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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I looked

I looked Çeviri Portekizce

11,004 parallel translation
I approached it and I looked at it.
Aproximei-me e olhei para ela.
I looked at it.
Olhei para ela.
After those gloves, I looked in my sweet jurors'eyes, and I said,
Depois daquelas luvas, olhei para os doces olhos dos meus jurados e disse :
Well, I looked after my mother mostly.
Habitualmente, cuidava da minha mãe.
I looked up to her.
Eu admirava-a.
I had seen the wonders of the universe, but the warmth of his gaze as I looked into his eyes...
Eu tinha visto as maravilhas do universo, mas a ternura do olhar dele quando o olhei nos olhos...
I looked for a Madrid neighborhood that I had never set foot in.
Procurei um bairro de Madrid onde nunca tivesses estado.
I went to your house to see if I was lucky and I looked around.
Fui a tua casa para ver se tinha sorte e te via sair.
I looked up Lamaze classes online.
Vi na internet aulas de Lamaze.
How many times I looked the other way because of your sweet smile.
Quantas vezes ignorei certas coisas por causa do teu doce sorriso?
I tell you what, I swear at one point... at one point I looked down, I got the top of her head, and I thought she was going to pull me cock off in her hand and fucking throw it out of the window.
Juro que a certa altura a certa altura olhei para baixo, estava a ver o cimo da cabeça dela, e pensei que ela fosse arrancar-me o pau com a mão e deitá-la fora pela porra da janela.
I looked for her, but I couldn't find her...
Procurei-a mas não a encontrei.
I looked incredible in that wedding dress.
Eu estava incrível naquele vestido de noiva.
I looked everywhere. I didn't find anything.
Não encontrei nada.
I looked on that dishwasher before him, and it was empty.
Vi o lava-loiças antes dele, e estava vazio.
I looked up the reporter who published the crime numbers, and I noticed you two follow each other online.
Pesquisei o repórter que fez a publicação, e descobri que vocês seguem-se online.
I looked for him everywhere and imagined the worst.
Procurei por ele em todo o lado e imaginei o pior.
I looked into those shootings like you asked for.
Ouça, fui pesquisar aqueles tiroteios, como pediu.
I looked for stories about your birthday party.
Procurei por histórias da tua festa de anos.
So off of that tip we got from Professor Dawes, I looked into all the deliveries that Norah received while she was at Hudson University, and most recently, she got a large package from a place called Stalwart Vineyards.
A partir da informação do professor Dawes, investiguei todas as entregas que a Norah recebeu, enquanto esteve na Universidade de Hudson, e mais recentemente ela recebeu um pacote grande de um sítio chamado Stalwart Vineyards.
I looked at the clock.
Olhei para o relógio. Foram três.
I looked through the evidence, the remnants from his shop and found the herb I was looking for.
Procurei nas provas, o que restava da loja dele, e encontrei a erva que procurava.
I looked forward to it.
Estava entusiasmada.
You know, I've always looked to you as a mentor.
Sempre te vi como meu mentor.
I ran off and joined them the next day, never looked back.
No dia seguinte fugi e juntei-me a eles, e nunca voltei a olhar para trás.
I remember how we looked up to you.
Lembro-me de te admirarmos.
I thought she looked very relaxed.
Achei que estava muito à vontade.
I would have looked stupid by myself.
Se viesse sozinho, faria figura de parvo.
I chose her because she looked good on my arm and she got what she could out of me.
Escolhi-a porque ficava bem andar com ela pelo braço e ela aceitou para me ir ao bolso.
I've looked for him everywhere.
Procurei-o por toda a parte.
Looked after him as best I could.
Cuidei dele o melhor que pude.
I've looked into his soul.
Eu vi na alma dele.
She's looked better, I must say.
Ela já teve melhor cara, tenho de confessar.
Yeah, I looked him up.
Sim, eu pesquisei-o.
I've looked everywhere. He has to be somewhere on this boat.
Procurei em todo o lado, ele tem que estar no barco.
I said he looked like a lowlife, remember that, Jake?
- Lembras-te Jake?
Huh. I never looked at it that way.
Nunca vi as coisas desse prisma.
It's always been Catherine I've turned to if I've needed anything, she's always looked out for me.
Sempre que precisava de ajuda, era à Catherine que recorria. Ela sempre olhou por mim.
I'd gotten over that funny feeling I had when she looked at me.
A sensação esquisita já tinha passado.
You know, I thought she looked kind of mannish.
Bem me pareceu um bocado viril.
Her mom looked like that when I first met her. Ooh...
A mãe dela era parecida quando a conheci.
That's weird, I always thought he would've looked like Phil Donahue or someone like that.
Sempre pensei que seria como Phil Donahue ou alguém do tipo.
Look, I'm just saying, dude, like, have you looked at a globe?
Só estou a dizer, meu, tipo, já viste um globo?
I figured out how to be looked at by men, and how to make them excited, and uncomfortable.
Descobri como fazer os homens olharem para mim e como deixá-los excitados e pouco à vontade.
They looked at me like I was crazy.
Também fui olhado como tendo perdido o juízo.
She seemed very concerned that I call what looked like a suicide attempt an accident.
Pareceu-me preocupada por eu denominar de acidente o que parecia ter sido uma tentativa de suicídio.
He was hurt and I was hurt, and he looked at me, and I found that I loved him, too.
Ele estava ferido e eu também. E ele olhou para mim... e descobri que o amava também.
I'm sure those baseball cards looked like an easy way to make a few extra bucks off that idiot, teach him a lesson too.
Estou certo de que os cromos de basebol te pareceram uma forma fácil de ganhar mais uns trocos à pala daquele idiota e de lhe dar uma lição.
Well, I found a citrus one that looked good, so I thought I would try that.
Encontrei uma de citrinos que parecia boa, por isso pensei em experimentá-la.
I guess... uh, one day, I just looked around at my life, at who I was, and realized if I kept going the way I was going...
Acho que um dia, olhei para a minha vida e para quem eu era e percebi que, se continuasse no mesmo caminho...
And I just... closed the door on that night, walked away... and I haven't looked back ever since, until now.
E simplesmente esqueci aquela noite, virei as costas e nunca mais olhei para trás, até agora.

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