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It would help Çeviri Portekizce

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Our real estate agent said it would help sell the house, give it a "home for the holidays" vibe.
O nosso agente imobiliário disse que ajuda a vender se dermos à casa um ar natalício.
Well, it would help if he had basic knowledge of photographic principles- - I mean, knowing how light and heat affect pigment.
Ajudaria se tivesse conhecimento de princípios fotográficos... conhecimento em como a luz e o calor afectam o pigmento.
It would help the search dogs to pick up her scent.
Ajudaria os cães de busca a "apanhar o cheiro".
I know you sent some stuff over to quantico, but it would help us if we could interview the roommate ourselves. We have her downtown now.
Sei que mandou todo o material para o Quântico, ajudaria se pudessemos entrevistar pessoalmente a colega da vítima.
It would help if we knew what we were dealing with, the contaminant.
Era bom conhecermos a causa do contágio.
It would help me out a lot.
Dava-me imenso jeito.
I would let you cut open and serve as it would help me....
- Poderia abrir-te e colocar-te nesta bandeja se me pudesses ajudar, sacerdote?
I think she hoped it would help me, you know, get a job here.
Acho que ela esperava que me ajudasse, sabe, a conseguir um emprego aqui.
That woman would mortgage her home to every snake doctor taking credit cards if she thought it would help find her niece.
Essa mulher hipoteca a casa, para qualquer Dr. malicioso, roubava cartões de crédito, se ela pensasse, que isso a ajudava a encontrar a sobrinha.
Please. It would help me.
Por favor, iria me ajudar.
You know. This couscous, your project, I thought it would help a little,
Sabes, pensei que o teu cuscuz, o teu projecto pensei que podia compor as coisas.
When that didn't work, I told her it would help me win you back.
Quando isso não funcionou, disse-lhe que me ajudava a conquistar-te de novo.
Because she thought it would help or something.
Porque ela pensou que poderia ajudar.
Frank, I know it ain't easy, but it would help a lot if you'd press charges.
Frank, sei que não é fácil, mas ajudaria imenso se apresentasses queixa.
Well, no, unless it would help, and then, well,
Não, a menos que ajudasse, e então...
It would help if we didn't sit around all day drinking the stock.
- Talvez se não bebesse o dia todo.
I'm sure it would help with the confusion.
De certeza que ajudaria a sua confusão.
It would help us to at least know if we're on the right track.
Quer dizer, vivíamos juntos. Fomos à faculdade de medicina juntos.
It would help ifyou were straight with me as things progress.
Eu agradecia que fosse honesta comigo, à medida que tudo decorrer.
Okay, well, he's unshaven here, so maybe if you tried to picture him clean-shaven, it would help you.
Aqui está com a barba por fazer, por isso, imagina-o de barba feita.
Yeah, well, it would've been nice of him to at least offer a little help.
Sim, bem, teria sido um gesto de cortesia ter-se oferecido pelo menos para ajudar.
Would it help if our music was better?
- Ajudava se a música fosse melhor?
Would it help to cuddle?
Ajudaria se eu te abraçasse?
- The whole idea was that I would help facilitate the growth of so much marijuana that the D.E.A. And all the agencies of the United States would never be able to destroy it at the rate I would help create it, and that, ultimately, I - - one man - - would neutralize the work of the
A idéia era que eu ajudaria a facilitar a criação de tanta maconha que o D.E.A. e todas as agências dos EUA nunca conseguiriam destruir da forma que eu ajudei a criar, e esperava que eu, apenas um homem, pudesse neutralizar o trabalho
It would be part of his servitude to clean his house, help abduct girls, bury the bodies, get supplies, and plant the roses.
Fazia parte do trabalho dele limpar a casa, ajudar nos raptos, enterrar os corpos, fazer compras e plantar rosas.
Would it help if I puked?
- Ajudaria se eu vomitasse?
It would really help them both.
Isso iria ajudá-los aos dois.
I knew at once the fate that would help me to the top had come and if I ever went down it would be a steep fall.
Eu sabia de cara que o destino me ajudaria chegar até ao topo. Mas se eu falhasse lá, cairia profundamente.
It seems like it is impossible to establish peace and order... a newly formed government in New Delhi can not offer any help that would be led to the end of bloodshed.
Milhares de refugiados inocentes dos dois lados da fronteira... no estado de Punjab, foram mortos.
If it were me, I would take all the help I could get.
Eu cá arranjava toda a ajuda possível.
Packing, so it would really help me out if you would... Good morning. Hey, hey, hey, good morning.
Bom dia.
Would it help if I told you that those statues you collected for Winters were shooting these things at me and Raph?
Será que ajuda se disser que as estátuas que recolheste para o tal Winters, andavam a atirar estas coisas a mim e ao Raph?
Would it help if I gave you the pose?
Ajudaria se eu te fizesse a posição?
We wοuld lονe it and cherish it completely. And we wοuld... We would help you raise it.
Dar-lhe-íamos muito amor e carinho e ajudávamos-te a criá-la.
"Just in case Janine has her back turned or something and can't read the sign..." "It would really be a big help if we could get you to yell out :"
" No caso de a Janine estar de costas, e não veja esta faixa, seria uma grande ajuda se pudessem gritar :
So, if you could help me out, I sure would appreciate it.
Assim, se me puderes ajudar ficar-Te-ia deveras agradecido.
You know, if you'd let Peter help you, it would hurt less.
Sabe, se deixasse o Peter ajudar, magoaria menos.
It used to be, people would come to the collegia for help, for justice, for money, for a marriage or a funeral when they needed it, extra grain when the dole was short.
Antes, as pessoas abordavam os colégios para pedir ajuda, justiça, dinheiro, para casamentos ou funerais, quando precisavam de mais cereais quando a distribuição era escassa.
Would it help if I was with you?
Se eu fosse contigo, ajudaria?
Would you come with me, help me pick it out?
Importas-te de vir comigo e ajudar-me a escolher?
You know, it would really help if you...
Ajudava-me, se tu...
Just thought it would help out.
Achei que ia ajudar.
Would it help if I got on and gave an impassioned speech about my destiny?
Ajudaria se começasse um discurso desapaixonado sobre o meu destino?
It would be almost impossible for him to quit without help.
Será quase impossível para ele parar sem ajuda.
It would take all the help of all of our allies and, probably most of our enemies too, but this is our best option.
Tomaria toda a ajuda de todos nossos aliados e, provavelmente a maioria de nossos inimigos também, mas esta é nossa melhor opção.
There's about a 25 % chance you'll be able to help him. But I'm not sure that it would do Randy any good to, you know, to...
Há 25 por cento de hipóteses de poderes ajudá-lo, mas não sei se seria bom para o Randy saber...
That night when he discovered him... most desperately in need ofhis help... he gave it to him... as a loving brother would.
Naquela noite, quando o encontrou muito necessitado da sua ajuda ele ofereceu-a, como um irmão querido faria.
If I ever killed somebody, would you help me get away with it?
Se eu tivesse matado alguém, ajudar-me-ias a escapar?
- It would really help us.
- Seria uma grande ajuda.
Oh. Uh, if it would be all right, I would like to go help my mother.
Se achares bem, gostaria de ajudar a minha mãe.
If I thought confessing to these crimes would help save her, I'd do it.
Se eu achasse que confessar estes crimes, ajudava a salvá-la, confessava.

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