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Hated it Çeviri Portekizce

1,016 parallel translation
Really hated it.
Odiei-a mesmo.
Perhaps I hated it because I'd always heard you had talent.
Talvez eu tenha detestado por ter ouvido dizer que você tinha talento.
I hated it!
- Odiei.
I've always hated it.
Sempre a odiei.
We hated it.
Nós odiávamos.
I hated it.
- I hated it.
- Odiei-a.
Hitler was in awe of the nobility, but he hated it.
Hitler admirava a nobreza, mas odiava-a.
He hated it.
I hated it.
Eu odiava.
I've hated it ever since.
Detesto desde então.
They hated it.
Eles odiavam-te por te mostrares superior.
I hated it.
I lost control and I hated it.
Perdi o controlo e odiei.
- I hated it.
- Odiei-o.
I hated it.
Odiava isso.
And you know what? I was right, I hated it.
Eu tinha razão, odiei!
I used to think Sebastian had and hated it but I don't know now.
Eu pensava que o Sebastian tinha e odiava, mas agora não sei.
You'd have hated it.
Terias detestado.
Ned, I hated it.
Nem me quero lembrar.
And you hated it, right?
E tu odiaste isso, näo foi?
Think he saved it because he hated it?
Tê-lo-ia guardado por rancor?
I hated it when we first came here.
Não gostei quando chegá-mos aqui pela primeira vez.
It wasn't no cold place though. That girl hated snow.
Mas não foi para a neve.
Hated to get it that way, though, Mac but it had to be.
Odeio tê-lo feito desta forma, ainda assim, Mac... teria de ser feito.
Terrence was having so much fun that I hated to spoil it, but Saturday night, that was the end of that.
O Terence divertia-se tanto, que eu não queria ser desmancha-prazeres. Mas, no sábado à noite, foi o fim.
We're hated enough as it is.
Já somos muito odiados.
I hated to see my shop go, but I'd have drunk it away anyway.
Detestei perder minha loja, mas eu estava bêbado.
I hated you for it.
Odeio por isso.
I willed it to happen. Ever since I became with child I've hated her.
Desde que engravidei, eu odiava-a!
( Dr. Johnson ) It appears that King Kong... scenting the presence of a hated enemy... is determined to destroy Godzilla.
King Kong sente a presença do seu inimigo, e está determinado a acabar com o Godzilla.
The man who built it was a misfit... who hated people and their conventional ideas.
O homem que a construiu era um desalinhado... que odiava as pessoas e as suas ideias convencionais.
Every time I've hated you, I've made an effort to turn it into compassion.
Todas as vezes que o odiei, transformei o ódio em compaixão.
When I heard about it yesterday, I hated you.
Quando soube disto ontem, odiei-o.
When I hated you, and I did, it was because of that.
Quando o odiei, e fi-lo, foi por causa disso.
I won all the money, and I hated every minute of it.
Ganhei o dinheiro todo e detestei cada minuto.
- You must have really hated it.
- Deve ter odiado mesmo.
It could be safe to turn itself for the hated borders.
Poderia ser seguro voltar-se para as fronteiras odiadas.
It hated them.
E the right hated left in such way that it was prepared stops to sancionar a dictatorship.
E a direita odiava a esquerda de tal modo que estava preparada para sancionar uma ditadura.
The second time, I hated how good it was.
Da segunda vez detestei-a por causa do seu bom sabor.
They say I am eccentric. But they said that even before, when it became clear I hated that prison Hofburg.
"Conheces o país onde florescem os limoeiros?"
Hitler said many times that it hated Jews e gave many examples, this already since the first times.
Hitler dizia muitas vezes que odiava judeus e dava muitos exemplos, isto já desde os primeiros tempos.
It was very new and was very likeable, but we were always feeling that they hated in them, what I find that was truth.
Ele era muito novo e era muito simpático, mas estávamos sempre a sentir que eles nos odiavam, o que acho que era verdade.
Your father might have thought it was the only way, but he hated slavery.
Acreditava ser a única forma. Mas odiava a escravidão.
But it's prophesied that he'll die young and hated by his own people.
Sim, mas segundo a profecia ele morrerá jovem e odiado pelo seu povo.
No, he hated it. Well, what did he like?
Do que ele gostava, então?
I am afraid it will not, Mon Colonel. After all, everyone on this boat knew exactly why Mademoiselle Jacqueline hated Madame Doyle.
Toda a gente neste barco sabia por que Jackie odiava Madame Doyle.
When he made it, he realized it was everything he hated.
Quando venceu, percebeu que era tudo o que odiava.
As crazy as last night was even though I hated your guts through most of it I really had a good time.
Por muito louca que a noite de ontem tenha sido, embora te tivesse odiado durante toda a noite... a verdade é que eu diverti-me bastante.
If it matters I've always hated women who treat other women as stand-ins for men.
Se queres saber sempre detestei mulheres que fazem das amigas substitutos dos homens.

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