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New york times Çeviri Portekizce

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He always said, "Never do nothin you wouldn't want printed... on the front page of the New York Times."
Ele costumava dizer : "Nunca faças nada... que não queiras ver publicado no New York Times."
I don't want you to think I expected the New York Times.
Não quero que penses que estava à espera do New York Times.
That day was a reporter for the New York Times.
Nesse dia, havia junto um jornalista do New York Times.
However, on the other hand, you're not quite ready for The New York Times.
Mas, por outro lado, ainda não estão preparados para o New York Times.
When you get back to town call up the New York Times or whoever you call.
Quando voltares ao centro, telefona ao New York Times, ou a quem seja.
- Our source was The New York Times.
- Soubemos pelo New York Times.
The "New York Times" said that.
Quem diz é o "New York Times".
We could even talk to a guy I know on the New York Times.
Até podíamos falar com um tipo que conheço no "New York Times".
I don't know if the New York Times will go that far out on a limb on the say-so of two flunky cops.
Não sei se o "New York Times" se vai arriscar publicamente só por ouvir dois policiazecos da treta.
It's a "New York Times" - be careful - from 1990.
É um New York Times de 1990.
I read about it in the New York Times.
Eu li sobre isso no "New York Times".
Stop acting like you're on The New York Times.
Deixe de comportar-se como se fosse do "The New York Times".
I read two white mice at Columbia University got diabetes from eating graham crackers. It was in The New York Times.
Li que a dois ratos na universidade... deu-lhes diabetes por comer bolachas.
And if I'm real quick, I can get The New York Times too.
E se for rápido, também me roubei o The New York Times.
It's a good, solid piece of American journalism... that the New York Times doesn't have.
É uma bela amostra de jornalismo à americana... que o New York Times não tem.
- Goddamn New York Times.
- Sacanas do New York Times.
Was the New York Times article accurate?
O New York Times é exacto?
I don't know what it is. But somewhere in this world there's a Kenneth H. Dahlberg. And we've got to get to him before the New York Times does.
Não sei o quê, mas algures existe um tal Kenneth H. Dahlberg... e temos de o apanhar antes do New York Times.
- The New York Times...
- O New York Times...
The New York Times doesn't advertise on our network.
O New York Times não faz publicidade na nossa emissora.
We even got an editorial in the New York Times.
Até o editor do New York Times fala de nós.
The New York Times and the Washington Post... will write editorials.
O New York Times e o Washington Post, escreverão editoriais sobre nós.
Dobkins, this is law business, not newspaper business.
Dobkins, isto um assunto da lei, não de jornal. Como sabe, Adolph S. Ochs é o editor do New York Times.
We plant a story with Time, The New York Times.
Publicamos a historia na Time e no New York Times.
I gotta xerox that New York Times article.
Tenho de fotocopiar o artigo do New York Times.
The New York Times spoke of your "peculiar brand of optimism."
O New York Times fala do seu "estilo peculiar de optimismo".
The New York Times? Yeah. He's connected to Treasury.
Conhece gente no Tesouro.
Soon you'll be indistinguishable from The New York Times.
Pronto parecerá The New York Times.
He could smell the Pulitzer prize... and just see the Washington Post or the New York Times begging him to go back big-time.
Já sentia o cheiro do prémio Pulitzer e imaginava o Washington Post ou o New York Times a implorar-lhe para voltar em grande estilo.
Mr. Walker of the New York Times.
O sr. Walker do New York Times.
Vince Walker, New York Times.
Vince Walker, do New York Times.
Yet the New York Times says he's been arrested.
Mas o New York Times diz que ele foi preso.
We were tired of seeing the world through the New York Times. – We wanted to travel.
Cansámo-nos de ver o mundo através do New York Times e decidimos viajar.
If you think the Wolf Stollers are nice, you've got to get back on American chow and The New York Times.
Se pensas que os Wolf Stollers são maravilhosos, tens de voltar para a comida americana e para o New York Times.
That's New York Times stuff.
É o pessoal do New York Times.
I also had a friend of mine at the New York Times... put Struthers through the police computer.
Também pedi a um amigo do New York Times para verificar o Struthers no computador da Polícia.
We'll set you up with a reporter from the "New York Times"... get the company up against the wall on negotiations.
Iremos pôr-te em contacto com um repórter do "New York Times"... colocaremos a empresa contra a a parede durante as negociações.
In the "New York Times."
No "The New York Times".
The guy that wrote it, from the "New York Times."
O fulano que escreveu isso, no "New York Times".
Did you tell the company about the "New York Times"?
Contaste à empresa sobre o "New York Times"?
I think you should come on down to Oklahoma City... and bring that reporter from the "New York Times."
Eu acho que devia vir a Oklahoma City... e trazer esse repórter do "New York Times".
If I get hung up at the union meeting... will you pick up Paul Stone and the guy... from the "New York Times" at the airport?
Se ficar presa no encontro sindical... vai buscar o Paul Stone e o tipo... do "New York Times" ao aeroporto?
You don't owe the "New York Times" anything.
Não devemos nada ao "New York Times".
Offices of The New York Times.
Escritórios do New York Times.
In 1973, I went to cover this sideshow struggle as foreign correspondent of The New York Times.
Em 1973, fiz a cobertura desta guerra como correspondente.
Going to New York on a business trip a couple of times a year.
um par de viagens de negócios para Nova lorque por ano.
New York Times.
"New York Times".
Adolph S. Ochs is the publisher of the New York Times.
Times Square is happy, New York is happy, the US is happy and the world is at peace.
Times Square, Nova Iorque e os EUA estão felizes e o mundo está em paz.
New York Times probably had it flown in.
O New York Times devia ter.
- Off to see the telex operator? - New York Times goes to bed early.
- Vais ver o "telexista"?

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