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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / It would have

It would have Çeviri Portekizce

12,450 parallel translation
It would have been difficult to get a ladder up here.
Seria difícil trazerem para aqui uma escada.
It would have rotted away by now.
Já teria apodrecido.
If people knew how smart I was, it would have been harder to control them.
Se soubessem como era esperta teria sido mais difícil controlá-los.
- I'm not saying it would have helped.
- Não digo que teria ajudado.
It would have been better.
Teria sido melhor.
" It would have given the theater some advertising.
E daria uma enorme projeção ao teatro...
It would have been terrible for you, you know?
Teria sido terrível para si, sabe?
It would have been fine, until Nate Orton started asking questions.
Eu estava bem, até o Nate Orton começar a fazer perguntas.
It would have been two years ago next month.
Faria dois anos no mês que vem. Falávamos sobre marcar uma data.
It would have been two years next month.
Faria dois anos no mês que vem.
If it was Sikes who had come to help us catch Porter, this would have been over the first day.
Se tivesse sido o Sikes a vir ajudar-nos a apanhar o Porter, isto teria acabado no primeiro dia.
If you thought you could save the world, but nobody would know it and you might have to give your life in doing it, would you do it?
Se pensasses que podias salvar o mundo, mas ninguém saberia e poderias ter que dar a tua vida, fá-lo-ias?
It would have meant such a lot to him to see you one last time.
Seria importante para ele ver-te pela última vez.
I thought it would be good for you to have some thinking time.
- Pensei que seria bom para você para ter algum tempo para pensar.
She would have loved it.
Teria gostado muito.
I really would love to watch a movie with you... It's just, I have to be up at like 6 : 00... To help my mom, that's not a line.
Adoraria ver o filme contigo, mas tenho de levantar-me às 06h00, para ajudar a minha mãe.
I think if it was in something processed like corned beef, the bacteria would have had a far wider reach by now.
Desculpe incomodar tão cedo, mas tenho de visitar a família da Sra. Su e gostaria de levar a Enfermeira Mount. - Há novidades? - Não acerca da Sra. Su.
Would it have killed you to sit down for five minutes and eat the whole thing?
Pai! Estava só à espera que o autoclave acabasse.
Would you let me have a look, and perhaps put some arnica on it?
- Estou mesmo aflita, mãe.
Next time, it would behoove you to have actual evidence.
Para a próxima, seria bom para vocês que tivesse provas concretas.
If it had been a bit further away, would that have been a deal breaker?
Se fosse um pouco mais longe, teria sido um obstáculo?
Had you seen it the night of our date, I would have honestly explained it to you.
Se tivesse visto durante o nosso encontro, eu teria-te honestamente explicado.
Well, my father is a very practical man, but he hasn't suggested any alternative, so I have to assume that he believes, from a practical perspective, that it would be a waste of his time to think about it.
Bem, o meu pai é um homem muito prático, mas não sugeriu nenhuma alternativa, logo, devo supor que ele acredita, sob uma perspectiva prática, que seria uma perda de tempo pensar nisso.
If you wanted to kill me, you would have... you would have done it down in the creek.
Se querias matar-me deverias... Deverias tê-lo feito lá no riacho.
It's regrettable as I stand before you, Your Honor, that we have not coordinated our efforts as well as we would have liked.
É lamentável ficar diante do Meritíssimo, enquanto lhe digo que não coordenamos os nossos esforços tão bem como gostaríamos.
I'd have to say it would be virtually impossible.
Devo dizer que seria virtualmente impossível.
I think that it would be reasonable to assume that... that could have some impact.
Acho que seria razoável assumir que isso teria um certo impacto.
I know we can win this war because I have stood alongside your King Eventine and, as fate would have it,
Sei que podemos ganhar esta guerra, porque estive ao lado do vosso rei Eventine.
It would not have helped if you knew.
Não ajudaria saberem.
Oh, you thought it would soften the blow? - To have it come from my own blood?
Achaste que seria mais fácil ouvir isto do meu filho?
Would you mind holding it for us so we can have a photograph for the gazette?
Importa-se de segurá-lo para nós podermos tirar uma para a gazeta?
And they would never have sold it.
E eles nunca a teriam vendido.
- They would have wasted it on a lost cause.
Ou tê-la-iam desperdiçado numa causa perdida.
So I had this new idea for-for my photography that I was gonna take a picture of everything that I owned so it would be a self-portrait of myself through the stuff that I have.
Tive uma ideia nova para a minha fotografia. Ia tirar uma fotografia a tudo o que tenho para fazer um auto-retrato de mim mesma através das coisas que tenho.
You're a big man... how would you know what it feels like... to have hopes shattered.
É um grande homem. Como havia de saber o que é ver as suas esperanças destruídas?
If it were legal Sign marriage certificate With an rifle, He would have signed.
Se fosse bom assinar uma certidão de casamento com uma carabina, ele teria assinado.
Yeah well, listen, if it was really that important, you would have gotten here earlier.
Se fosse assim tão importante, teria vindo mais cedo.
Probably would have made it too, if he got help in time.
Sim. Provavelmente, teria sobrevivido, se tivesse sido socorrido a tempo.
If I'd been brave enough, I would have done it myself.
Se tivesse sido corajosa, tê-lo-ia feito sozinha.
And would you believe it, Mr Barghati, he doesn't even have a driving license?
Sr. Barghati, acredita que ele nem sequer tem carta?
Had I known you were susceptible to mind control, I would have tried it years ago.
Soubesse eu que eras susceptível ao controlo da mente, já o teria tentado há anos.
If you'd had the temerity to publish it, maybe the U.N. would have sent in its Peacekeepers months earlier.
Se tivesses a audácia de a publicares, talvez as NU tivessem enviado os capacetes azuis, um mês antes.
Any idea who would have access to it?
Alguma ideia de quem tenha acesso a isso?
All of the beauty you and i have made in this place, the art of it, they would have destroyed it.
Toda a beleza que tu e eu criámos neste sítio, a sua arte, eles tê-la-iam destruído.
Plus, I guess, Cliff thought it would be a good idea for the case to have that sort of you know, continuity.
Além disso, suponho eu, o Cliff achou que seria boa ideia o caso ter esse tipo de sabe, continuidade.
I ever thought I would have in my professional career, but it's been brought to my attention that we have an ongoing situation in the washroom.
Mas fui informado de que temos um problema recorrente na casa de banho.
It's a wonderment, but I have not yet found a woman who would put up with me.
É de pasmar, mas ainda não consegui encontrar uma mulher capaz de me aturar.
It would be an easy thing to have someone ride out to take a measure of the marshland?
Seria fácil mandar alguém a cavalo avaliar o pântano.
The instruments in it will prove useful, more useful than the doctor himself probably would have.
Os instrumentos que aqui estão serão úteis, mais úteis do que o médico provavelmente seria.
So I suppose what we ought to do is ensure that the fort is not conquerable, which, as good fortune would have it, is what I'm doing.
Portanto suponho que o que temos de fazer é assegurarmo-nos que o forte não é conquistado, o qual, com muito boa sorte, é o que tenho feito.
What is it you would like to have him take from you?
O que quer que ele lhe tire a si?

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