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I helped him Çeviri Portekizce

583 parallel translation
I helped him frame his bill.
Ajudei-o a fazer esta lei.
I helped him.
Eu ajudei-o.
Ritchie wanted to pull that job, I helped him, but he wanted to.
Ele é que o quis fazer, eu só o ajudei.
It was. I helped him in a great many of his financial affairs.
Eu ajudei-o em muitos dos seus assuntos financeiros.
And I helped him pack.
E eu ajudei-o a fazer as malas.
I helped him to bury them.
Ajudei-o a enterrá-los.
But I guess you could say I helped him about as much as he ever helped me.
Mas eu ajudei-o tanto como ele me ajudou.
He charged it. I helped him pick it out.
Ajudei-o a escolhê-lo.
I watched them hang my father... and I helped him to die.
Vi-os a enforcar o meu pai e ajudei-o a morrer.
No He lost a cuff link I helped him search the whole car for it, trunk and everything Did you find it?
Não, ele perdeu um botão de punho. Ajudei-o a procurar no carro todo, na bagageira e tudo. - Ele encontrou-o?
Sometimes I regret that I helped him discover the truth.
Às vezes arrependo-me de o ter ajudado a descobrir a verdade.
One night he run off. I helped him.
Uma noite ele fugiu. Eu ajudei-o.
I helped him, as I've helped Jean, and as Jean will help me...
Eu ajudei-o, como ajudei o Jean. e como o Jean me ajudaria...
Never understood a single word he said But I helped him drink his wine Singing joy to the world
Nunca percebi uma única palavra que ele disse mas ajudei-o a beber o vinho dele E a cantar a alegria ao mundo a todos os meninos e meninas.
I helped him outthink people like my family.
Ajudei-o a pensar mais depressa do que as pessoas da minha família.
Eric was out on the roof, so I helped him back inside.
Eric subiu ao telhado, e trouxe-o para dentro.
He thinks I helped him!
Ele julga que eu o ajudei!
- Since I helped him out of a jam. - Yeah?
- Desde que eu o ajudei numa enrascada.
I helped him to relocate.
Eu ajudei-o a "mudar-se".
- I helped him.
- Eu o ajudei.
I thought maybe if I helped him, someday maybe he'd help me.
Achei que, se o ajudasse, talvez ele me ajudasse a mim.
But I helped him.
Mas eu ajudava-o.
Also, I have dabbled in waitressing but at the apex of my music career and my food service career I met a man and I helped him decorate his apartment in New York.
Também me dedico a servir, mas no apex da minha carreira musical e da minha carreira na hotelaria conheci um homem e ajudei-o a decorar o apartamento dele em Nova Iorque.
I helped him find a close relative once.
Eu o ajudei a encontrar um ente querido. Um assunto simples.
How could I have helped him by being killed?
Como eu o ajudaria sendo morto?
I helped kill him!
Ajudei a matá-lo!
I could have helped him.
Eu poderia ter ajudado.
I helped to cheer him up in Honolulu.
Ajudei a animá-lo em Honolulu.
You know why I brought him here - he helped me
Trouxe-o aqui porque ele me ajudou.
I carried him through the jungle, helped deliver him.
Atravessei a selva com ele, ajudei no parto.
I helped capture him!
Eu ajudei-o a capturá-lo!
If I am ever lucky enough to deliver him to the hangman it will be you who helped put him there.
Se alguma vez tiver a sorte de o entregar ao carrasco, terá sido você a responsável de eu ter ido ter com ele.
With the feeling against Doc, I wouldn't stay in business 10 minutes if they knew I'd helped him.
Com o que sentem contra o Doutor, não continuaria vivo 10 minutos, se soubessem que o tinha ajudado.
I didn't kill him! I only helped her hide the body.
Só a ajudei a esconder o corpo!
I've helped him with his writing, nothing else.
Ajudei-o na parte de escrita, nada mais.
He helped us so much. I didn't want him to think I would cheat him.
Näo queria que ele pensasse que eu o enganei.
How could I have helped him by being killed?
Como o podia ajudar se fosse morto?
Had I known, I wouldn't have helped him.
Se soubesse, juro que não o ajudava.
I would have helped him, but he couldn't wait.
- Oh, näo. Eu até ajudava, mas ele näo podia esperar.
I just helped him because he was so scared.
Só dei uma ajuda porque ele estava receoso.
I said I just helped him out of jail.
Eu disse que acabei de ajudá-lo a sair da prisão.
I just helped him carry it in, ma'am.
Não, eu só ajudei a trazer as flores.
He's like a friend of mine. He's helped me through some very difficult times, and I have to talk to him now.
Ajudou-me em épocas dificeis em minha vida... e tenho que falar com ele agora.
Maybe I could've helped him.
Quem sabe poderia ajudá-lo.
I'd heard, some time ago, that you'd taken residence... with a former slave named Grady... that you'd helped him escape from South Carolina.
Ouvi dizer há algum tempo atrás que tinha feito residência... com um antigo escravo chamado Grady... e que o tinha ajudado a escapar da Carolina do Sul.
He's helped us out a lot of times... and now I think it's our turn let's help him out.
Já nos ajudou montes de vezes agora é a nossa vez.
I οnce helped him tο prevent a murder.
Eu uma vez ajudei-o a impedir um homicídio.
I presumed you helped him.
Presumo que o ajudou.
My father talked, Paul questioned him, Augustine helped us and I thought of those magical words.
O meu pai falava, Paul interrogava, Augustine ajudava-nos, e eu repetia as palavras mágicas :
A jerk showed up. I helped your mom get rid of him.
Ajudei sua mãe a se livrar de um cara.
Whatever bizarre cocktails of morphine, or lithium, or insulin... I helped inject into his bloodstream full of bourbon... somehow they always revived him.
Fosse qual fosse o cocktail estranho de morfina, ou lítio, ou insulina que ajudasse a injectar-lhe nas veias cheias de bourbon, de alguma forma reavivavam-no sempre.

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