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Killed it Çeviri Portekizce

7,644 parallel translation
- Was I fair? - You were and I killed it, so...
- Tratei-te justamente?
We got it all wrong and they killed it.
Percebemos tudo mal e eles mataram-no.
That is until they killed it.
Isto é, até que o mataram.
- They killed it, Mom.
- Eles mataram-no, mãe.
- They killed it again, Mom.
- Eles mataram-no outra vez, mãe.
In fact, I auditioned for "Hamlet" in high school, and I killed it.
Até fiz audições para "Hamlet" no ensino secundário - e arrasei.
Killed it with his charge blade.
Matou-o com a sua espada carregada.
Well, I'm sorry to tell you that it probably will unless you can tell us where Keith was when Miss Ferrara was killed.
Lamento dizer que deve acontecer, a não ser que me digas onde é que o Keith estava quando a Menina Ferrara foi morta.
So unless you cheated on him, stole from him, or killed somebody, it seems to me the two of you should be able to get past whatever it is you did do.
Então, a menos que o tenhas traído, lhe tenhas roubado, ou morto alguém, parece-me que vocês dois devem ser capazes de superar o que aconteceu.
Manning either skimmed from this crew and got killed for it, or they got him somewhere trying to get their money back.
De duas uma, ou apanharam-no e mataram-no por isso, ou prenderam-no para reaver o dinheiro.
I think Molly saw you selling to the other girls, she called it cheating, threatened to turn you in for the dealing, so you killed her.
A Molly viu-te a vender para as outras miúdas, considerou isso uma batotice e ameaçou denunciar-te por tráfico,
It was kind of like when you killed off Derrick Storm'cause you were bored.
É como quando mataste o Derrick Storm porque estavas entediado.
It's kill or be killed.
É matar ou ser morto.
I don't know, but I have a feeling that Patel saw it and it's what got him killed.
Não sei, mas pressinto que o Patel o viu e foi isso que o matou.
I don't know, but whatever it is, it's what got Warner killed.
Não sei. Mas seja o que for é o que levou à morte do Warner.
But it would've gotten Professor Whistler killed.
Mas podia ter morto o Professor Whistler.
I know it hurts, but there is nothing you can say that's gonna convince me that you killed that woman.
Sei que magoa, mas nada que digas vai convencer-me que mataste aquela mulher.
He thought you were wearing them when you killed her, but the sizes are wrong, and the bloodstain pattern suggests it was worn by someone who committed a stabbing murder.
Ele achou que estavas a usa-las quando a mataste, mas os tamanhos são diferentes, e a mancha de sangue sugere que foi vestido por alguém que matou com uma faca.
You said it yourself : 70 % of female murder victims are killed by men they know.
Tu mesma disseste, 70 % das mulheres vitimas de assassinato são mortas por homens que elas conhecem.
It's believed that the police opened fire.. .. in order to save Radha Mathur, and Sooraj was killed in the fire.
Dizem que a polícia abriu fogo a fim de salvar Radha Mathur e Sooraj foi morto.
Her trauma could stem from having killed her family, or it could be an act.
O trauma pode vir de matar a família, ou pode estar a fingir.
This is where you killed your victims, isn't it?
Foi aqui que matou as suas vítimas, não foi?
As I was saying, I finished the reconstruction, and as it turns out, your victim wasn't killed by a bullet.
Como estava a dizer, acabei a reconstrução e parece que a nossa vítima não foi morta por uma bala.
Narrow it down to sons who killed their fathers.
Reduz a filhos que mataram os seus pais. É isto.
Once, but it almost killed me.
Uma vez, mas isso quase matou-me.
Gibbs, this painting is a fake and it was hung on the wall after Lieutenant Pine was killed.
Gibbs, este quadro é falso e foi pendurado na parede Depois do tenente Pine ser morto.
She confirmed it was in the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad at the time when Khosa was killed.
O quadro estava na embaixada dos EUA em Islamabad quando o Khosa foi morto.
It means that someone is deliberately getting people killed, hijacking their souls and turning them into transmitters.
Significa que alguém está a matar deliberadamente pessoas, a raptar as almas delas e a fazer delas transmissores.
What does it matter? Because he was killed on a staircase.
Porque ele foi morto numa escadaria.
The way the girl outside tells it, one of your boys came in hot... got his partner killed... and then went some kind of samurai on that son of a bitch over there.
Pelo que a rapariga conta, um dos seus homens chegou, deixou o parceiro morrer e depois armou-se em samurai com o outro filho da mãe.
It started after Wells killed me in the other timeline.
Começou depois do Wells me ter matado na outra linha do tempo.
Damon... After he killed your parents, and you would have shared their fate had it not been for your other uncle.
Depois de ele ter morto os teus pais, tu terias partilhado o seu fado, não fosse o teu outro tio.
Was it Helle Anker who was killed in that truck?
Era a Helle Anker, que estava morta no camião?
Before Morten died, he said that it was his brother who had killed him.
Antes do Morten morrer, disse que tinha sido o irmão que o tinha assassinado.
We don't know when they were killed, but it's definitely possible he did it.
Pode ter tido a oportunidade de cometer os assassinatos entre os turnos que fazia claramente durante o dia todo.
It would seem he read about Helle's murder and killed Christensen for Lise's sake.
Ele pode ter lido sobre o assassinato da Helle, e assassinar o Christensen para impressionar a Lise.
I can't say for sure it was Baitfish, but the same man killed all three victims.
Não posso dizer que foi o Baifish, mas a mesma pessoa matou as três vítimas.
- What are you doing? - It's kill or be killed.
- Que está a fazer?
"And it's quite possible that he's killed a whole slew of other people."
"E é bem possível que ele tenha morto uma série de outras pessoas".
I thought it was caused by the experiment that killed them but then, I got an ID of one of the victims and pfft.
Pensei que eram causados pela experiência que os matou, mas depois consegui identificar uma das vítimas e :
How we missed our intended target and killed 2,000 civilians, how we covered it up.
Como falhamos o nosso alvo e matamos 2 mil civis, e como o encobrimos.
We've killed the bird, we've cooked it, and we've eaten it.
Já matámos a ave, cozinhámo-la e comemo-la.
Even when the stress of it has nearly killed you.
Tu fechaste os olhos a tudo. Mesmo quando a pressão quase te matou.
And francis, who killed His own father, knows it.
E o Francisco, que matou o próprio pai, sabe disso.
And when she upped the price to turn over the video, you killed her and pinned it on your husband.
E quando ela aumentou o preço para entregar o vídeo, matou-a e incriminou o seu marido.
I was in a cocoon, my father's dead, you were nearly killed and Melanie can answer for it all.
Eu estive num casulo... O meu pai morto, Tu quase morta...
She killed Melanie to do it.
Ela matou a Melanie para o fazer.
'Cause seeing you like this, the reporter in me really has to ask, was it really friendly fire that killed them, or were you just having a really bad day?
Porque ver-te assim, a repórter em mim... Têm realmente de perguntar... Foi realmente fogo inimigo que os matou...
What did it feel like... when you killed Julia?
Como é que foi... Quando mataste a Julia?
What did it feel like... when you first killed somebody?
Qual foi a sensação... De quando mataste a primeira pessoa?
What if she planted it there to make it look like someone killed her?
E se ela o deixou lá para fazer parecer que alguém a matou?

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