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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / Her what

Her what Çeviri Portekizce

31,133 parallel translation
Did you tell her what you are now?
Disseste-lhe o que és agora?
Show her what she did to you.
Mostra-lhe o que ela te fez.
Tell her what?
O quê?
It's cruel what they did to her, taking away her hearing.
É cruel o que elas lhe fizeram, retirar a sua audição.
I know, but this is what was planned for her.
Eu sei, mas é isto que estava planeado para ela.
What if we decide to keep her from Glinda?
E se decidirmos mantê-la longe da Glinda?
- What do you want from her?
- O que queres dela?
How was her body? What did that look like?
Como era o corpo dela?
I observed Ziggy looking at her. And from my vantage point, he appeared to know exactly what she was upset about.
Vi o Ziggy olhar para ela e, do meu ângulo de visão, ele parecia saber exactamente o que a tinha perturbado.
See, I bought more of your crap and less of her crap. You know what?
Olha, comprei mais porcarias das tuas e menos das dela.
She takes what she don't want to, and we watch in easy fucking judgment and pretend we'd do a single thing different in her shoes.
Aceitar aquilo que não quer. E nós observamos, julgando-a como queremos, fingindo que agiríamos de outra forma no lugar dela.
Say what you want about it, you cannot beat her for enthusiasm.
Digam o que quiserem, não conseguem superar o entusiasmo dela.
- What's so good about her?
- O que há de tão especial nela?
I had to give her a little tasting after what you said!
Tinha de lhe dar um gostinho depois do que disseste!
What's happened to her?
O que lhe aconteceu?
What's her problem?
Qual é o problema dela?
What about her?
O que é que tem?
I still don't know what you want me to do with her.
Ainda não sei o que queres que faça com ela.
If a girl wants to get into the adult business now, what do you tell her?
Se uma rapariga quiser entrar na pornografia, o que lhe diz?
And I'm looking down at this woman, her eyes rolled in the back of her head, and I went, "What the hell?"
Eu estou a olhar para ela, tinha os olhos revirados e digo : " Mas que diabo?
This is what's going on in my brain as I'm looking down at her, and she's like...
Era isto que eu estava a pensar enquanto olhava para ela e ela...
We were on the road and, you know, I told her about what has just happened with, you know, being asked to do "Hidden Obsessions."
Estávamos na estrada e eu contei-lhe o que tinha acontecido, que tinha sido convidada para fazer o Hidden Obsessions.
At one point, she put her papers down, looked me square in the eyes and said, you know, "What happened to you in your childhood"
A dada altura, ela pousou os papéis, olhou-me nos olhos e disse : "O que aconteceu na sua infância para a tornar assim?"
When Janine was going through what she went through with Jesse and the loss of Sunny, I thought I was gonna lose her.
Quando a Janine passou por tudo aquilo com o Jesse e a perda da Sunny, eu pensei que ia perdê-la.
Well, you remember what we saw on her Facebook, the texts?
Bem, lembras-te do que vimos no Facebook dela, os textos?
What Hannah says you did to her and Jessica.
O que a Hannah diz que lhe fizeste e à Jessica.
Nothing anyone did to her was any different than what happens to every girl at every high school.
Nada do que lhe fizeram difere muito do que acontece a todas as miúdas em todos os liceus.
Go get her and do what?
Para fazer o quê?
Go get her and do what?
E faço o quê?
And they know what you did to her.
E sabem o que lhe fizeste.
Tell Jessica the truth about what happened to her that night.
Conta a verdade à Jessica sobre o que aconteceu.
She knows what happened. - Go ask her.
Ela sabe o que aconteceu.
I am defending a lawsuit brought by two parents whose daughter was so damaged by something that she took her own life. What if our son was part of that?
Estou a defender um processo judicial interposto por dois pais cuja filha foi tão magoada por algo que se matou.
Knowing what you know, believing what you believe, knowing me, knowing her, and what's on these tapes... did I kill Hannah Baker?
Sabendo o que sabes, acreditando no que acreditas, conhecendo-me a mim e a ela, sabendo o que está nestas cassetes matei a Hannah Baker?
Hannah's secrets are what killed her, and they do not get to stay that way.
Foram os segredos da Hannah que a mataram e não vão ficar secretos.
Sucks what happened to her.
Foi uma treta o que lhe aconteceu.
What I meant... what I mean... is that, if I hadn't moved away... if I hadn't let her start dating Justin... if I'd been around to help her through it... she'd still be alive today.
O que quis dizer o que quero dizer é que, se não me tivesse afastado, se não a tivesse deixado começar a namorar o Justin se tivesse estado por perto para a ajudar com isso, ela ainda estaria viva hoje.
She told you what happened to her.
Ela contou-lhe o que lhe aconteceu.
I took Hannah at her word, which is what you should have done.
Acreditei na Hannah, que é o que o senhor devia ter feito.
To try to understand what led her there.
Tentar compreender o que a levou a isso.
Clay... we don't know what was in her mind or in her heart.
Clay não sabemos o que ela tinha em mente nem o que sentia.
She talked about what happened to her.
Falou sobre o que lhe aconteceu.
Uh, do you know anything about tapes that Hannah recorded about what happened to her?
Sabe alguma coisa sobre as cassetes que a Hannah gravou sobre o que lhe aconteceu?
Saying what we all did to her.
A dizer o que todos lhe fizemos.
I know what it's like... to have lost her.
Eu sei o que é... Tê-la perdido.
What's her name?
Como ela se chama?
Maybe they kill her, maybe they don't, but it's gonna show Ezekiel what he needs to do.
Talvez a matem, talvez não, mas vai mostrar ao Ezekiel o que ele precisa fazer.
I hoped you didn't know her, but I didn't think you'd care,'cause you know what needs to happen.
Queria que não a conhecesses, mas não pensei que te importarias, porque sabes o que precisa ser feito.
You have to protect her, no matter what.
Tens de a proteger, custe o que custar.
I don't want to have to kill her, but that's exactly what you're gonna make me do.
Eu não quero ter que matá-la, mas é exatamente o que tu me forçarás a fazer.
What the fuck Or let her go, which I will reward with a quicker death.
Mas que...? Ou liberta-a e a tua morte será mais rápida.

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