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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / What have you got

What have you got Çeviri Portekizce

2,961 parallel translation
So, what have you got?
- Então, o que é que tens?
What have you got?
O que tens?
- What have you got there?
- O que tem aí?
What have you got for me?
O que é que tens para mim?
What have you got for us this time?
O que tem para nós desta vez?
What have you got there?
O que tens aí?
What have you got?
O que é que tens?
What have you got?
O que temos?
- What have you got there?
- O que tens aí?
- What have you got?
- O que há?
What have you got so far?
O que sabes até agora?
So, what have you got?
Emtão, o que temos?
What have you got for me?
O quê que tens para mim?
What have you got to tell me?
O que tens para me dizer?
- Thank you. - What have you got planned later? - Ah, yes.
O que planearam para logo?
What have you got against them?
O que você tem contra eles?
What have you got?
O que têm?
What have you got to lose?
O que tem a perder?
So, what have you got, Jack?
O que conseguiste, Jack?
What have you got for your finale - Enough!
- O que tens preparado para o fim... - Já chega!
What have you got to bargain with?
O que é que tens para negociar?
What have you got to bargain with?
O que tens para negociar?
What have you got there?
- O que tens aí?
- What have you got to be hurt about?
- Estás magoada com o quê?
What have you got against me?
Estás chateado comigo?
What have you got in there?
- O que tens aí?
Oh, God, what have you got this time?
- Céus, o que tens desta vez?
What have you got there, a special picture?
O que tem aí, uma foto especial?
- What have you got there?
Que trouxe aí?
- What have you got against him, Dad?
- O que é que tens contra ele, Pai?
What have you got, Redeye?
Que encontraste, Redeye?
What have you got?
- O que tem para mim?
What have you got this fire on for, John?
Porque acendeste a lareira?
- Right, what have you got?
E tu, que tens?
What have you got? White marks on the neck,
Marcas brancas no pescoço.
What have you got?
O que tem?
What have you got, catherine?
O que tens, Catherine?
let me see, what kind of folks do we think you've got do you have the kind of Daddy who will pay your debts?
Vamos lá que tipo de pais vocês têm? Tens um paizinho que te paga as dívidas?
What news have you got for me, Race?
Que notícias me traz, Race?
You have no idea what's going to happen to you next, but you got it coming.
Você não faz idéia do que vai acontecer com você. já lhe mostro.
You don't have to worry about me anymore,'cause you know what? I've got a whole new thing happening, and come Tuesday...
Não vais ter de te preocupar mais comigo, porque, sabes, está uma coisa para acontecer.
Don't suppose you got any idea what it's like to have the one you love most taken from you for no reason at all.
Nem deve saber o que é ver aquele que ama ser-lhe roubado sem razão aparente.
What kind of ax have you got?
- Que guitarra é a tua?
So what have you got in mind?
O que tens em mente?
You've got to have some sort of line, you get what I'm saying?
Tenho de ter um incentivo, percebes?
What proof have you got the order's been rescinded?
Que provas tendes de que a ordem foi cancelada?
What got you in trouble is you never had a Masai Warrior Chief teach you how to build a smokeless fire. And you have?
O que a meteu em sarilhos foi nunca ter tido um chefe guerreiro Masai que a ensinasse como fazer uma fogueira sem fumo.
Well, what would you do if he got in touch with you have you thought about what you would say to him?
E se ele entrasse em contacto contigo? Já pensaste no que lhe dirias?
What have you got, feeb?
O que tens, anormal?
What have you got?
O que descobriste?
Hey, but listen, he didn't have what you and Karen have got, d'you know what I mean, mate?
Mas escuta, ele não tinha o que tu e a Karen tem, sabes o que quero dizer, amigo? Jamie?

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