Bridge week.
- É o aniversário da ponte.
- George Washington wears them.
- George Washington os usa.
It's dedicated to the memory of George Washington.
É dedicado à memória de George Washington.
It might be another William Shakespeare or a George Washington.
Talvez a outro William Shakespeare ou a um George Washington.
I figured if they went to the trouble to contact George Washington, you must be somebody very important indeed.
Pensei se se tinham dado ao trabalho de contactar o George Washington, tu deves ser alguém muito importante, de facto.
George Washington McLintock.
George Washington McLintock.
Wait a minute, ladies, till I catch my breath, and I'll get you up those stairs as sure as my name is George Washington McLintock...
Esperem, senhoras, até eu recuperar o fôlego e ajudar-vos a subir as escadas ou não me chame eu George Washington McLintock...
George Washington McLintock, you are a very crude man.
George Washington McLintock, és um homem muito grosseiro.
You don't, I'll send you back like Lincoln.
Arma-se em George Washington, e mando-o de volta como o Lincoln.
God bless George Washington!
Deus abençoe George Washington!
Esposito is timing it to coincide with the American Fourth of July so as to imitate his hero George Washington.
Não. Esposito quer que coincida com o dia da independência americana para ele imitar seu herói, George Washington.
In the names of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Harry Truman, I call upon you to stand up for your inalienable rights.
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln e Harry Truman... peço que vos ergueis para defender os vossos direitos.
Anyway, they were building the lower level of the George Washington Bridge.
Em todo o caso... estavam a construir o piso inferior da ponte George Washington.
You're supposed to be on the George Washington Bridge? "
Deverias estar na ponte George Washington! "
"Take me to the middle of the George Washington Bridge."
"Para a ponte George Washington."
I yell at the driver, "Take me to the middle of the George Washington Bridge."
"Leve-me ao meio da ponte George Washington."
Is he supposed to be George Washington?
É suposto ser o George Washington?
The world champion, Apollo Creed is doing an imitation of George Washington.
O campeão do mundo, Apollo Creed, a fazer uma imitação do George Washington.
Remember when we were growing up, we were taught about George Washington throwing a dollar.
Era como na infância, fomos ensinados sobre o George Washington... a atirar um dólar.
For you around the world he was dressed as George Washington, the father of our country.
Para vocês em todo o mundo, ele estava vestido de George Washington, o pai deste país.
The white folks......gonna choose General George Washington for president.
Os brancos vão escolher o General George Washington para presidente.
The white folks gonna choose General George Washington for president.
Os brancos vão escolher o General George Washington para presidente.
I intend to go across like George washington. Standing on the prow.
Pretendo fazer a passagem tal como o George Washington.
Men took out their long rifles, kissed their wives and children goodbye and marched off to join George Washington.
Os homens pegaram nas armas, beijaram as mulheres e filhos e partiram para se juntarem a George Washington.
going to break George Washington's rule and try for a third term?
que vai quebrar a regra de George Washington e concorrer a um 3º mandato?
George Washington.
George Washington.
George Washington's statue has always been an inspiration to me.
A estátua de George Washington sempre foi uma inspiração para mim.
More like George Washington's time.
É mais do tempo de George Washington.
See George Washington?
Vês o George Washington?
Who is this "George Washington"?
Quem é este George Washington?
Now, George Washington gets off his white horse and...
O George Washington desce do seu cavalo branco e...
George Washington sucks.
O George Washington não presta.
Now, taking account of inflation, ok, the high cost of living, increased dollars in circulation, increased buying power of that pesky yen, and all you have left is, a little bit of george washington's left eye.
Levando em conta a inflação, o alto custo de vida, o aumento de dólares em circulação, o aumento do poder de compra do yen e tudo o que tu tens de sobra, é um pedaço do olho do George Washington.
A little motel on the interstate about five miles west of the George Washington.
Num pequeno motel da auto-estrada, a cerca de oito quilómetros da ponte George Washington.
George! George! It's Harry now on long distance from Washington.
É o Harry, de Washington.
It was called George Washington.
Chamava-se George Washington.

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