It's about him Çeviri Portekizce
1,091 parallel translation
Well, let's get him off to jail first, and then we'll talk about it.
Primeiro, vamos mandá-Io para a prisão, depois, falaremos nisso.
Why don't you climb up on Daddy's knee and tell him all about it.
Porque não sobes para o joelho do pai e me contas tudo!
Could you tell him it's about the tape he got in the mail yesterday, and it's urgent?
Disse-lhe que é sobre a fita que lhe enviei ontem e é urgente?
Get me Andruitti. Tell him it's urgent about this Lamb shit.
Quero falar com o Andruitti sobre este caso do Henry Lamb.
It's Gomez, I'm terribly worried about him.
É o Gomez. Estou terrivelmente preocupada por ele.
It's okay. We won't talk about him.
Não falamos dele.
When I think about him now, it's like he's a saint.
Quando penso nele é como se fosse santo.
- Ugh! Your father's not supposed to help build your racer... - but you should at least consult him about it.
Não era suposto o teu pai ajudar-te a construir o carro mas ao menos podias tê-lo consultado.
I don't know what trigger's him, but if he reads her name in the paper, I think he'll do something about it.
Se vê o nome dela no jornal, sentir-se-á inclinado a fazer alguma coisa!
See, he says he's too busy reading the want ads and I should just take him with me and shut up about it.
Diz que tem de ler muitos anúncios de empregos e que eu devia era trazê-lo comigo e calar-me.
When God spoke to the devil about how faithful Job was,..... the devil argued that it was only God's protective hedge around him..... that kept him pure.
Quando Deus falou com o diabo sobre o quão Trabalho fiel era,..... o diabo discutiu que somente era protetor do deus restringe ao redor ele..... isso o manteve puro.
This is what he's trying to tell him, and more importantly,..... he's trying to tell'em that if he doesn't do something about it,...
Isto é o que ele está tentando dizer a ele, e mais importante,..... ele está tentando dizer a eles isto se ele não fizer algo sobre isto,...
It's about how sometimes you know someone and who you should be married to... but you don't think of him as marriage potential.
É sobre como às vezes conheces alguém com quem devias estar casado... mas não pensas nessa pessoa como potencial parceiro.
It's about a shit-bag producer, studio exec... who murders a writer he thinks is harassing him.
É sobre um merdas de um produtor, um executivo de estúdio que mata um escritor que pensa que lhe estava a ameaçar.
It's quite something, after writing about him for years,
É assombroso. Depois de escrever acerca dele durante anos,
- What about him? He's part of it.
- Está implicado!
It's a tragedy about him and his family.
É uma tragédia o que lhe aconteceu e á família dele.
They've seen pictures of Wai Tung... and I talk about him all the time, and they like him... but it's impossible for them to come here from the mainland.
Eles viram fotos do Wai Tung... e eu falo dele o tempo todo, e eles gostam dele... mas é impossível virem da China para cá.
Ramón asked me to marry him. Let's talk about it.
O teu enteado pediu-me em casamento e queria falar contigo sobre isso.
It's about him, the patient.
Trata-se dele, o doente.
It's hard for him to talk to you about this.
É difícil para ele falar consigo sobre isto.
Tell me, don't you think it's best if you told him about his father now? Probably let him find out for himself later on.
Não achas melhor contar-lhe agora a verdade sobre o pai, antes que ele descubra por si, mais tarde?
I don't care about him, it's you I'm worried about.
Quero lá saber dele. Estou preocupada é contigo.
- It's good to talk about him.
- É bom falar nele.
So just think about it. If he's capable of acting like this in broad daylight... imagine yourselves alone with him at night.
Portanto, reflictam : se é capaz de agir assim em plena luz do dia... imaginem uma de vocês à noite, sozinha com ele, num beco.
It's over, it's done, it's finished, it's gone. I mean, I could tell you stories about him that would make you want to scream.
Podia contar-te histórias dele que te punham aos gritos.
It's not even about him.
- Nem sequer é sobre ele.
I think it's time we found out more about him.
Acho que está na hora de sabermos mais sobre ele.
But in light of public feelings about Kubus, any ship with him onboard can't leave until it's undergone a security check to prevent sabotage, and that includes a molecular scan for nanotechnology.
Infelizmente, tendo em conta a opinião pública do Kubus, não posso permitir que uma nave com ele a bordo deixe a estação até ser submetida a uma verificação de segurança completa para evitar a sabotagem, e isso inclui uma verificação molecular para nanotecnologia.
A.J., it's meaningless unless we ask him about Sydney.
Não tem utilidade, se não perguntarmos sobre a Sydney.
You don't know what you're talkin'about! It's him!
Tu sabes do que do que estás a falar!
It's a fact you simply put Henri Young in that dungeon and forgot all about him.
O senhor atirou Henri Young para o segredo e esqueceu-se.
Of course I'm not gonna let him go, and there's nothing you can do about it as long as old Jzuk here has got those bracelets on.
Claro que não o liberto, e nada poderás fazer enquanto o velho Jzuk tiver as pulseiras.
Don't worry about it. It's very clear to him.
Não se preocupe.
It's just about run him crazy, I think.
Está quase a ficar louco.
Listen, it's a whole other headache and I don't want to talk about him.
Ouve, é uma dor de cabeça diferente e não quero falar sobre ele.
There's a kiss hello to put you off your tea. I wish I was able to talk to this man and ask him what it is about me that he doesn't like.
Eu só queria poder perguntar... por que ele não gosta de mim.
You know, it's like he never expected me to come up with anything nice to say about him on my own.
Ele nunca esperava que eu dissesse algo bom sobre ele.
For what it's worth you should know that I've told Jake the truth about my visit to you, why I brought him here everything.
Fica sabendo que contei a verdade ao Jake acerca da minha visita a ti, porque o trouxe aqui, tudo.
It's about a man whose father-in-law gave him a sweet job as manager of a cracker factory.
É sobre um homem cujo sogro lhe arranjou um emprego fabuloso, - como director da fábrica de bolachas.
This makes it even harder to tell him about Unit 03's pilot. Current exponent is 0.9. This makes it even harder to tell him about Unit 03's pilot.
Vai ser duro dizer-lhe quem é o piloto do Eva-03.
Look, I know what I did was wrong, but this isn't about me. It's about him.
Eu sei que me portei mal, mas agora ele é que interessa.
I'm gonna go to Donny Ray's grave and tell him all about it.
Vou visitar a sepultura do Donny Ray e contar-lhe tudo.
It's not him you're upset about.
Não é ele que te perturba. És tu.
And if it's okay for him to lie about who he is, doesn't that mean he's lying about you too?
E se ele quer mentir sobre quem é, não significa que mente em relação a ti também?
I mean, there's so many things that he could do to stop drinking, and you make it all about me, about how I'm this terrible person and this bad influence and whatever. And he's already feeling bad about the accident and- - And you're using that because you don't want to see him with me.
Ele já se sente mal com o acidente e tu usas isso, porque não o queres ver comigo.
- You think it's unreasonable for a black man in South Boston to be nervous about two policemen pulling up and illuminating him, like a deer caught in their headlights?
- Acha que não é normal um negro de Boston ficar nervoso quando a Polícia o manda parar e o ilumina, como se fosse um veado com os faróis apontados?
It's about him being a crazy nut.
Ele é que é doido varrido.
Well, it's such a piddly little thing. It's hardly worth him getting up tight about
Bem, é uma coisa sem importância.
It'll take him a moment to realise that he's... about to make a 180 degree turn, at speed.
Só depois ele percebe que vai virar a 180 $ a alta velocidade.
It's just something about him.
Há algo nele.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
about him 49
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
about him 49
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
him who 26
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287