It's over for you Çeviri Portekizce
461 parallel translation
That's right, but unless you have it for me... I'm afraid I'll have to take the circus over to raise the money. I'm in an awful spot.
Pois foi, mas a menos que mos dês, terei de assumir o comando do circo para obter o dinheiro.
- It's over for all of us you, me and George.
- Acabou para todos nós para ti, para mim e para o George.
When you ache all over, that's dames, brother. There ain't no cure for it either.
Quando tudo dói, é por causa de uma mulher e isso não tem cura.
It's over for you, kiddo.
Para ti acabaram, miúda.
Let's just be grateful it's over for you at last, and you can come home.
Agora, vais voltar a casa.
It's pretty hard for me to get the shakes over the likes of you because I've known you since you were no bigger than a shucked oyster.
Para mim é muito difícil assustar. Porque te conheci quando não levantavas um palmo do chão.
That thing's been buried for over a year. You don't really think it's gonna shoot, do you?
Essa coisa está enterrada há um ano, não acha que ela vai disparar, acha?
Yes, sir, I've been thinking it over, and when I called you a reactionary, that's merely my generation's term for your generation.
Sim, senhor, pensei muito nisto, e quando o chamei reaccionário, é meramente um termo da minha geração para a sua.
If I do not extract the plan you have been building step by painful step for the last year, my life, well, it's over.
Se eu nao lhe sacar o plano que tem elaborado, passo a doloroso passo, ao longo do último ano, a minha vida, bem, finda-se.
Acha que é possível um homem saltar um portão como este?
It's all over for you now.
Acabou-se tudo para ti agora.
All right, Mr. Smart, it's all over for you.
Muito bem, Mr.Smart, está tudo acabado para si.
If I'm satisfied... then for you it's all over.
Se eu ficar satisfeito então poderei libertá-lo.
It's silly, I know, but I haven't seen you for over six months.
É tolice, eu sei, mas não te via há mais de seis meses.
It's kind've of hard for me to hear you with those covers over your heard.
Custa-me perceber-te, com os cobertores a taparem-te a cara.
Well, now that it's all over, I just had to phone you and tell you how much I admire the plucky fight you put up for that sweet little firehouse.
Agora que tudo acabou precisava dizer-lhe... o quanto admiro a batalha que encarou pela casa.
You know it's been over between you two for ages.
Tu sabes que está tudo acabado entre vocês dois, há muito.
It's over for you!
Acabou para ti.
As soon as the deal's over, I'll see that there is 20 % in it for you.
Se eu fechar o negócio, você leva 20 %.
[Buck Over Intercom] Not if it's important to you :
Não se isso for importante para si.
For now until it's over, it'll be my job to take care of you and your family.
Até isto acabar, o meu trabalho é cuidar de si e da sua família.
And i expect her to stand by it. She said $ 5, and carry the 2, that's 12... All that's left over is for you.
Isto dá doze tudo o que sobra é a tua gorjeta.
Can you see it breathing? It's been dead for over 4,000 years, but it's still breathing.
Está coisa está morta há 4 mil anos, e ainda respira.
The damn case starts tomorrow, and already it's over for you.
O caso só começa amanhã, e para ti já acabou.
You give him a trash bag, and he's quiet for a couple of hours, and then it starts all over again.
Com um saco de lixo, ele fica quieto umas horas e depois começa outra vez.
Devon, you said it yourself. If I don't get these charges cut loose at the preliminary hearing, and I'm bound over for trial, that prosecutor's gonna go over my past with a magnifying glass.
Tu mesmo disseste que se eu não arrumar o caso na audiência preliminar e tiver de ir a julgamento, o procurador vai investigar o meu passado à lupa.
You did well to avoid our hit men, but now it's all over for you.
Conseguiram escapar aos nossos atiradores, mas agora, acabou-se.
So, I think it's best for all of you to go back to your homes until this thing blows over.
O melhor é irem para casa até a poeira assentar.
If you're Jewish, you cry, you sit, you eat for seven days, you put on ten pounds, and it's over.
Se for judia, chora, senta e come durante sete dias,.. ... engorda cinco quilos, e acabou-se.
I know it's impossible for you to see over that mound of flesh between your neck and your knees, but trust me, your foot is in my face.
Sei que é impossível veres por cima do monte de carne entre o teu pescoço e os joelhos, mas tens o pé na minha cara.
It's all over for you, White.
Acabou, White.
- You mean it's all over for us?
- Quer dizer que acabou tudo para nós?
And as for you, you little pain-in-the-neck... you better not come crawling back to me, because now it's over!
E você, sua chata... é maior não vir rastejando, porque acabou!
Sign it or it's over - for you and your family!
Assina ou estás acabado. Tu e a tua família!
The Police Department has the authority to shut this down and that is what we are doing and I apologise to you for having to move your equipment out but it's over as of now.
A polícia tem autoridade para interromper a filmagem... e é o que faremos. Peço desculpas... por terem de tirar o equipamento daqui, mas agora acabou.
The minute you stop thinking there's someone for you, it's over, isn't it?
Quando deixas de pensar que existe alguém, a vida deixa de fazer sentido, não é?
If they think for one minute that you're undependable, it's over.
Se não confiarem em ti, acabou-se.
Look, it's all over for Louie, and, Russ, you're slipping...
Escutem, o Louie está acabado e, Russ, estás a ir-te abaixo.
It's over for you!
Vai ser o teu fim!
Listen, if it's not too much trouble could you pass me that paper over there?
Se não for pedir demais passas-me aquele jornal?
- Thank you. I don't think it's a good idea for you to start running around - all over New York City all by yourself.
Não é boa idéia andares sozinha por Nova lorque.
Now, the one thing you've gotta be ready for is how the man changes into a completely different person five seconds after it's over.
Agora aquilo para que tens de estar preparada, é para a forma como os homens passam a ser outra pessoa, totalmente diferente, cinco minutos depois de acabar.
They say all it is is you go over to their apartment and you take them out for a walk and you get a cup of coffee and it's supposed to make them feel good.
- Que tens de fazer? Segundo eles, vamos até casa dos velhinhos e, sei lá levamo-los a passear, tomamos um café... e isso fá-los sentirem-se melhor.
Well, he's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog. - Well, replace the word "kinda" with the word "repeatedly"... and the word "dog" with "son." - You did?
- A sério?
It's over for you.
Acabou pra ti.
It's over for you.
Whatever you did, I'm sure that you're sorry, so it's cool now. It's over.
Seja o que for, tenho a certeza que estás arrependido, por isso não há azar.
What's so good about it is that it stretches forward over the handlebars if you need it.
O melhor é que cobre o guiador, se for necessário.
It's hard for me to clean this giant pot when you keep spilling meat tenderizer all over me.
É difícil limpar esta panela gigante, se continuam a despejar molho de carne em cima de mim.
You're gonna get the procedure up to us, whatever it is... and we're gonna go over it step by step, so there's no foul-ups.
Vão-nos mandar o procedimento, seja ele qual for... e nós vamos analisá-lo passo por passo, para que não hajam falhas.
You realize it's over for you, Cutler.
Sabe que a sua carreira acabou, Cutler.
it's over 4654
it's over there 188
it's overrated 21
it's over here 95
it's over now 198
it's overwhelming 31
it's over between us 35
it's over for me 34
for you 2938
for your information 371
it's over there 188
it's overrated 21
it's over here 95
it's over now 198
it's overwhelming 31
it's over between us 35
it's over for me 34
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your 26
for your safety 30
for your mother 31
for your time 16
for your own safety 97
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your 26
for your safety 30
for your mother 31
for your time 16
for your own safety 97