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About him Çeviri Portekizce

24,605 parallel translation
- We don't know anything about him.
- Não sabemos nada sobre ele.
They think... That there must be something guilty about him.
Pensam... que ele deve ser culpado.
I worried about him.
Eu andava sempre ralado com ele.
I miss worrying about him.
Tenho saudades de me ralar com ele.
- I think she knows something about him.
Acho que sabe algo sobre ele.
He knew everything about him.
Sabia tudo sobre ele.
♪ Everything about him is annoying ♪
Tudo sobre ele é irritante
♪ I hate everything about him ♪
Odeio tudo sobre ele
That's time I ain't got to worry about him dying in these streets.
Durante esse tempo não vou ter que me preocupar com ele a morrer nestas ruas.
Turns out there's lots about him that I didn't know.
Parece que há muitas coisas que não sei sobre ele.
I thought he was gonna be a jerk at first, but there's something really sweet about him.
A princípio achei-o um idiota, mas tem um certo encanto.
Everybody was right about him.
Toda a gente tinha razão sobre ele.
All right, just forget about him for one second.
Esqueça-o por um segundo. Olhe para mim.
I was there with you when you put him away, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't remind you what you said about him at the time.
Não ficaria de consciência tranquila, se não te lembrasse do que disseste.
Your Honor, it's obvious Mr. Bailey's first attorney didn't care about him at all.
Meritíssimo, é óbvio que a primeira advogada do Sr. Bailey não se preocupou com ele.
What about him?
O que tem?
FALCON : And I'm worried about him, too.
Também estou preocupado com ele.
Why is that bad? Because it's the first time since Mike left that I haven't thought about him every second.
É a primeira vez desde que o Mike se foi embora que não penso nele.
And forgetting about him is healthy?
- E esquecê-lo é?
- What about him?
O que tem?
His entire life is passing him by, and the only way for him to start getting it back is to just have someone who cares enough about him that they give him a half hour of their time.
A vida está a passar-lhe ao lado e a única forma dele recuperá-la é ter alguém que se importe o suficiente e possa dar-lhe meia hora do seu tempo.
I'm always gonna think that you're with him, thinking about him- - - Louis? That's- -
E enquanto tiveres outro homem, vou pensar sempre que estás com ele.
I've heard other mice tell terrible tales about him.
Ouvi outros ratos contarem histórias terríveis sobre ele.
So what about him?
E quanto a ele?
Once they knew that, they knew everything about him, including his best friend, Amir.
Uma vez que eles soubessem isso, sabiam tudo sobre ele, incluindo o seu melhor amigo, Amir.
What about him?
E ele?
I haven't seen him since he left home happily singing about his friendship with you.
Não o vejo desde que saiu de casa a cantar alegremente sobre a sua amizade contigo.
Ann-Marie Bowen asked to see him, and I wanna make sure it wasn't about someone who didn't make it into the book.
A Ann-Marie Bowen queria vê-lo, quero ver se não será por alguém ignorado no registo.
Now, I was about to come home to pick up Hank to take him to get his vaccination shots.
Agora, eu estava prestes a ir a casa buscar o Hank para ser vacinado.
And then, I wrote about... I just thought I'd tell him about the good and bad things in my life, and the things I did well and didn't do well.
Depois, pensei em falar-lhe sobre as coisas boas e más na minha vida, e aquelas que fiz e não fiz bem.
Tell him about the other guy...
Fale-lhe sobre o outro tipo...
And if you're thinking about knocking him over, a couple of jokers tried that a year ago.
Se estiveres a pensar em eliminá-lo, alguns palhaços tentaram isso há um ano.
Did you talk to him about the firehouse?
Falaste com ele sobre o quartel?
The whole time I was working, I didn't worry about what Tara was doing with... him, which meant the first time in my life,
Enquanto estive a trabalhar, não me preocupei com o que a Tara estava a fazer com ele.
So if word were spreading, I wouldn't be finding out about it from him.
Se a notícia se estivesse a espalhar, não ia ficar a sabê-lo por ele.
You let me worry about him.
Eu preocupo-me com ele.
What are you talking about? After you told him I was involved with this thing, he called me and asked if I could do something about his friend Kevin.
- Quando lhe falaste do meu envolvimento, ele perguntou se eu podia ajudar o Kevin.
The reason Joshua came to town is that I told him about you- - about us.
O Joshua só veio à cidade por eu ter-lhe contado sobre ti. Sobre nós.
I told him... I couldn't marry him while I felt this way about another man.
Disse-lhe que não me podia casar com ele, enquanto sentisse isto por outro homem.
Yeah, and you're about to let him slide right in.
- Foi isso que te disseram? - Sim, e está prestes a deixá-lo entrar.
I was about here, I'd just landed here, and I yelled at him, uh,
Eu estava mais ou menos aqui, tinha acabado de chegar e gritei-lhe :
Tell him I will start directing this myself in about five minutes. Tell him now.
Diz-lhe que dentro de 5 minutos eu própria começo a realizar isto.
All I did was ask him about storybooks, and he gets all mad at me.
Só lhe perguntei sobre livros de história e ele ficou doido.
I told him some story about you taking me to the hospital, but he's not buying it.
Dei-lhe uma história sobre tu me levares ao hospital, mas não acredita.
Did you know his lawyer, who I understand is now also your lawyer, paid someone to get him out of here? I don't know anything about it.
Sabia que o advogado dele, que pelos vistos é seu advogado, pagou a alguém para o tirar daqui?
And I must have been talking about it in my sleep, because he asked me about it today, so I told him the accident part, and then we got in a fight.
Devo ter falado durante o sonho porque ele perguntou-me sobre isso. Contei-lhe da parte do acidente e depois discutimos.
- I asked him if he even felt bad about the guy he hit.
Perguntei-lhe se ele se sentia mal por causa do tipo em quem bateu.
He's been saying it for 12 years. And he finally found someone who cares enough about the truth to help him find her. How dare you?
Ele já o diz há 12 anos, e finalmente encontrou alguém que se importa o suficiente com a verdade para o ajudar a encontrá-la.
She flipped out on him and he gave her some bullshit sob story about how the returns were running dry.
Ela passou-se com ele e ele contou-lhe uma história de treta, que os lucros estavam a secar.
So Tony tells him about our thing.
Então o Tony falou-lhe da nossa coisa.
Well, I was wondering, uh, maybe you heard something about who popped him.
- Bem, estava aqui a imaginar... Talvez tenha ouvido alguma coisa sobre quem o matou.

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