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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ K ] / Know what i'm saying

Know what i'm saying Çeviri Portekizce

2,041 parallel translation
Do you know what I'm saying? Okay.
Se me deres um minuto...
You know what I'm saying? Hey, big city, come to open up some presents!
- Vamos abrir as prendas.
You know what I'm saying?
Estás a compreender?
I'm just saying, you know, do what you did every night at the club.
Além disso, sabe... Faz o que você sempre faz toda noite no clube.
You know what I'm saying?
Percebes o que te estou a dizer?
This is what I'm saying, you know.
É o que eu estou a dizer.
- Oh, you know exactly what I'm saying.
- Sabe exatamente do que estou falando.
You know what I'm saying?
I don't even know what I'm saying.
Eu nem sequer sei o que estou a dizer.
You know what I'm saying?
Estás a perceber?
You know what I'm saying?
Estás a ver?
Roscoe, I think you know what I'm saying.
Roscoe, acho que sabes o que quero dizer.
You know what I'm saying?
Percebes? Por isso...
I mean, I don't know, you might have a problem with that since, when we was little I would always beat you. You know what I'm saying?
Não sei, poderás ter algum problema com isso, por sempre te vencer quando éramos garotos.
You know what I'm saying?
I think we should have the gangsters. You know what I'm saying?
Acho que devíamos pôr os gangsters,'tás a ver?
You know what I'm saying?
Sabem o que estou a dizer...
You know what I'm saying?
Entendes o que eu digo?
Know what I'm saying?
Entendes o que eu digo?
You know what I'm saying?
Percebes o que quero dizer?
I just stopped by to say hello to you. Just sort of to give you the thumps up of everything. You know what I'm saying.
Vim só cumprimentar-vos e transmitir-vos o meu apoio, percebem?
You know what I'm saying?
But what I'm saying is maybe, you know, you don't have to...
Mas, o que estou a dizer é que talvez não tenhas de...
I had a sponsor to talk to when things got out of hand. You know what I'm saying?
Tinha um amigo para falar, quando as coisas saíam do controle, entendes?
You know what I'm saying? I was in real estate just recently.
Trabalhei no ramo imobiliário.
- You're agreeing with me, but I got called to the principal if you know what I'm saying.
- Está a concordar comigo, mas eu fui chamada ao gabinete da Reitora, se percebe o que quero dizer.
I'm so excited, you know what I'm saying, about doing Tropic Thunder.
Estou muito entusiasmado por entrar em "Tempestade Tropical".
I mean, not without the whole man - You know what I'm saying.
Quer dizer, não sem o homem inteiro. Sabes ao que me refiro.
You know what I'm saying?
Entendes o que quero dizer?
I'm saying, you know, what if this happens again?
E que... e se isto volta a acontecer?
Now you know what I'm saying?
I'm not saying I know what's right or wrong in a situation like this.
Não estou a dizer o que é certo ou errado numa situação destas.
You know what I'm saying, I don't see his dick.
Percebes o que digo? Não vejo a pila dele.
You know what I'm saying? I can't be with her.
- Não posso ficar com ela.
And that's the kind of friend you want, you know what I'm saying?
Caramba, ela tem cá... Uma intensidade silenciosa.
Let's burn this haystack, you know what I'm saying?
Vamos queimar todo o palheiro, entende o que quero dizer?
You're too young for one, too far north for the other, - you know what I'm saying?
És jovem demais para uma e estás muito a Norte da outra, percebem?
You'd think this humdinger would have one of them sonar deals to track our course straight from the start. You know what I'm saying?
Este Hummer devia ter um daqueles sonares para registar o nosso percurso desde o início, percebes?
Feel it with your heart, and know what I'm saying is true.
Sente no teu coração e saberás que é verdade.
You know what I'm saying?
Entendes o que digo?
- Oh, okay. - So I ought to know when I know what I'm saying is what I know what I'm saying.
- Oh, aprovação - assim eu ought saber quando eu sei o que eu estou dizendo é o que eu sei o que euestou dizendo.
I'm just saying, I don't know what part - of the chicken that is.
Eu só estou dizendo, Eu não sei que parte... da galinha é essa.
You know what I'm saying?
sabe do que estou falando?
She is living proof that beauty is not everything, you know what I'm saying?
Percebes o que quero dizer? Quer dizer, é o que sentes por dentro.
I'm sorry, but two Barbies are better than one you know what I'm saying?
Desculpa-me, amigo, mas duas Barbies são... melhores do que uma.
Yeah, look, I meant to say hi to you the other day on the street, but with Harvey, you never know when anybody's anybody, you know what I'm saying?
Ouve, queria cumprimentar-te no outro dia na rua, mas com o Harvey nunca se sabe se as pessoas são mesmo boas, entendes?
Yeah, listen, man, you ever want to dine, I'll take you to a place where you don't have to sit at a counter, you know what I'm saying?
Ouve, meu, se quiseres jantar, levo-te a um sítio onde não tens de te sentar ao balcão, entendes?
I think you know what I'm saying.
Acho que sabes o que estou a dizer.
- you know what I'm saying? - I know what you're saying.
- Estás a perceber o que eu digo?
If you know what I'm saying, boys.
Se é que me entendem, rapazes.
You know what I'm saying.
Sabes o que estou a dizer.

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