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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ M ] / Maybe you do

Maybe you do Çeviri Portekizce

5,944 parallel translation
- Yeah, I think maybe you do.
Sim, acho que talvez conheça.
Maybe you do have brain damage.
Talvez tenhas algum dano cerebral.
But I've seen that trailer for that new one you got coming out maybe 500 times.
Mas vi umas 500 vezes o trailer do filme novo que vais fazer.
Maybe there's a bigger issue that's making you not like his character, Travis.
Talvez tenhas outras razões para não gostar do personagem dele.
Maybe I do need a shot. No, you don't.
Se calhar vou querer um shot.
Do you think that maybe it had something to do with the aliens?
Acha que, talvez, tenha tido algo a ver com os extraterrestres?
And maybe there's a part of you doesn't want anything to do with it.
E talvez haja um lado teu que não quer nada disso. Não é?
You know, I gotta do this five-second stop, and then maybe we could get a little something.
Tenho de passar por um sítio durante uns cinco segundos e depois talvez pudéssemos ir comer qualquer coisa.
Okay, I don't wanna bother you, But do you maybe have an old map That I could buy from you,
Okay, não te quero incomodar mas talvez tenhas um mapa velho que eu possa comprar, ficarei feliz por to comprar.
Maybe you should've taken a bite out of that pie, Harding.
Talvez devesses ter comido do mesmo prato, Harding.
Last night a friend of mine was shown some disrespect and I thought, you know, maybe you might do something to make things okay.
Ontem á noite, um amigo meu mostrou algum atrevimento e pensei, tu sabes, talvez poderias fazer melhor para correr tudo bem.
And maybe we did not need it or heed it... but you can do without day if you have a lamp quiet lighted and kind in your heart.
E talvez não precisava-mos ou prestamos atenção... mas podes viver o dia se houver uma luz serena e gentil iluminando o teu coração.
Mr. Finkel, do you think he'll kill again, like in prison maybe?
Sr. Finkel, acha que ele vai voltar a matar, talvez na prisão?
Do you think maybe one of us should have stayed at home?
Achas que um de nós deveria ter ficado em casa?
Maybe you're acting out because Daddy hasn't been home a lot this year.
Talvez estejas revoltada com a ausência do teu pai, este ano.
You mean like ballet, or do you mean maybe the dirty kind?
De ballet? Ou do tipo atrevido?
Are you one of those guys that likes to strike up a conversation around closing, and then wants to continue it at a coffee shop, or maybe my apartment or your apartment or a hotel room?
És um daqueles tipos que gosta de começar uma conversa perto do fecho, depois quer continuar a conversar num café.
Do you want to maybe get a drink, Bella?
Queres ir beber um copo, Bella?
Do you want to maybe go up to my room for another drink?
Queres ir até ao meu quarto, beber mais um copo?
I thought maybe you would come to Papa's funeral.
Pensei que fosses ao funeral do Papa.
Well, maybe when you learn how to lighten up, we can do that.
Bem, talvez quando aprenderes a descontrair-te, podemos fazer isso.
Maybe We'll let you and your monkey do the security at some third division football matches.
Quem sabe se tu e o teu cãozinho não vão vigiar jogos de futebol rascas.
Hey, you know, maybe someday, if you wish hard enough, maybe he'll come to life and you guys can do all kinds of drugs together.
Talvez um dia, se desejar muito, ele ganhe vida. E poderão usar todo tipo de drogas juntos.
Hey, Lou, what do you think about, maybe this summer, you know, I come work with you at Lougle?
Lou, o que achas de, talvez este verão, eu ir trabalhar contigo na Lougle?
Dude, do you think we should not do this maybe?
Meu, que achas de não fazermos isto?
Alright, you and Lopsang maybe get together, talk about who want to fix what and where, okay?
Muito bem, tu e o Lopsang podem juntar-se, falam sobre quem vai tratar do quê e onde, está bem?
I've been going and talking to the kids there and they actual helped me raised some of the money to come and... gave me a flag to plant on the Summit and... so, I was thinking maybe it's... they see an... a regular guy can, you know, follow impossible dreams.
Tenho lá ido dar palestras aos miúdos e eles... Ajudaram-me a angariar algum do dinheiro para vir e, deram-me uma bandeira para colocar no cume e... Por isso, estava a pensar que talvez... vissem um... tipo normal que consegue seguir sonhos impossíveis.
Maybe I'm just an optimistic millennial and you're a pessimistic gen X, but I still believe in innocent victims.
Talvez eu seja uma optimista do milénio e você um pessimista da geração X, mas ainda acredito em vítimas inocentes.
Do you ever think maybe you're too big?
Talvez você seja muito grande.
Hey, Four. Maybe do that thing you do?
Quatro, e se fizesses a tua cena?
Hey. Do you want to maybe, I don't know, go somewhere else?
Queres, talvez, ir para outro lado?
Maybe I could help you get into the business mindset of things, yeah?
Bem, eu já produzi alguns dos meus próprios filmes. Talvez eu possa ajudar-te entrar na mentalidade do negócio das coisas, não é?
Maybe I could book you with the Johnson sisters'bachelorette party.
Talvez consigo te arranjar algo na festa das irmãs do Johnson.
So, uh, off the record, do you wanna maybe go grab some dinner?
Então, oficiosamente, queres ir jantar alguma coisa?
So, we're talking about places with very poor working conditions as us normal Americans would experience it, very low wages by our standard, maybe children working places that might not obey local labor laws, but there are characteristics of the ones I want to talk to you about tonight,
Estamos falando de lugares com mas condicoes de trabalho do ponto de vista dos americanos normais, salarios baixos para o nosso nivel, lugares onde as criancas trabalham, que podem violar a legislacao laboral do pais, mas ha caracteristicas-chave do tipo, da qual eu quero falar hoje a noite, Kennedy,
Do you want to put your tissue, maybe under your chair.
- Quer colocar o lenço debaixo da cadeira?
I don't know, do you, maybe we...
Não sei, quer...
I just need to chill out and get to know a guy. You think maybe we could have a do-over?
Tenho de relaxar e conhecer um rapaz.
Uh, do you maybe want to hang out here for a while? You sure I'm not gonna be cramping your style?
Queres ficar aqui durante algum tempo?
Maybe you should take some time away from work.
Talvez te devesses afastar do trabalho durante um tempo.
Do you maybe wanna, like...
You do a little self-defense maybe?
Talvez tenhas aulas de auto-defesa?
But I do know that if you aren't the guy, and you are just you, maybe that's enough.
Mas eu sei... que se tu não és essa pessoa... e se tu és apenas tu... talvez seja o suficiente.
If you want to see the other half of the world, maybe we could start with New York.
Se quiseres ver a outra metade do Mundo, talvez podessemos começar por Nova York.
- Do you think that maybe...
- Achas que talvez...
Maybe they told you you're in serious trouble and there's nothing you can do.
Tem adversários que o intimidam? Devem-lhe ter dito que está metido em problemas e não há nada a fazer.
Maybe what you need to do is just run out.
Talvez só precises de sair daqui.
Maybe it's just more about, like, how much of it you do.
Talvez seja mais sobre, tipo, o quanto tu fazes.
Maybe you can do somethin'with this.
Talvez saibas o que fazer com isto.
I kind of wanna kiss you... but maybe not so soon after saying I would do your parents.
Acabei de te dizer que "curtia" os teus pais...
I thought maybe you could see who came in and out of the apartment.
Achei que talvez pudesses verificar quem é que entrou e saiu do apartamento.

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