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Nice try Çeviri Portekizce

1,717 parallel translation
Nice try, Dash.
Boa tentativa, Dash.
Nice try.
Boa tentativa.
Nice try.
Bela tentativa...
Nice try, Sam, but even if travel between universes was possible, the likelihood of you surviving is...
Bela tentativa Sam, mas mesmo se a viagem entre universos fosse possível, a probabilidade de você sobreviver seria...
- Nice try, Ben.
- Boa tentativa, Ben.
Nice try, Henry.
Tirámos-lhe as impressões digitais, enquanto estava anestesiado.
- Nice try, Carlos. - Huh?
Boa tentativa, Carlos.
Well, nice try, but guess what?
Bem, boa tentativa, mas adivinha?
Nice try, Clark.
Bela tentativa, Clark.
Nice try, Mr. Harriston.
Boa tentativa, Sr. Harriston.
You're bleeding. Nice try.
Você está a sangrar.
Nice try, Turkleton.
Boa tentativa, Turkleton.
Nice try, Earl.
Boa tentativa, Earl.
Nice try, Turkleton, but the medical staff is shorthanded, what with Gloria on bed rest.
Boa tentativa, Turkleton, mas estamos com pouco pessoal, com a Gloria de cama.
Nice try. She was witnessed fleeing the scene, covered in blood weapon in hand.
Bem tentado.
Hey, nice try, Edgar.
Boa tentativa, Edgar.
Yeah, nice try.
Pois, boa tentativa.
Nice try, Al.
Boa tentativa, Al.
- Nice try, Enzo... but your name also came up on the auction site that was selling jewelry from the graves.
Pois, mas o teu nome também surge ligado a sites de leilões de jóias de sepulturas.
Nice try, Miss Lane...
Boa tentativa, menina Lane.
- Oh, nice try.
- Boa tentativa.
Heh, nice try.
Boa tentativa.
Nice try.
- Isto é ridículo.
- Nice try. Okay.
Está bem.
Oh, nice try, Timmy.
Bela tentativa, Timmy.
Nice try, Harold.
Nice tentar, Harold. -
Nice try dragging your kid in here, trying to use her for damage control.
Boa tentativa em arrastar a tua filha para aqui para controlo de danos.
Yeah, nice try.
Sim, boa tentativa.
Nice try. You're not a virgin.
Boa tentativa.
- Nice try.
- Anda, anda!
- Nice try.
- Boa tentativa.
- Nice try though.
- Por isso pode começar.
Nice try, but I saw your license plate and I've been tipped off.
Bela tentativa, mas vi a vossa matrícula e fui informado.
Michael. Nice try.
Michael, boa tentativa.
Nice try, though. We drive for the drop and go our separate ways, you ditch the car.
Vamos dirigir até ao local de entrega e separar-nos, e tu livras-te do carro.
Nice try, Ron.
Boa tentativa, Ron.
Hey, nice try, Caine.
Boa tentativa, Caine.
They try to be nice, but if they do not.
Tentam ser simpáticos, quando a verdade, não querem ser.
Don't try to be nice, Tommy. I know why you're here.
Não tentes ser simpático, Tommy.
Pft, nice try.
Boa tentativa.
I don't know. And try and be nice to Malcolm.
E tenta ser simpática para o Malcolm.
OK, as your friend and agent, may I simply suggest that you maybe try to start looking for a nice girl?
Como teu amigo e agente, posso simplesmente sugerir que comeces, talvez, a procurar uma boa rapariga?
Everyone try to be nice because we have a new student joining us today and I know you'll all make him feel welcome.
Tentem ser bacanas porque um novo aluno entrará na turma hoje. E sei que farão com que ele se sinta bem-vindo.
Nice try.
- Boa tentativa.
Nice try!
Boa tentativa.
nice wor you found the subclavian on the first try.
Bom trabalho, encontraste a subclávia à primeira tentativa.
Try being nice for a change.
Tenta ser simpática para variar.
You know, if you want to do something nice for haley, you might want to try investing in a razor.
Se quiseres fazer alguma coisa agradável para a Haley, talvez seja bom investir numa lamina de barbear.
You know, I really was gonna try to be nice to you, but I think that's officially over.
Sabes, eu ia mesmo tentar ser simpática para ti, mas acho que isso está oficialmente acabado.
- Just try to be nice.
- Tenta ser simpática.
Hey, nice fucking try, Nancy Drew.
Boa tentativa, ó Nancy Drew.

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