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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ M ] / Maybe you can help

Maybe you can help Çeviri Portekizce

1,104 parallel translation
Maybe you can help us convince him.
Quem sabe tu nos ajudes a convencê-lo.
Well, look, now that you've shed some light on Webber's case, maybe you can help me with one of my problems.
Agora que esclareceu o caso do Webber talvez me possa ajudar com um dos meus problemas.
Maybe you can help each other.
Talvez se possam ajudar um ao outro.
Maybe you can help me.
Poderá, certamente, informar-me. Venha ver.
Maybe you can help me.
- Talvez me possa ajudar.
Maybe you can help me.
Talvez pudesse ajudar-me!
But if you are not, then maybe you can help me.
Senão, talvez me possa ajudar.
Ladies and gentlemen, maybe you can help me with this one.
Sras. E Srs., talvez possam ajudar-me nisto.
Well, uh, maybe you can help with this.
Talvez me possas ajudar com isto.
Oh, Al. Maybe you can help me handle this.
Al, talvez me possas ajudar com isto.
Maybe you can help me. If you were my boyfriend, would you like this?
Se fosse meu namorado, ia gostar disto?
Excuse me. Maybe you can help us.
Talvez nos possa ajudar, por favor.
Maybe you can help me then.
Talvez me possas ajudar.
Well, maybe you can help me.
Bom, talvez me possa ajudar.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tem problemas e os encontra, talvez possa contratá-los.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tiver um problema e mais ninguém puder ajudar, talvez possa contratar os Soldados da Fortuna.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Actualmente, ainda procurados pelo Governo... sobrevivem como soldados de fortuna. Se tem algum problema e os encontra, talvez possa contratá-los.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tem algum problema e se os encontra... talvez possa contratá-los.
You know, maybe your fashion designing can help me now.
- Talvez possa me ajudar.
I told Priam maybe you could help him, if anybody can.
Disse ao Priam que talvez o pudesse ajudar, se mais ninguém o fizer.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tiver algum problema e os conseguir encontrar, talvez possa contratá-los.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tiverem um problema, se mais ninguém puder ajudar-vos e se conseguirem encontrá-los, talvez possam contratar os Soldados da Fortuna.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tiver algum problema e mais ninguém puder ajudar... Se os conseguir encontrar talvez possa contratá-los.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tiver algum problema e mais ninguém o puder ajudar... Se os conseguir encontrar talvez possa contratá-los.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tem algum problema e os encontra... talvez os possa contratar.
These men promptly escaped... from a maximum-security stockade... to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government... they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Fugiram da prisão e ainda... hoje são procurados pelo governo.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tiver algum problema e os conseguir encontrar talvez possa contratá-los.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the A-Team.
Se tiver algum problema talvez possa contratá-los.
( Deskey ) We love you, Mel, but... maybe you've already given us all the help we can handle.
Nós adoramos-te, Mel mas... talvez já deste toda a ajuda que poderias nos dar.
- Maybe Charley can help you.
- Talvez o Charlie queira ajudar-te.
Maybe we should set up a date and I can help you hang it.
Talvez devêssemos marcar uma data e eu posso te ajudar a pendurar.
I mean, maybe we can help you.
Talvez possamos ajudá-la.
Maybe you can come over to my place later and help me find a title?
Podias vir a minha casa hoje e ajudar-me a encontrar um?
Ramon I got some shots this morning and maybe they can help you from El Playon.
Ramon... tirei umas fotos hoje e talvez elas ajudem... de El Playon.
Maybe I can help you out, mister. You a tracker?
Em que posso ajudar, senhor.
Maybe I can help you.
Talvez te possa ajudar.
If you've got a problem, maybe I can help.
Se tens um problema, talvez possa ajudar.
Listen, maybe I can help you.
Escute, talvez eu possa ajudá-lo.
Because it's bleeding. And maybe.... Maybe I can help you.
Porque está a sangrar, e talvez... eu possa ajudar.
Sammy, look, as a, uh, fellow studmeister yourself, maybe you can, uh, you know, come on over tonight, help me, you know, just to get margaret in the apartment, get the lights out, then i can, uh, take over myself and then you can, uh, skedaddle.
Sammy, tu como um companheiro garanhão, talvez possas vir esta noite e ajudar-me a levar a Margaret ao apartamento, apagar as luzes e então eu posso assumir e tu vais-te embora.
Now, if you help me, maybe we can, uh...
Se me ajudarem, talvez possamos navegar até à costa antes que exploda.
Maybe she can help you sort things out. Trust me.
Talvez ela possa ajudar-te.
[Inhales Deeply] Maybe I can help you with that.
Talvez possa ajudar-te com isso.
Tell us who this Sato guy is and maybe we can help you.
Diga-nos quem é esse tal Sato e talvez possamos dar uma ajuda.
Because maybe I can help you.
Porque talvez o possa ajudar.
You mind if I take the priest, maybe a couple of the men to the lab see if I can help them out?
Serve-te, Barry.
You know, I can't help thinking that maybe I should stick around, maybe talk to her again.
Não consigo parar de pensar que talvez eu deva ficar por aqui, e talvez falar com ela de novo.
Well, maybe I can help you out.
Talvez eu te possa ajudar.
Well, maybe I can help you.
Bem, talvez eu possa ajudar.
Oh, I'm not the one that needs the help. But maybe I can help you.
Não sou eu que preciso, mas talvez vos possa eu ajudar.
Wait here. Maybe we can help you.
Espera, talvez te ajude.

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